2010 gone 2011 is here... WHAT!?!

Jan 12, 2011

Well I have to say I can not believe another year has gone by. Where does the time go?? So I've intended to write up a blog several times in the last months but time seems to fly by and still no blog. I think this one will be short but I feel the need to say hi to all my OH peeps and to update you all.
So many new things this year... I believe I was able to fulfill my last years resolution which was to do something new each month in 2010... I had a blast visiting 2 new states, dipping my toes in the ocean, visited someone very special in my life, saw the Cowboys locker room (GO COWBOYS), went 4 wheeling, filed for divorce, took a promotion, moved to a new city... wow, what a year.
So I think I have settled into my new self for the most part. It will be 3 years this august since my life changing surgery. I feel pretty comfortable with who I am now, still struggle with food choices and I have slacked on exercise WAY too much lately, but as I say to my sweet friend...  you have to forgive yourself and try to be better.
I have stayed between 130-140 lbs, winter has been a little hard for me as the cold makes me want to snuggle under the covers turn on the fireplace, eat popcorn, drink hot chocolate, and watch movies all night instead of brave the cold to go to the gym. So with food my portion size is around 7-8 oz. I have notices that I am not stuffed at this point, sometimes I don't even feel really full, but I know I need to stop. I would say that sweets have been my food downfall, I just love a nice cookie... or maybe 2 nice cookies... wait what about 3 nice cookies, hahaha, now you see my problem.
I know that the surgery doesn't fix us, that it is only a tool, but I was hoping that as time went on that food would be less of a struggle, that I wouldn't always have to tell myself to be strong and that I don't "need" more or I don't "need" to eat right now. Unfortunately it is still very hard. I do have days where I eat everything right, in the right portion sizes, at the right times, and when I do I feel great! Other days it much more difficult, sometime I feel at war with myself.
Ok enough of the downer stuff... I want to say to all my newbie OH-ers that I don't for a moment regret my choice and I am so excited everyday to live my life, no longer do I daydream of what I want to do with my life when I am thinner ,when I have the energy, or even when I am brave enough to do what I want...  now I  go out and Just Do It (yeah took that saying from Nike, lol).
Oh... so I did brave one of my biggest fears this year... public speaking. My surgeon's office requested I sit on a panel of patients at their informational meeting for people interested in having weight lose surgery. I was so darn nervous and my voice shook every time someone asked me a question but it was so great to be able to tell all those people that there is hope and that you can change your life. Since the first meeting I have spoke at 3 of my surgeons meeting and even introduced him at the beginning of the last one. I am speaking at his next one in February :)
I have decided that I don't have any new years resolutions for this year except to live every day to the fullest and to remember that anything is possible! I would recommend everyone to do the same... don't ever sell yourself short, life is a journey... take the back roads, stop often to enjoy the scenery, and always take a moment to enjoy the sunrise on a new day :)
That is about it for now. I hope the new year brings everyone happiness. I am always here for any of you that need me :) Good Luck my friends!


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Surgery Date
Sep 16, 2008
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