Body Pump Certified

May 19, 2009

Oh. My. God. It's 7 am on a Wednesday morning and my phone just rang. Who on God's green earth would be calling me at this time in the morning? I answer the phone. It's my boss Kim from the gym. Guess who is now Body Pump Certified? :) Pinch me? I am beyond words with happiness. I went after this goal - not giving up when I didn't pass last fall and now I've done it. I'm so so so so happy! I got 9/10 on one category and 8/10 on the other and I just am so proud.

Also, I have finally gotten back on track with the weight. I was up to 176 a couple of weeks ago and joined a challenge with a handful of gals from the gym. We pay $5 each to join each month and if you gain, you have to kick in $5 / lb. At the end of each month, the winner takes the pot. Last night? 169.6. I can officially say I have less than 20 lbs to goal :)

I am so happy. Man oh man oh man.

Try try again

Feb 19, 2009

Yesterday, I braved a storm driving to Moncton and back to see Dr B.  Last Monday, after my birthday weekend, the scales at the gym read 176.8. Up almost 25 lbs from my lowest weight at the gym. I thought gaining 20 was shameful; you can imagine how my heart sunk when I read 25! The next day it was down 4 lbs so it wasn't "real" (permanent) but still it was enough for me to realize that things were getting way out of hand. So, off I went to Moncton to see the good Dr and get a little tweak. He put in 1CC and had me drink some water and it seemed a little tight so he backed off .5. I now have 6 CC in my 10CC band.

While I was there, I also got him to refer me to a plastic surgeon here in SJ. I highly doubt that I would ever be able to afford it and there are other things I'd like to spend my money on (my house, vacation) so we'll see. It doesn't hurt to check right? :)

I spoke with Rinette the dietician while I was there and asked her what the best calorie level would be for me at my current weight and with the fact that I exercise an hour to an hour and a half on average. She said 1500 calories would be good. If I found I was not losing, try 1400 and if I am losing well at that level, I could ever go a little higher. I was glad to have that validated as I'm not big on the old 1200 calories that so many people seem to believe in.

Wild ride home -- the visibility was nil at some points and I did pull off an exit twice to clean the wipers. I hope it was worth it :)

This weekend (try try again is not only with the weight loss), I'm off to Fredericton to take the Body Pump course again. I admit I have some doubts about my ability to do this based on my body type (swayed back, rounded shoulders by nature) but I am going to give it my all. This is something I really want to do -- even moreso that I didn't pass it in the fall. The same trainer is coming, Rick, so I'll speak to him right up front and let him know I need extra help. Send some good luck vibes my way ok?

New Year - time to get back to goal

Jan 02, 2009

I can't believe I haven't updated since the Body Pump course was cancelled. Wow! I will be retaking the course Feb 6 - 8 in Ottawa. I have to pay my registration but the gym is paying my airfare and hotel so that's a good thing. I really hope that this time I will be able to conquer this. It has really weighed heavily on me and it was a big thing for me to admit "defeat" and take the course again. Hopefully this time around will be a better outcome.

I got back on track after Christmas (Dec 27th) and I'm happy about that. My goal is to get off the 20 lbs I have gained by the end of March. There is no way on God's green earth I am going to fail at this. I was disappointed that I let myself gain 20 but I can only move forward now and get it off again. I "deserved" the gain as I was eating a lot of crap. Why? Who knows? I did make an appointment to see my counsellor and he explained there is always a "shadow" within us - an alter ego - waiting for us to falter so he / she can pounce back in and take advantage of that weakness. That inner addict will always be within me -- I need to learn how to quash him / her before it gets out of control like it did this time. 

Earlier, I had told myself 5 lbs leeway. Surprisingly, it quickly turned into 10 lbs and then to 20. It's over now though. My friend, Cassandra, from the gym and I have challenged each other to weigh in every Wednesday and be accountable to one another.

Updated my pic after a year. I hate having pics taken  - still do. Had this one done at the hairdresser's the day I got my hair done. That's the only day it would look that good afterall :)

Here's to a New Year -- and getting back to goal and maintaining my weight loss. I'm still very proud to be down 100 lbs from my highest weight.  150, here I come - again :)

Body Pump is off

Oct 29, 2008

Head office decided that because the cost of the flight was going to be over $1000 that they could not justify sending me to Toronto for the Body Pump course. So that's that. Kim says I can go to training in January but I don't know how things would be different then. They also explained they have plenty of Body Pump instructors here already so there is no shortage and therefore no urgency to train me.

No sense in my getting upset about it but it is really disappoining. I won't be able to teach now 'til I take the course in January. I was going to be back on the schedule as of November 13th.

Oh well.

Have to turn this around!

Oct 27, 2008

First, the good news. I am being sent to Toronto on the November 7th weekend to retake the Body Pump course. They have agreed that I do have the qualities required to be a great instructor. I just have to work on the proper form and position. I have to believe that I can do this because failing it a second time? Eek, that would be even more devasting. They are paying for my airfare and accommodations. I had to pay the course fee ($275) and will pay for my food and transportation costs in Toronto. Wish me luck!

