Bad Night......

May 31, 2011

 I had a very bad night.  I was weepy all night.  All I could think of was that if I was to die on the surgery table I only have 2 more weeks to live.  I know that is NOT the mindset I need right now.  I've had surgery before.  I've had abdominal surgery before.  I know what to expect.  I've done my research on this surgery.  I have a competent doctor and will be in the care of an excellent hospital.  So why am I so freaking scared????
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Random Musings, Thoughts, Dumping Emotions.....

May 25, 2011

 I dont drink my calories, dont use dressings/ketchup/mayo. I wont ever go back to eating processed junk. I just want to be normal. I am tired of being the fattest person everywhere I go. I am tired of not living the life I was meant to live. I am not stupid or weak, so how did I get here?

And Death stalks me. Dont have surgery...die...have surgery..risk death to live. I want to see my grandkids grow up, but I want to participate, not watch. Am I ready to take the chance I might not make it?  What kind of life would it be to sit back, wait for their visits, be a prisoner in my own body, not really living?  

Those who know me well will say that I loved my family & supported them. They would say I was flawed, but honest & kind. They would say I could be a clown or confidante. They would say I was humble, modest & even though I had deep scars I never blamed anyone but myself for my failures.

After being away for 10 days, my almost 5 year old grandson sees me for the first time.  He runs to me, hugs my big belly, tells me how much he missed me and smothered me with about a million kisses.  My almost 2 year old granddaughter dances for me, plays the monkey game and banana game and always has a big smile and a tight hug for her Nana.  My next grandchild is due in December.  If it is a boy his name will be James Dean.  I want to meet him, I already love him.  I want to know him, watch him grow and learn and laugh.  

And then there are my own daughters.  They are still young at 26 & 22.  They need me as much as I need them.  We are not just parent/child, we are best friends.  We made it through the challenges of their youth and now it is their time to nuture their own families without having to worry about a housebound disabled mother who ate herself to death.  I want to regain what I've lost--my autonomy, especially.  It has been at least 4 years since I just jumped in the car and went where ever I wanted without someone's help. I was an independent person, dammit, and I will be an independent person again.

But late at night, when there is no distractions to my active mind, the bad, negative shit gets through.  It has always been in my nature to worry.  My mother is a worrier and her mother before her was a worrier.  My great grandmother, however, was not.  She was a brave, strong Cherokee/Choctaw Indian woman who knew what real hard times were.  She was born on the reservation in Oklahoma.  The family was dirt poor and there were many children and many generations living in what we would now describe as a shed.  Dirt floor, straw beds, no inside plumbing.  She married young and soon gave birth to three beloved children.  All three died within months of each other--the baby, the 2 year old and the 5 year old, from tuberculosis.

I can't even imagine going on after something that devastating, but she did.  She gave birth to three more children, the middle daughter being my grandmother.  Those three children lived a very long time, all into their eighties.  My grandfather, however, did not live long after they were born.  My youngest uncle was 4 years old when his father died in a car accident in 1928.  They did not have money for a doctor, so he lingered in his bed for 10 days before he finally died of a head injury.  

My great- grandmother still didn't give up.  Much of her family had left Oklahoma to go to work in the newly discovered oil fields of Texas.  She and her three children made their way, slowly, to west Texas, having to stop at different towns and pick cotton or do other work to make more money to travel.  They finally made it here, to where I still live.  She never gave up.  Ever.  She raised her children, remarried and lived to 84 years old, passing on when I was 19 years old.  I spent as much time as I could with her as a child.  She had strange ways and I was drawn to them.  I never heard her complain even though her life was far from easy.  I never knew about her previous children until I started doing genealogy and discovered the records and asked my grandmother about her deceased siblings.

So now I call upon the strength of my great-grandmother.  She inspires me to be strong and resilient.  The women in my family are strong.  They survive.  I will survive. 


Great Deal on Stuff We Actually Need!

May 20, 2011

 I open my email to see a deal from Mamapedia for one of my favorite places to order vitamins and protien  The deal is so good I jump on it--for $10 I can get $20 worth of stuff.  They have everything pre-op and post-op that I need!  They have a great price on the Atkins Advantage protien shakes, which are the only ones that don't taste gross to me.  They have all the chewables, even the Coromega squeeze tubes that my nut recommends--and free samples, too!

