Too long

Dec 19, 2017

I just realized how long it's been since I checked in here. Time for an update. I am just 2 months shy of 7 years post op. I have been able to maintain my weight with some minor ups and downs over the years. Everytime there was an up tick on the scale (3 to 5 lbs), I would just revisit my protocol and get back on track. I'm having one of those up tick periods now (8-10 lbs), but having more trouble this time.

My back has been acting up for a few months and medication is not helping my weight loss. Since I'm not able to take NSAIDS, I've been prescribed prednisone. I'm almost done with that so hopefully, I'll be back on track then. 

Another reason for being stuck is that I haven't been as active (back pain) so that has slowed my weight recovery. I like that - weight recovery. I'm trying to recover my healthy weight.

I'm not going to punish myself - there's no need. I know my pain limits what I can do. I know that the meds make it more difficult. I also know that I made choices on food that I shouldn't have. I'm facing the consequences now. No one is perfect all the time; just get up, dust off and start again. That's what I'm going to do.


6 Months out

Aug 06, 2011

So I saw my surgeon the other day for my 6 month post op check. He's happy with all the weight I've lost and he wants me to get more exercise with weights. He doesn't know that I have been doing this all along. I'm officially out of the "obsese" category now. I can now add red meat, bread, rice and pasta to my diet. That freaked me out. I'm afraid to eat bread, rice or pasta. That's always been a problem, especially bread. Homemade bread and butter. Not good. I'm not too worried about the rice or pasta. Bread scares me.

I'll figure it out. I may just keep bread off my menu for a full year or even forever. It hasn't been a problem up to now, so maybe I'm over it. I'll tread lightly.

I've lost 80lbs from my highest weight of 259 and 65lbs since surgery. My surgeon wants me to lose another 30-40lbs. We'll see what happens. The body will do what it's going to as long as I follow the rules.

Hair Loss

Jun 25, 2011

Well, about a month ago I had a perfect set of fingernails. Beautifully  manicured and polished. They all chipped and broke off, one by one. Now I have weak, pealing nails that I'm trying to keep trimmed down so they don't break off. I knew as soon as that happened, my hair would be next. And it was. About two weeks ago, I started noticing more hair in the hairbrush, on the bathroom counter, in the shower, on my clothes. This week I noticed it on my desk, on my chair and on the floor at work. My hair was really thinning out and looking flat. I decided to cut it medium/short. It looks great, but I do miss my long hair. I wonder how long the hair fall out lasts. I'm increasing my protein and biotin so I hope that helps. It will all grow back eventually.

4 months out

Jun 18, 2011

So now I'm about 4 months post op. I have lost a total of 70 lbs at this point from my highest weight. I'm just now getting into size 14s which I haven't worn in at least 16 years. I'm keeping steady with my exercise, walking at least a mile a day, doing my own exercise routine at home with hand-weights. I not eating any bread, rice or pasta; I'm also not eating any red meat yet. Lots of chicken and fish.

I'm trying to keep the portion sizes under control and stop eating as soon as I feel satisfied which is my new "full." I have been very lucky to have friends and family that are supportive of my new life.  I am feeling very blessed and very lucky.

First Blog Post

Mar 06, 2011

Okay, so I'm just starting the post op portion of my weight loss journey. I'm at day 6 post op today and looking forward to my recheck appointment so I can move on to the next stage. I've been walking a little, but I want to get out and do more. I want to take my dogs out for walks and go to the dog park. Gotta wait until doc says okay since I have 3 dogs and one is really big.

Like most folks here I've been battling my weight for several years - at least 15. I'm one of those people that was never overweight, more or less atheletic. I never had too much trouble with my weight except for post pregnancy weight loss. I've always been active and on the move. I love to garden and do things with my family. Never worried too much about my weight. If I gained I just ate less of everything and more salads and I would lose weight. Fifteen years ago or so, I hurt my back and everything changed. I put on 60 lbs in one year and gained steadlily for 2-3 more  years then stopped. I tried Weight Watchers, DASH diets, Slim Fast, Cabbage Soup Diet, The Hollywood Diet, Atkins, South Beach, Sugar Busters, and so many others. I'd lose a little and gain it all back. My sisters both had WLS and I watched as they both went through the process. They both did great so I started considering it for myself.

It's taken me about 7 years of observation and research to understand WLS and to deal with my reality of "dieting." I'm looking forward to what this new life will bring. I'm open to the experience and optimisitic about the future.

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 17, 2010
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 5
