I'm really kind of nervous...

Jun 23, 2009

I have no doubts that I'm doing the right thing... I just can't help but be scared.  This is a big deal.  It's a life altering procedure and can help me to live a much fuller life w/o all the RX's I'm on now.  It's going to be a wonderful thing.  I'll talk to you all when I'm out. 

It's almost here!!!

Jun 16, 2009

I went for my pre-op blood work & final meeting with the RN, Dietician & Psych doc today.  I'm really excited!  Especially after they weighed me in...  I'm down 16 pounds!!!  I'm now at 308!  I'm hoping its a sign of what's to come!
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My old date is now my new date...

Jun 08, 2009

I received a call from Kehdy's office yesterday...  Reta said, "We've moved your date back to 06/24/09 due to your insurance ending on 06/30 and starting back up on 07/01."  Great!

New date - 07/01/09

Jun 04, 2009

They said it could happen, but I thought - What are the odds?  Well, obviously good!  I received a call from Kehdy's office yesterday stating due to a "schedule conflict" my surgery was pushed back a week.   I was kinda disappointed but it's only 1 week more to wait so I'm trying to stay positive. 

I have a date scheduled!

May 28, 2009

I got the call today!  My surgery is scheduled for 06/24/09! I am so excited!

My excitement was short lived due to some drama... 

We went to dinner with some friends and their kids @ Rooster's (Hooters knockoff).  We got there and ordered our drinks (me-water) and was waiting for 2 more people.  While we were waiting, a lady (late 20's, early 30's) walked in and sat next to 2 guys at the bar.  The guy said to the lady "You need to put that cigarette out." (Louisville is smoke free :-)  The lady said "Nobody sees me (smoking)." No sooner that the lady said that, my friends 4 year old yelled "Mommy, that lady is smoking!"

I said to the lady, in a polite tone, "She (the 4 year old) sees you."  It looked like the lady was shocked that someone said something to her.  The guy next to her put his head down and mumbled something to her and she said "That fat b**ch seen me."  I about lost my mind and reiterated to her the child seen her and even the child knows it's unhealthy to smoke AND against the law to smoke in a public building.

For the next 3 - 5 minutes the lady kept repeating negative comments "That fat b**ch had to say something", "The fat b**ch needs to mind her own business (it is my business - it's my health...  I didn't say that, I was thinking it though.)  So I told the server she needed to alert the manager before something happened.  The manager came over and apologized to us and that he would have her stop running it.

The manager walks to the lady and to our surprise, he knew her.  The guy she was sitting next to worked there!!!  He was off work but came in to have some drinks with his WIFE...  After the manager walked away the lady got louder and more nasty then before.  Loud enough that the manager heard her and told her to leave the restaurant...  She grabbed her purse, walked up to the table and screamed "You stupid fat f**king b**ch!"  I just said "for real?" - We had 4 & 7 year old kids with us and I'm not trying to explain drunken stupidity to them.

My friend lost it!  She followed the lady outside and they had it out.  It was kind of unreal and very 'Jerry Springer' like.

Just wanted to vent.

Had the Stress test and got a WONDERFUL SURPRISE!

May 21, 2009

I called my regular MD's office yesterday to find out if they faxed my lab results to Dr. Kehdy's office.  Also called Dr. Kehdy's office to ask them.  Neither office returned my call yesterday

Went for the stress test today
  I walked the treadmill and it went well.  It did kick my a$$ but I survived.  Pam, the tech, said they'd call this afternoon or tomorrow after the doc read the test.  Didn't hear anything this afternoon so I hope I will tomorrow.

I was waiting to get the last set of pictures taken so I called my regular MD's office and spoke to his assistant (I know I'm a pain in the a$$ for them) - she said she was faxing the lab results to Kehdy's office right away.

I was done with all the stress stuff and waiting for valet to get my truck when my phone rang.  It was Reta w/Kehdy's office. I had left the message for Reta which was incorrect. 

She transferred me to the nurse, Bridgette.  She went on to say 'Julia, You're already approved.'   WTF?  I said 'Bridgette, I just had my stress test today and my MD has just faxed the labwork to you!'  She started chuckling and said 'I went ahead and sent in your info for approval - It's done! Once we get the lab and stress results in the next couple of days, your day will be scheduled'

YIPPEE!!! Check it out!!!

Effective Date Auth/Referral Number   Attending Provider
2009-06-30      FARID J KEHDY  
Expiration Date Status   Referred To Facility
Visits ServiceType   Referred To Provider
N/A  N/A     N/A  
      Referring Provider


It's gonna happen soon... I just know it ;-}

May 18, 2009

Seen the cardiologist today   Dr. Fahsah said my EKG and Echo look good but because I'm diabetic, have HBP and other crap, he wants me to complete a stress test    Soooo, It's scheduled for this Thursday May 21st.    IF all goes well he'll clear me for surgery.  If you get a spare moment, say a prayer for me  
1 comment

Hurry up and wait :-P

May 10, 2009

Okay...  It's going slow.  Maybe not as slow as it could be, but slow to me.  I have my Cardio consult on 05/18/09.  That's the last step before Dr. Kehdy's office submits to my insurance for approval.  I'm confident my insurance will be quick with their decision to approve my WLS.  I'm anxiousto get banded...  The sooner it happens, the sooner I'll be able to start losing the weight that's making me so ill...  I'm just ready to feel better and become healthier.

I'm on my way...

Apr 28, 2009

I met with Dr. Kehdy today.  He was nice.  He was very surprised I had done my research.  I was nervous and felt rushed but overall, it went well.  There was one comment he made that threw me off - When he was explaining a potential complication he stated "That only occurred with a 500 pounder."  My first thought was 'Were you working on a fish?'  Just thought the comment was odd.

Anyway, while he believes everything is good, he stated he sends all WLS patients for a cardiac workup.  I have to do that and have blood-work completed by my regular MD and they'll schedule a date.  Kehdy said "I'll see you in the OR in a month." 


About Me
Louisville, KY
Surgery Date
Apr 15, 2008
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