Just an update...

Feb 06, 2012

I have my official weigh in today at the doc's office.  I am close to goal again.  It is getting harder and harder to lose but i think I am nearing my set point weight rather than doing something wrong.  It's been an emotional time but I have done pretty well at dealing.  My brother is doing better and we continue to be hopeful about his progress.  Life marches on...  I have been busy with my job.  I have a new boyfriend that i have been seeing since November.  He is an amazing guy.  He thinks I am pretty amazing too.  All those questions that I had about when to take the relationship to the next level seem silly now.  When it's right, you know.  That other guy?  He wasn't the right one.  He was nice and I am sure he will make someone very happy, he just isn't for me.  I am so glad I realized that before anything happened between us.  It's nice to have a normal break up where no one is the bad guy.  It just didn't work out and that's okay.  I am learning all about balance right now.  Balancing health and emotional needs, the needs of the kids and my needs, the needs of work and the needs of home, the needs of a job and then the needs for down time.  I also am finding that me time is important too.  Time to date and exercise and see my friends are all important needs too.  They were all ignored before surgery.  Now I have to pay attention to them.  Balance is hard for me but in trying I am finding how fulfilling life can be.  I used to feel so lonely and alone and empty.  Now I feel like I am living the life I always dreamed of.  My attitude and viewpoint is what changed it all.  Life sometimes gets me down.  I think illnesses and deaths are supposed to hurt.  However, I have options now to deal with those things.  I am close to maintenance with my weight loss.  How cool is that?  I look forward to the next phase in this adventure.  I will tell you how close to goal I am soon and whether i hit maintenance or not.  Have a great day everyone! 


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 05, 2011
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
450 pounds
Room on the bench! -285+pounds

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