Hair Loss

Jun 25, 2011

Well, about a month ago I had a perfect set of fingernails. Beautifully  manicured and polished. They all chipped and broke off, one by one. Now I have weak, pealing nails that I'm trying to keep trimmed down so they don't break off. I knew as soon as that happened, my hair would be next. And it was. About two weeks ago, I started noticing more hair in the hairbrush, on the bathroom counter, in the shower, on my clothes. This week I noticed it on my desk, on my chair and on the floor at work. My hair was really thinning out and looking flat. I decided to cut it medium/short. It looks great, but I do miss my long hair. I wonder how long the hair fall out lasts. I'm increasing my protein and biotin so I hope that helps. It will all grow back eventually.


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Surgery Date
Oct 17, 2010
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