The bad news. Last night at the gym, the scales read 160.0. I am up 10 lbs from goal now. I have got to turn this around. I have an appointment with the doctor this Thursday. I haven't seen him in a year. I have to reason out in my head if I am giving this my all. I know I am not but I also wonder if perhaps I am a bit too tight. The last 6-8 weeks I have found even drinking coffee in the morning is a bit of a "feeling" where I never had that before. I also seem to be having increased difficulty eating meats (e.g. chicken and beef). Part of me says it is me being lazy and not chewing enough. After all, how could I "suddenly" get too tight after a full year at this level.

I am not looking forward to the nurse's reaction when she sees I am up 10 lbs. Oh well, it is what it is.  I just have to move forward and start turning this around. I added a new ticker today -- one that will track me from 160 downward to 145. I want to get to 145 so the 5 lbs "leeway" will actually be under goal instead of above. I do not want this to get out of hand. 5 lbs was all I was going to "allow" myself and now I am up 10. I can't let this become like it always was before the lap band. And I won't.

Exercise has been pretty good but I am going to miss my goal this month for the first time this year. I have done 2000+ minutes every month this year and as of tonight I will be at 1600. Yup, I know that's still good but it's a goal missed and add that to failing Body Pump and gaining 10 lbs and it does take it's toll on a person.

I just need to rebuild a little confidence in myself.


Oct 14, 2008

Well, it is hard to update my blog when things have gone to hell in a one-way handbasket but it is what it is. In May, I took a Body Pump course (weekend long training) at my gym (GoodLife). I love this class and teaching it was something I wanted more than anything. Out of about 24 people in the class, I was one of a few (about 4) that got a "pass" vs a "pass withheld" which meant I could start teaching right away. I was so happy!

In the middle of July, I sent in my first DVD audtion after about 6 retakes. 6 weeks later and already on the fall schedule teaching twice / week, I received news that I had not passed. I got 7/10 on form and 6/10 on execution. I needed 7/10 on execution. I had a look at the feedback provided, swallowed my pride and looked to improve on the areas suggested. I was pretty disappointed that I hadn't passed but took the feedback in and aimed to be a better instructor.

A couple of more retakes and I had what I thought was "the one". 2 fellow instructors were there the night I taped and also agreed that this one was "the one". My Regional Director had a look at the DVD and yup, this was the one. 3 weeks later, I heard back (yesterday) and not only had I failed again but this one was actually far worse. This time around I only got a 4/10 on form.

Words can't even describe how I feel. The two classes / week I was teaching effective immediately have to be given to someone else. I am not allowed to teach this class now and if I wanted (past tense) to pursue it again, I would have to retake the training. The course isn't offered here that often so I would have to travel to Ontario if I wanted to do it again. That won't be happening. The main reasons are (1) I am not willing to spend that kind of money and (2) with a 4/10, it's crystal clear that I am unable to master the form and execution properly to a level to be able to teach this class.

I am devasted. Humiliated. Ashamed. Disappointed. I can't paint it vividly enough. I am worried that I will want to give up teaching the other class (NewBody) as I feel like I am incompetent now. I'm so sad that not only myself and my fellow instructors and my regional director and the class participants all believed in me and thought I was gong to pass this and I failed. I worry that I will continue to eat my way through my distress and just say fuck it. That's what I did yesterday. Ate and ate and ate til my stomach hurt.

Weight-wise, I am probably 157-159 lbs now. I was going to allow myself a 5 lb "leeway". This is closer to 10 lbs. I have to turn this around. I haven't done well in what seems like forever and I'm losing faith in my ability to be able to get to where I want to be (145).

This is a huge blow. It may seem like small potatoes to some and I am TRYING to put it into perspective. Right now, it feels huge to me. I can't stop crying and I just can't even begin to imagine how I am going to reply when people ask me at the gym why I am not teaching the class anymore. Can I even attend it as a participant? I sure hope so because I love this class.

I'm speechless. Failure and I don't do well together in any situation. This to me is almost like getting a "does not achieve" on my work review. I put everything - EVERYTHING - I had into this and I failed. That really really really sucks.

Humble Pie. Man. It sure doesn't taste as good as pumpkin.

It's been a really tough month .. learning to live at maintenan

Aug 22, 2008

If I am honest, I have to say that I have been struggling since about the middle of April. Seems like it was then that I remember going more in the "off track" direction and having too many treats. I had lost something like 6 lbs in 2 weeks and was worried and thought maybe I wasn't eating enough. From that point on, it's been more of a struggle.

This past month, I have been on vacation for 3 of the 4 weeks and I've found myself out of control. I have made very poor food choices. In some ways, I think I may be being too hard on myself yet I can cite examples that would make your jaw drop. Example, eating 2 bowls of ice cream twice a day. Eating 18 peppermint patties (PEPS) in about a week's time.

