So I almost had a little scare

Mar 07, 2012

 I almost vomited..which I definitely didnt want to do! I dont like doing that period much less after having bypass surgery. I had taken some liquid pain med ..just 1 and I told the nurse to take the other away. I have been drinking alot so maybe I was just overly full. IDK..but I told her I would deal with the pain versus vomit. Anybody who thinks this is easy..please believe that its NOT!! I havent even thought about getting on a scale because I'm mad swole hee hee.

so..last night I watched My 600 pound life for the first time and I was happy, mad, sad...just ran the gamut of my emotions. Of course, I couldnt really relate totally to the young lady on the show because I was nowhere near her size. But I got a little ticked that she had the opportunity to have gastric bypass and literally got angry afterwards because she didnt want to get out of the bed. I was happy for her when she started getting on track and then flipped the script when she started eating heavily again. But what took the friggin cake for me was her MOTHER!! I wanted to jump through the tv and slap that fool. She had the nerve to be teasing her. Talking about the yeast rolls she wouldnt be able to have at thanksgiving and then ragging her about being heavy. UGH! How dare she. Im hoping some of that is sensationalism..but thats reason for me not to wath those kind of shows. Obese people get enough abuse..

And then there the story of this 700lb young man on youtube asking for help from "anyone". I hope in addition to physical help, they get him some emotional help. Because you have to get over your demons first. set the eating aside and choose to live healthy. My girlfriend came up to see me today. We had a long convo about it becaue she is diabetic..but eats quite a bit of sweets. She want surgery..but I just told herto choose wisely. I did the rny because of the restictions. I dont want to eat sweets and garbage like that. I want to eat healthy and in small portions :) Ok..I've purged now..whew..I had alot to say..I think I'm getting over the blahs :)


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Niagara Falls, NY
Feb 14, 2012
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