Jump on this deal and if you don't like it I will buy your $10 coupon from you.  I'd buy more than 1 myself, but they limit it to one per person!  Not fair!  LOL

Here's the code/link.



May 13, 2011

 I WILL NOT sabotage my efforts nor will I let anyone else sabotage them.  I will be STRONG these next few weeks and will not give in to the temptations I've read about 'last meals' and such.  

My family really try to force food on me, even though they know I shouldn't eat it and they shouldn't put it in my face.  Seriously, sometimes it is a challenge.  For example, my dad's birthday party.  My sister hosted and assured me that there would be suitable food so I wouldn't have to bring my own.  She's pretty conscious of what my restrictions are so I didn't worry about it.  

I got there and expected tacos.  That's what I was told.  I can definitely do tacos---everything but the shells/tortillas.  Yummy. But there were no tacos.  No one told me that the menu had been changed to pigs in a blanket, jalapeno poppers and tortilla chips with queso.  And of course there was cake and ice cream.  I hadn't eaten, anticipating the taco fixings, and I was really hungry.  I ended up eating the little smokies out of 3 pigs in a blanket and had to go home.  I knew if I stayed I would eat crap that, frankly, no one in my family should have been eating.  I went home and fixed a huge chef salad and chowed down.

Another time me and the dude were chilling in the living room.  He had his work lunch box, opened it up and pulled out a package of 3 coconut strawberry Zingers.  Bad, but sooo gooey good.  He said "Here" and handed me a Zinger.  I took it, smelled it, looked at it, then handed it back.  Yay me!

Mother's Day, 2011.  Again, party at my parents.  Cake, sugar free ice cream, chips and queso and pinto beans.  I had a cup of the delicious beans (cooked with tomato & green chilie and onion) and a cup of the ice cream.  My mom tried to get me to eat cake, but I just looked at her like she was crazy LOL  I know she felt sorry for me, thought I felt deprived, but I really didn't.  

The only time I really feel like sabotaging my efforts is when I am having emotional issues or head hunger.  I don't have to deal with it on a daily basis, but when I do it is usually at night.  That's why I don't keep anything that I don't want to eat in the house.  I don't buy refined carbs anymore.  Not in the house, no temptation.  I do buy a watermelon each week and cut it up and put it in ziploc bags---that helps when I get a sweet craving--and I get the seeded so it takes some time to eat it, picking out seeds.

Okay, I'm just rambling.  LOL


Pre-OP Diet & Getting Samples of Bariatric Products

May 13, 2011

 Well, I start my 4 week pre-op diet next week.  It will be high protien (60-70 grams) and low carb (no more than 30 grams).  Got to get the liver shrunk for surgery.  This means that for the month my diet will consist of these items almost exclusively-

Chicken, Beef, Pork, Turkey, Fish, EGGS

Celery, Cucumber, Jicama, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Peppers, Radishes, Asparagus, Avocados, bamboo shoots, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Caulitlower, Okra, Olives, Onions, Sauerkraut, Peas, Spinach, Summer squash, tomato, Turnips, Water chestnuts, and Zucchini.

Lemons, Limes

Coffee, Tea, Water 

My nutritionist says my 30 grams of carbs can come from any source I would like.  I will probably use those up in dairy products.  1 cup of skim milk has about half the allotment of daily carbs. Most hard cheeses are low carb, but high in calories.

Since I've been on a low carb, high protein diet since March, this will be a breeze.  

Samples of vitamins & protein shakes on the way!  I typed up a little speil explaining I was having surgery in June and I would like to try free samples of products I was interested in using post-op, and added my name and address.  I copied and pasted it into every "Contact Us" of every bariatric vitamin/protein website I could find.  Some haven't answered, several have said they will send samples and a couple said that I could buy samples, but they don't give them away.

 I've already gotten free samples of vitamins from Celebrate (gross tasting, except for the calcium chew, which was like a brownie) and Bariatric Advantage samples from my Nut (all of those tasted good).  I haven't gotten any protein samples yet, but I do have a canister of plain protien I am going to try mixed in to some foods.  I'm not real sure about shakes yet and I sure don't want to spend money I can't afford on something I might detest.


