Jun 25, 2007

Well It has been 5 weeks since surgery and I am THRILLED to Announce that I have now lost 38 lbs since the day of surgery!!! 
I get my first fill on July 3rd which pretty much ruins my thought of a GRILLED Turkey dog!  Oh well the fireworks will hopefully be FUN! 
 at8c my sister and fellow bandster is doing great as well she is down 29 lbs and we have been sharing all kinds of receipes with each other she even cooked me dinner tonight!! Chicken quesidilla (spelling?) 
I am working out hard and am so much stronger!! I just feel like a different person!

Follow up!

Jun 18, 2007

Well tomorrow I am going to see my surgeon for my 4 week check up!!  I am excited to find out when I am going to get my first fill!!  This has been a rough week with my least favorite "monthly" Visitor around!  I found that I have been much hungier and find myself wandering into the kitchen more often!! 
I am working out hard and I hope to soon see a loss on the scale again!!!  
4 weeks-33 lbs-

3 weeks out!

Jun 11, 2007

3 weeks post op and feeling GREAT!  I have lost 31 lbs I really cant believe I have lost and I find myself weighing like 4 times daily just to make sure the scale hasn't completely lied to me... 
Today I joined the local Gym and worked out with my trainer Anna.  I am hopeing to prevent saggy skin.. I was watching "BIG MEDICINE" the other night and they showed the surgery to remove the extra skin, Can ya say OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  At8c (my sister) and I did have our surgeries on the same day.. She went first and had a considerable amount of pain due to the STUPID Recovery room nurse who was determined she was going home and was trying to wean her from her morphine too quickly!  Me on the other had a much easier time with the pain,  We did stay in the hospital overnight but it was fun...LIKE A PAJAMA PARTY! Although they wouldn't let us stay in the same room!

I have my Date!

May 01, 2007

Well May 1 finally came and I have my surgery date!!!  MAY 21st and the best part.. My sister at8c has the same date!  I cant Wait, Todays appointments were long we spent the entire day doing different test, but everything was within normal limits so we have been cleared for surgery and alll we have to do is wait the ridiculously (well it will seem like it) long 20 days!!! WISH US LUCK! 

Still waiting

Apr 22, 2007

Well I am still WAITING For May 1st to get here!   It seems like it has been weeks and weeks and still it is not here.  I am trying to journal everything I eat but I am finding that I forget to write things down so my goal this week is to be deligent and write down everything that goes in my mouth!  I am also going to try to cut back on the sodas...Even though I only do diet sodas  I have got to wean myself or this is not going to be pretty after surgery!   I have already successfully started taking Calcium and a multivitamin and have remembered to take it everyday..WOW for me! 
Zoe and I went to the Carnival today and I watched all the average-small moms hop up on the rides with their children and for once I thought maybe I will be able to ride with her, Eventually. (if she wants me, She rode the little cars and she fought me when it was time to get off, she wanted to keep on riding..LOL)

Inital visit

Apr 13, 2007

Hello all! 
Well my consultation went well!  Blood work showed Low Calcium and Low Vitamin D,  No real shocker to me as I am not a big Diary Fan!  My Presurgery appointment is set for May 1st and they will give me a surgery date at that time... I am starting my food journal which is hard for me I find, Its really hard to see wow I eat way too much.   My Sister and I are still wondering what we will be able to eat after surgery what proteins we could possibly eat pureed...Any Help / Ideas are greatly appreciated!  We managed to get the same presurgery appointment and hope to have surgery the same week or even day (that way mom only has to take off one day LOL)  

About Me
Mar 18, 2007
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 6
Follow up!
3 weeks out!
I have my Date!
Still waiting
Inital visit
