My Name is Kelly I am 30 Years old, Married to a great guy and I have the MOST adorable daughter named ZOE!  I have been overweight all of my life!  Morbidly Obese at this point in my life!  I have tried every plan known and they all work to loose 30 lbs and then I manage to loose contol and gain it all back plus a few extra along with it... Since having my daughter a true miracle baby!  Because of my weight and Diabetes I had a very difficult time getting pregnant and miscarried very easily.  I found a great doc whom on my first visit said "dont worry I will get you pregnant" I was hooked at that point well he was right along with Clomid my husband and I conceived not ONE but TWO babies, A gril and a boy! The pregnancy was going great..I was feeling better than I had ever felt in my life...Exercising Loosing weight every 2 weeks at my prenatal appiontments and following all the recommendations down to the letter! At 25 weeks with no reason at our regularly scheduled Ultrasound they found that our little boy was not moving and had passed away.  I was placed on bed rest given medications to mature our little girl and told to wait!  I left the house twice a week to spend most of the day at the hospital for checks after many weeks of worry and heart break.  Zoe was born only 4 weeks early!  She was small at 5lbs 2oz but FIESTY!  She was Healthy and we left the hospital togeather!  Now I know you are saying why is she telling me all this!  I dont know why other than I KNOW I WANT TO BE ALIVE FOR HER!  I dont want to cont. gaining weight, suffering with Diabetes, Hurting feet, sore back and all the ailments of being obese..Not to mention I want to play with her and I dont want her to ever be ashamed of having the FAT MOMMY!  I have contacted Dr Northop and have a consultation on March 27,2007..  I am planning on having the LAP-BAND Laproscopic surgery.

About Me
Mar 18, 2007
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3 weeks out!
I have my Date!
Still waiting
Inital visit
