Over a week since surgery

May 22, 2013

It's been a little over a week since my surgery.  I'm still a little sore, but the gas from the procedure was the WORST part!!  My stomach feels so weird still.  I have a really hard time getting down my protein shakes and even Jello.  Not sure if this is normal, but I am taking it easy and making sure I heal well.  Healing properly is my number one priority!  I was down 20 lbs and 4 inches from my waist at my 1 week follow-up!  That rocks!  I can't tell I've lost weight physically, but my clothes are telling me I have.  :)  I can't wait to see the changes ahead.


Tomorrow is the Day!!

May 12, 2013

It almost seems surreal.  Tomorrow morning I will head to the hospital to have my surgery.  I already applied my anti-nausea patch and have most of my bag packed.  I am excited and so nervous.  I know this is the right thing for me to do to FINALLY become a smaller and healthier me.  I don't really know what to expect for my recovery, but I plan to have a positive attitude to make it as easy on my body as possible.  I'm ready.


4 days to go!

May 08, 2013

Well, I'm almost there!  I have 4 more days until my gastric sleeve surgery.  I am so excited!  Of course, there have been some hiccups since I began my pre-surgery diet.  Apparently I get a bit cranky and easily annoyed when I do not get to "eat".  I guess my body is fighting this since I personally do not like change.  Amazingly though, I have not fallen off of the wagon yet.  I do not plan to, but I am proud that I'm sticking to the plan.  Learning to adjust my eating habits will be difficult, but I know it's for my health.

Sadly, I think I might be looking forward to my surgery more because I will have 1 week away from my students.  lol  Even with only four weeks left, I'm ready to be done!  Since this is my last year to teach, my anxiousness shows more and more every day.  This is another step I am taking in life, and as scary as it seems, I'm ready to embrace it with arms wide open!!  The future looks bright.  :-)


Day 1

May 04, 2013

So, today I began my 10 day pre-diet.  I'm ready for this, but I never realized how much food is forced upon us everywhere we go.  Since I cannot have regular food for now, I seem to notice ads more than ever before.  On the highway there are tons of billboards and I see a ton of ads for food when watching tv.  It is crazy!  No wonder we have an obesity problem in America!  With that being said, I am finally coming to terms with the fact that I am obese.  I never really thought about that before.  I know I am overweight when I looked in the mirror but being obese never registered, or I never wanted to admit it to myself.

Even though I desperately would love a pizza, a hamburger, or Mexican food right now, I know this is the best thing I need to do for me.  My health is very important to me, especially since I am starting nursing school this fall.  I know I can do this, and I'm so thankful I have family and friends supporting me.  I know I'll get through this and be so thankful I made this life changing decision.



May 02, 2013

Today I went to the hospital to do my preadmission for my surgery.  Even with some computer glitches, it all got done.  There wasn't too much paper work, and I also had to do labs, an EKG, and a chest x-ray.  I guess being the last person of the day has its advantages.  I go through pretty quick!  Tomorrow I start my liquid diet, and I have enjoyed some of my favorite meals the past week. I've given up my sodas, and I'm preparing myself mentally and physically for these changes.

I'm so excited about my surgery!  I cannot wait to see how it goes.  Hopefully I won't go too crazy on the liquid diet for the next four weeks.  I'm praying for endurance to get through it all!  I know I can do this, and I can because I really want this!  Ten days and counting!!!


I'm ready for this!

Apr 26, 2013

I'm so excited about my future possibilities!  I start my pre-surgery diet on May 3rd, and I will have my sleeve procedure on May 13th. My friends keep telling me how hard it will be, and one even asked if I could even do this.  I don't know why anyone would ask me that?  I haven't been working towards this since my first appointment in February to not do this.  Yes, it will be a HUGE life change, but I not only want this, I NEED this!  No one said life was going to be easy, but I intend to make it easier.  I know that losing the weight will help me in nursing school and my health will certainly improve.  Thankfully, I have a great support group around me to encourage me through this.  I'm ready to make a change!


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Apr 15, 2013
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