Thing is that when I eat "proper" foods, my restriction is there so I know this is about Krista and not about the band. I've been talking about it with a fellow OH'er who I admire greatly and some lightbulbs have come on. I'm not much of an analyzer. What I mean is I don't really care what the underlying reason IS, I just don't want to fall into this crazy behaviour of compulsive overeating again!

I think one of the big things for me has been spending time with my family. My Dad and brother do watch what they eat but they still definitely can eat things that I can't and I feel resentful of that. Often I will eat along with them because I can't stand seeing them enjoy foods that I feel I can't. Then, that seems to open the door for me and I come home and eat even more. My brother can't understand how I could possibly gain with the amount of exercise I do but he doesn't see what I eat when I get home.

I'm kind of glad vacation is finally over so I can get back to some semblance of normality with eating. Of the 3 weeks, I was off work, I think I had about 4 "on track" food days. I'm full of shame for this but that doesn't serve any purpose so I'm just going to move on.

My goal is to end the month at 150 on my home scales. They were 154 yesterday, 151 today. Whacked. The gym scales scared the crap out of me - they were 158.2 on Thursday. I told myself I would allow a 5 lb "leeway" but I really need to get UNDER 150 first before I let up the reins so much.

Tough month, learning to live at maintenance but I have learned that the pressure I put on myself, the negative self-talk and self-flaggelation have to go. They really serve no purpose.


July 24: Saying goodbye...

Aug 14, 2008

.... to 120 lbs

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One year ago today, I made a life-changing decision to have lap-band surgery. I had struggled with my weight for years, as many of you know. I had been successful in the past but never was able to keep the weight off and always gained it back, plus a few friends. On January 1, 2007, I said enough. The scales were registering 270 lbs. The only place I could really shop was Penningtons - the "fat lady" store as I called it. I joined Weight Watchers and started to lose weight - slowly - on my own.

I got the call I had been waiting for (after 3 years of being on the waiting list!) and my surgery was scheduled for the end of May. I was so happy! So happy in fact that I decided I needed to celebrate with what else? FOOD! A week of "last suppers" gained me 5 lbs and a postponement of the surgery due to safety reasons with the possible enlargement of the liver. You can imagine how devasted I was and how embarassed at what I had done!!

July 24th 2007 was the date that I was rescheduled for. Down 25 lbs on my own, I was ready to roll. 245 on the scale and a size freaking 24, I just wanted to get a move on! Now, I know not everyone agrees with weight loss surgery and that's ok -- but for me, for Krista, this was the ONLY way out. Some people call it the "easy way out" - for me, the only way. Don't get me wrong -- I've worked VERY HARD for this -- I eat 1200-1400 calories / day, I exercise like a demon and there are many things I don't have anymore. But this has been an absolute dream come true.

Here I am one year later, exactly where I wanted to be. 150 lbs. Size 10. With amazing supportive friends like you who have cheered me on every step of the way. I can't even describe how I feel this morning. (Yes, I will get a pic done today -- I am wearing a cute little dress that I bought 23 years ago and never wore! Is it in style? I don't give a rat's patootie today!)

Thank you for sharing in my absolute glee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope YOU have as good of a day as I am going to!!!!!!!!!

Krista -  Quispamsis. New Brunswick (Canada)

11 months out ~ just 4 little lbs to goal!

Jun 24, 2008

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Yesterday was my 11 month "bandiversary" and as of today I am 4 (1-2-3-4) lbs to my goal of 150 lbs. My first goal was 199, which I achieved on New Year's Eve. My second goal was 170. My third goal was to be teaching fitness classes again. My fourth goal  and final goal is 150 lbs and size 10. I bought 2 pairs of size 11 pants last week and these green ones are a size 10.

I am a HUGE advocate of the band and if I can do this ~ change my life to be an exercising MACHINE and overcome my food addictions for the most part, then anyone can.  Believe in this tool and make YOUR dreams come true.  I can't even explain to you how much this has changed my life. I'm so freaking happy!

Thank you to EVERYONE who has supported me through this journey. I will be here for a long time to come as if I can give back 1/10th of what I've learned / received here, that will be a blessing.

July 24? Watch for my *I DID IT* post cuz this kid is going to goal :)

Measurements ~ now and then!

Jun 07, 2008

January 4 2007

Upper Arm 14 1/4
Chest 49 1/2
Waist 52 1/4
Buttocks 66
Right thigh 35

June 7 2008

Upper Arm 10 3/4 (-3 1/2)
Chest 35 1/4 (-14 1/4)
Waist 35 (-17 1/4)
Buttocks 42 (-24) <== 2 FEET OF ASS GONE!
Right thigh 23 1/2 (-11 1/2)

About Me
Quispamsis, NB
Surgery Date
Mar 05, 2004
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