Mon May 27 - home day/ryan's Bday

May 31, 2013

woke up at 6am so excited to go home.

Doctor comes in at 7am to give me the green light to go home.

Nurse gives me all the paperwork, precription etc... i text Karen to let her know that she can come anytime...I am free :-)

I text her again...still no response. I called - no answer - called again left a message

finally about 9:30 or so she texts to say sorry fell asleep on the couch, she is going to brush her hair/teeth and head out.

called Dr. Tse to make appointment, need my regular prescription. Receptionist says she will get me right in to see her so i don't have to wait. Text Karen to make sure she is on her way - 10:35 she texts me back to say she is on the 401.

11am comes and goes and nothing. 11:30 and I am worried i won't make Dr Tse' office. Karen texts about 11:40 to say she has to find a bank machine for parking...tell her i have cash on me just come. 12noon - texts to say the elevators aren't working arghhhh!! I wait by the elevators as soon as the doors open i jump on and say do not get off. Get to the lobby she wants a coffee - give her $5 to buy coffee, but feels the need to stand and tell me a story i finally say go get in line its lunch time and getting busy you can tell me after. she comes out and some old woman asks he if she can buy a cigarette from her, she says i don't smoke then continues to lecture her about smoking...I finally say can we please go home!!!

Finally get to her car traffic is terrible, but finally on the highway and have 15min to get to Dr Tse. whew finally there...Dr. Tse of course digs about me being wrong about the time released medication - good grief she is a bitch!

Done, prescriptions in hand and finally heading home...oh no Karen needs a sunglass repair kit - of course that is more important that me getting home after 4 days of hell!! so we go to the dollar store - another $5 and she is gone for at least 20 mins - comes back with a pop, crazy glue, batteries and a sunglass repair kit.

as we are driving to my place i say that I know how bad her allergies are she can just drop me off rather that coming up to my zoo??!! nope she decides to come up and finds the duck - arghhhhh finally 4pm she leaves and I can have some lunch!

Ryan's birthday dinner at Red Lobster - I decided that I feel good enough to go! Tell Morgan to come home as early as possible and we will go out for dinner. Had a nice time - I couldn't eat anything, but that's OK

Home about 10pm made my dinner when I go home

Off to bed around 11pm worried about how low my bed problem at all. I have ZERO pain!

Feeling great!!

So happy to be home!


About Me
Etobicoke, XX
May 09, 2013
Member Since

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