Denise W. 20 years, 1 month ago

Hey Margaret, Its been good to see you back on the MB...have been meaning to send you a big hello. Used to read all of your posts back in 2001. Sounds and LOOKS like you're doing wonderfully!! Have a wonderful day =)

ethoms 20 years, 9 months ago

Good question. If I'm in a bad mood or depressed I do get mad that I can't eat much. Or if something is especially delicious. However, I'm very bored with food and especially restaurants where I usually get the same kind of food each time (chicken or salad). But, it always means I don't have to make lunch for the next few days either -- leftovers go a long way!

Kendra S. 20 years, 10 months ago

Hi Margaret, I am glad you are doing so well after surgery. Happy upcoming birthday!

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 10 months ago

Margaret M Star, You have surly used your tool well. Glad to hear your feeling better after your TT. Happy early birthday to you and Congratulations on having a child who will continue his education also. I think this is wonderful. Im also happy to hear you are enjoying the new you. You go girl!! Take care~*~Hugs~*~

edith in florida 21 years ago

WOW Margaret that takes alot of courage to have that tt. Get well real quick ! hugs and blessings!

Margaret M. 21 years ago

Good Evening AMOS Family. I am just getting home from my abdominoplasty and had to stop by and thank everyone that signed my surgery page. I am a little weak and a little high so I will have to thank you all individually later. I had my abdominoplasty on 05-05-03 and was doing pretty good initially. Later that evening I had a lot of swelling and my tummy was extremely tender. I was given more pain medication which did not seem to help. My hubby kept asking me why was I fighting the medication by not going to sleep. I told him I had to watch everything. I then became very dizzy, short of breath and sweaty. I asked the nurse to take my blood pressure. It was 55/33 with the automatic cuff. The house officer as well as my surgeon were called. The house office thought I had a blood vessel that needed to be cauterized. So, after second surgery no bleeding vessel found...just a large hematoma that had to be cleaned out. I also had a transfusion. I am home and doing better. Medication is starting to take over. Will talk to you soon. May God continue to bless you all. See you soon. margaret@goal

Debbie J. 21 years ago

Margaret..........I'm praying for you and hoping you get on your feet quickly. *hugs* to you!!!!! Debster

Gina 21 Years Out 21 years ago

Patti tells us (in chat) you're having a rough time of it. THis too will pass and I bet you'll be "up and at em" in no time,,,and be even skinnier than you already were. I'm praying for you, Godspeed.

Valerie B. 21 years ago

Hello*!!! CONGRATS on your recent surgery*!!! I sure hope your recovery goes nice and smooth*!!! wow you look great*!!! I can only imagibe how you will look at the TT....teeheehee Good luck*!!!

kimberley B. 21 years ago

Margaret, OHHH I am so green with envy!! Sending you the best of wishes for a recovery that is not too long or too difficult. I am sure that new flat tummy will be so well worth any amount of pain that you might have endured. Take care and let us see the new you! KimmieTN@goal
About Me
Clinton Township, MI
Surgery Date
May 07, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This is me on my wedding day...bigger than the groom...OMG
This is me at my doctor's goal...15# lower than my own goal