Got a Surgery Date!

May 05, 2011

 Surgery is set for June 16th!  I'm glad to have a date, but I am so anxious about making all the arrangements.  I've got 2 weeks before I start the pre-op diet, which will be an extremely low carb diet to reduce the size of my liver by using up all the glycogen stores.  No more than 30 grams of carbs a day.  To put that into perspective 1 cup of pinto beans contains 45 grams of carbs.  I usually eat a banana a day, but that banana would be my whole daily allowance for carbs.  I suspect I'll be eating lots of protein in the forms of lean chicken, beef and eggs and lots of veggies that aren't carb rich.

I also have to make living arrangements for after release from the hospital.  Since I live 7+ hours away, I can't just go home afterwards.  I talked to the medical assistant at the doctor's office today and she told me I need to plan to stay 2 weeks after surgery.  Hopefully I'll be feeling good and will get to take advantage of the time I'm in Austin to see all of the places I haven't gotten to see during our quick trips down for doctor's appointments.

I got my package of Bariatric Advantage Pre-Op Vitamins yesterday and started taking them today, along with Sublingual b-12.  I'll run out about 2 weeks before surgery, and that's when I'll order the multivitamin, calcium and iron I'll need for after surgery.  I am going to do the B-12 injections, so I'll get a script for those.

I HAVE got to really get on a schedule for my exercise goals.  I want my lungs and heart ready for the strain of surgery and cardio is the way to do that.  My exercise physiologist told me that I need to get at least 30 minutes of cardio in a day, and that can be broken up into 10 minute sessions, but no less than 10 minutes or it is useless.  I am just going to have to push through the arthritis pain.  I MUST do this.

I am so lucky to have the support of my family and friends.  
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Back from Austin, waiting for Surgery Date

Apr 24, 2011

Everything went well with my pre-op appointments in Austin.  Of course my allergies went crazy and the weather was humid and muggy, but all in all it was an easy breezy trip.  I felt much better than my last trip a year ago and I actually got around really well, only using my transport chair twice because the walk was too far and there wasn't any places to rest along the way.

I had three consecutive appointments to knock out in one day--and although it was a bit exhausting to hurry up and wait, I did it.

My first appointment was with the exercise physiologist, Erica.  She was a sweet, energetic lady who had lots of great information for me.  We went over several topics of interest and worked on setting goals for pre- and post- op exercises.  Everything was tailored for my personal needs and limitations.  It is refreshing when someone takes my rheumatoid arthritis seriously and helps me find ways to exercise without damaging my joints.

The second appointment of the day was with the nutritionist, Jerry.  I like Jerry's no nonsense, lets get down to business attitude.  Sometimes it is hard to read people, but he doesn't need to be read.  He tells you exactly what is on his mind.  We went over pre- and post- op diets, discussed portions and chewing and supplements and what to expect after surgery.  He gave me some samples of Bariatric Advantage multi-vitamins, calcium chewables and iron chewables.  I tried the multi and the calcium when I got home and they weren't bad at all.  I think I will do the Bariatric Advantage at least the first few months because I really don't feel like comparison shopping on these things at this time.  I figured it would cost about $50 a month for vitamins and supplements.  That's a lot less than the cost of all the food I would normally be consuming, so it is a fair price to pay.

My weight at this time was 426.8

One thing Jerry stressed repeatedly was to watch out for anything that would stop up the stoma opening.  I definitely will follow his advice because I don't want to get scoped for a piece of something that I didn't chew correctly.

My last appointment was with Dr. Faulkenberry.  He was running a bit late because he was apparently working on a keyhole procedure on a patient in surgery in lieu of the traditional 4 puncture laproscopic.  I wasn't the least bit upset that he was late.  I would hope that if it was ME on the table that others would understand and want the doctor to take all the time he needed to do the procedure to the best of his ability.

My weight was 427.  Up .2 from a couple of hours before.  Lunch? LOL  The nurse took my measurements--neck, chest, waist, hips, thigh, calf, ankle and wrist.  Fun for her, not.

