examples of labs/2 labs used to compare

Oct 06, 2010

vitamins > = good current
B1 78 101
B2 53 60
B3 80 94
B6 54 70
B12 14 16
Folate 32 41
Panothenate 7 19
Amino Acids    
Serine 30 45
Glutamine 37 59
Aparagine 39 47
Choline 20 28
Inositol 20 28
Carnitine (good one) 46 53
Fatty Acids    
Oleic Acid 65 64
Other Vitamins
D3 50 57
A (retinol) 70 79
K2  30 51
Calcium 38 44
Zinc 34 39
Copper 42 52
Magnesium 37 53
Gutathione 42 56
Cysteine 41 51
Selenium 74 74
Vitamin E (A-tcopherol) 84 86
Alpha Lipic Acid 81 86
Vitamin C 40 56
Basic Metabolic Profile levels
glocose 65-100 63
Bun within 8-25 22
Creatinine 0.6-1.3 0.6
eGFR african amer. >60 131
eGFR non african amer. >60 108
Sodium 133-146 142
Potassuim 3.5-5.3 3.9
Chloride 97-110 109
carbon dioxide 18-30 25
calcium 8.5-10.5 9.4
Liver (Hepatic) Panel
Protien, total 6.0-8.4 6.9
Albumin 2.9-5.0 4.4
Bilirubin total 0.1-1.3 0.5
Bilirubin direct 0.0-0.3 0.1
Alkaline Phosphatase 30-132 80
SGOT (AST) 5.0- 35 21
SGPT (ALT) 7.0-56 18
Lipid Panel
cholesterol <200 197
triglycerides <150 130
HDL  >39 55
Calc. LDL <100 116
Risk Ratio <3.22 2.11
Complete blood count (CBC)
WBC 4.0-11.0 5
RBC 3.80-5.10 4.25
Hemoglobin 11.5-15.5 12.3
Hematocrit 34.0-45.0 45
MCV 80-100 88
MCH 27.0-34.0 28.9
MCHC 32.0-35.5 32.9
RDW 11.0-15.0 14.8
Neutrophils 40-74 59
Lumphocytes 19-48 29
Monocytes 4.0-13 8
Eosinophils 0-7 3
Basophils 0 - 2 1
Platelet count 253 130-400
CK, total 30-200 55
Ferritin 10-220 89
Magniesium 1.3-2.3 2.3
Iron, serum  35-145 106
Ionized calcium meas 4.60-5.4 5.24
Prolactin 2.0 -27.0 4.1
Intact PTH 7.0-80 39
Free T4 Thyroxine .73 -1.95 0.97
TSH 0.3-5.1 0.2
vitamin B12  250-1100 591
Folic Acid >5.0 >24
DHEA Sulfate 35-430 <30
selenium 23-190 135
Zinc 60-120 103
Chromium <=5.0 <1.0
Free T3 2.3-4.2 3.2
Somatomedin-c 87-267 67.4
sex horm bind globulin 18-114 210
Testosterone,freew/SHBG 14-76 11
Calc Free testosterone 0.3 -1.6 0
Vitamin D 30-100 57
Alpha-tcoperhol Vit E 5.5-18.0 14.5
Gamma-tocopherol Vit E 0.0 -6.0 0.8
Vitamin K1 0.10-2.20 0.24
Vitamin C Asorbic 0.4 -2.0 1.2

I can live with that. . .

Sep 14, 2010

Excellent labs. (thanks to so Andrea U, MM, Vita lady, even if I am crazy)
Roller coaster with the meds, but getting there. 
First endoscope was clean as a whistle, no suspect spots in the esophogus. Ahhh take a breath.
Eating like a pig, cant keep the weight on, fix that with a tummy stretch October 4.
Realizing I can whip cancer and live through RNY, I will not break.
I can live with that. . . .



Its my blog and I can say what I want to, say what I want to. .

Dec 08, 2009

1. It's my blog, do what I gota do.  It's my blog, to me I gota be true. It's my thang, do what I wanta do. If your mean, I can be mean too.UH!

2. There's more than one way to spread information, there's more than one way to spread information and you dont have to be an a*#&@*e   to get the job done. 

3. Get as mad as you want.  That is your issue, as long as you get the information on all your options, Now move along, nothing to see here folks.  Nothing to see. . . .
 post ops, its too late (WWW and FM warning) dont post it, if you want to hear it. see rule 2.

