First Victories

Apr 25, 2008

Well, I lost 6 lbs!  It's only a little, compared to what I have to lose, but it's a start, and unexpected at that.  I didn't think I'd done well at all so far.  It is a reassuring step in the right direction. 

Just some thoughts and reminders

Apr 23, 2008

I asked a question a couple days ago and got SO MANY responses for things to think about and look into.  My google bar is working double-time.  It's been a rough week with my husband on second shift.  I'm not really making meals since it's just me at home, which we all know is bad, bad, bad.  But, he'll be back to regular schedule next week and I will do better then.  (Note to self:  don't make him being gone an excuse!  MAKE DINNER TONIGHT!! NO GRAZING!!)

I have a dr.'s appointment on Friday. Prep for that includes:  12 hour fast for blood work, bring food charts, bring list o' questions from surgeon and insurance and this site. 

Today I have to:

Apr 21, 2008

1.  Call my insurance...again.
2.  Schedule my Psych Eval.
3.  Take a's going to be such a nice day outside!

Day One

Apr 17, 2008

I have been thinking about WLS for some time now.  If I'm honest, it's been on my mind since 2001.  Now, I'm at the point where I HAVE TO DO IT.  Diets haven't worked, and I can't wait any longer for a miracle.  It's up to me, and I choose this.  

So, here we are.  The RN at my surgeon's office recommended this site to track my changes and get involved in a support group.  My goals are listed there, as well as my weight and what-not.

Now, it's a matter of completing all the steps my insurance wants me to do (as soon as I figure out what those are, they are being very unsure of what they require!) and then submitting for approval and going forward from there.  I suspect the soonest I will be in surgery will be some time in November.

About Me
Radisson, WI
Apr 17, 2008
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 14
Waiting, Waiting, Waiting
Better Outlook
The beat goes on
Dog days of WLS
1/2 way
Bad Week #2
Bad Week
Insurance Tango
It's Official