Dr. Faulkenberry went over all my results from all my pre-ops from the past year, signed off on my surgery and sent my information to the surgery scheduler.  I got a call the day after my appointment telling me that because of the holiday weekend (Easter) that I wouldn't hear from the scheduler until Tuesday.  The Dr. also wants me to do the pre-op diet for an extra 2 weeks, for 4 weeks total, before surgery.  The pre-op diet is a high protein (70 grams + daily) and a very low carb (30 grams or less daily) to deplete the stores of glycogen in the liver so it will be easier to manuever during surgery.  I am not to start the diet until I get the surgery date.  30 grams of carbs is very low--the equivelant of a slice of bread and 1/2 cup of beans.  I will give my George Foreman grill a workout with the lean meats and grilled veg over that 4 week period!

Of course I am apprehensive, but I am so ready for this.  I am re-reading some of my bariatric surgery books as well as my Dr. Oz's Smart Patient book (highly recommended!)  I will blog my reading list soon.


Appointment made for final pre-ops

Apr 10, 2011

 I was called by my surgeon's office for my final appointment, set April 20.  I talked to the office because I was concerned because I had been told I had to hit my pre-surgery goal weight before surgery and I am not quite there, despite rigid dieting.  I was told they would call me back and confirm Friday afternoon, but they didn't get back to me.  I am anxious to hear from them tomorrow.

My last pre-op stretch will consist of a visit with the surgeon, the nutritionist and exercise physiologist.  I will try to get all done in one day or 2 at the most.  I'm hesitant to book a hotel room until I have confirmation by the doc's office.

I am so excited.  I am no longer afraid.  I am ready to do this.

On the last stretch......

Mar 13, 2011

 Well, talked to my patient advocate last week.  The surgeon's office still hasn't recieved the cardiac clearence yet.  A quick call informs us that the cardiologist is still writing the report.  Time ticks on....but it is okay because I'm not quite to the surgery goal weight yet.

I talk to my nutritionist last week, too.  We decided that I would go on an extremely low carb 1000 calorie diet with at least 60 grams of protein daily.  I started the very strict diet on Tue.  So far so good.  Completely eliminated breads, potatoes, sugar and anything else with more than 13 grams of carbs per serving.  I've eliminated salad dressings, bbq sauces and ketchup awile ago, and picante sauce and tabasco sauce are my new best friends.  My staples right now are--

Chicken breast, no skin
Reduced fat cheeses, like pepper jack and cheddar
Low fat cottage cheese
Low sodium V-8
Fresh mushrooms
Stir fry veggies
Deli turkey
Sugar free Jello
Skim milk
Coke Zero
Fuze Slenderize

I LOVE yogurt, but it is one of the foods I've eliminated.  It is good for you, but it has too many carbs, even the low fat, sugar free ones have a lot of carbs.  Having the family eat the same foods as I eat wasn't working, so I just fix my own meals now.  It has worked out great and I don't feel bad when they want pizza and I have to say no because I can't eat it.  I just fix an omlet or a chopped salad and all is good.

I hate not knowing what I weigh so I splurged and bought a scale from Amazon that can weigh me.  It was 42 bucks, and if it is reliable, it will be money well spent.

Not having the Style channel, I had never been able to keep up with Ruby, the woman who lost a whole lot of weight.  Netflix had seasons 1 & 2 and I watched all of them over the last month.  She is so great!  I love her bubbly personality and can't wait to see what season 3 & 4 bring.  Many of her struggles have been my struggles and many of her dreams have been my dreams.  I actually cried when she got to ride a bicycle for the first time.  I so want to ride a bicycle with my grandson when he is old enough.

She has also motivated me to get in more exercise.  Sometimes it is really difficult when my RA flares, but I am trying to push through it and keep moving.  I want to check out a new gym here in town, geared to everyone, especially people like me.  Maybe my daughter can go with me this coming week.

Cleared by the Cardiologist!

Feb 26, 2011

 I had my appointment with the cardiologist yesterday and he cleared me for surgery.  He told me that what my echocardiogram showed was common among people who have had RA for a long time and he said it would not increase my risk of complications during surgery.  Yay!

Now I have to do these things--

Get my blood work done.

Get to Austin for the physiological, nutritional and surgeon follow-up.

Get scheduled for surgery.

I am so ready.  I do need to have some dental work done, but that will depend on the timing of the other things.