WWW and FM alert

Dec 05, 2009

Dude, I hear what you are saying.  Just step away from the keyboard.  When I see XXXXXX I give up.  She wants everyone to be informed, and aware of all surgieries, but she brings a mess of firestorm with her.  It's like the Wicked Witch of the West WWW and her band of flying monkeys of the forest (WWW and FM alert).  Dont get spooked,  Hang in there. Just make sure you have all the facts.  You can PM me anytime.  I just dont get in the arguments anymore.  It aint worth the worry.  I take 4 chewable vitamins a day, bariatric vitamins, 1 biotin and a vitamin D that I do twice a year.  I am a newbie, but I am alive an well. 


Truth, is a hard pill to swallow. . .

Nov 25, 2009

On November 25, 2009 at 10:12 AM Pacific Time, Mary_J wrote: Another really good point as to why NO ONE should just take the word of their wonderful doctor, OR blindly follow their advice.  That includes what sugery would be 'best for them' or what vitamins they should take . . . . following blindly, being trusting, and believing they know best and only have your best at heart is a pile of crap.

Serious question.  Did you seek WLS and find the issue?  Or did someone suggest WLS to 'fix' the issue.  I still don't understand how a doctor, of any kind, would do WLS on an EC patient, even if they were SMO!

What is SMO?

I get a free spell check pass on this one.

The main reason was my issue Barrett's Esophogus, precancerous condition.  I also have asthma and was asperating stomach acid into my lungs.  What were my signs that there was something wrong, I got bacterial pneumonia, highly unusual for me.  I get viral phumonia.  So, I decided that there was something wrong but I did not know.  I had acid reflux and it was getting worse.  I ended up having a test called a Bravo study, where they scope your esophogus and look into your stomach.  I had the test done and to my amazement, I had the sense of mind to ask for a picture while I was in recovery.  My esphogus was bleeding from ulcers that were precancerous.  The biopsys came back and confirmed the diagnosis.  I got on line and started doing my home work, and suspected I had barrets esophogus.  My origional dr. said he could fix my reflux with a regular hernia repair, but, as and asthmatic, I could lose the ability to burp (80% chance).  Asmatics, need to burp, we get air in our stomachs.  That was not an acceptable possible outcome so I demanded a second opinion.  My insurance company helped me out and I found a Dr that was in the top 5% in the nations Dr.s for vascular and bariatric surgery.  Armed with my picture I went to my initial appointment.  Dr. Warnock confirmed I had Barrett's Esophagus.  We spoke about lapband.  2nd visit, Dr. Warnock told me the standard of care is gastric bypass.  I was in complete shock, scared, mortified and already prepared for the lapband.  Thats all on my site,
This is what is not on my site, I also have an ateriel malformation in one of my bowels.  This may or may not have played a roll in what I ended up with.  The malformation is in my large intestines, it can bleed, similar to a birthmark its just how it is. Dr. W. believed that it would be best to bypass this part of my intestines, but said they would still work., making  digestive juices  to meet up with the small ones.  He could have drawn a picture of a bridge for all I knew.  Alot to take in while in shock.
The surgery resulted in the removal al some of my esophogus at the bottom, which did come back cancerous.  This made my pouch go further up on my breast bone, and it was very prominent due to swelling after surgery.  I dont know how to explain it any better than that.  It was as if my stomach just pooped out and was lying on my diaphram?  I had a bulge under my breasts that I assumed was a spare tire, it was my tummy just lying there, after surgrey, they repaird the hiatal hernia, I dont know what a small one is called, but my musles were so tight I could barely breathe. 

After you get through the part of I just dont want to die here in the hospital feeling which was real for me, then you jump on line and say oh boy lets get some suportt.  I am not bashing, I am not really, no offence.  That is when my panic started to kick in. what about the other stomach. what if my scope finds cancer, what can I do now?  what if there is cancer is the whre I cant see?  What the hell is DS?  i agree get all the information you can.  I can get pissed, lash out, cry in the grocery story, but I am here.  What do I do next?  I dont know, I really dont know. 

today I win. . .

Oct 01, 2009

Well, lets see, I am doing pretty good so far. I am nearing 60 pound lost.  I am just 2 months out.  AMAZING.  I dont have that much to lose, I was a lucky ducky sort of.  I had co-morbities which expidited my surgery.  Went to the Dr. on the 2nd of June and was on the operating table 27 July 09 the following month.  The main reason was my issue Barrett's Esophogus, precancerous condition.  I also have asthma and was asperating stomach acid into my lungs.  What were my signs that there was something wrong, I got bacterial pneumonia, highly unusual for me.  I get viral phumonia.  So, I decided that there was something wrong but I did not know.  I had acid reflux and it was getting worse.  I ended up having a test called a Bravo study, where they scope your esophogus and look into your stomach.  I had the test done and to my amazement, I had the sense of mind to ask for a picture while I was in recovery.  My esphogus was bleeding from ulcers that were precancerous.  The biopsys came back and confirmed the diagnosis.  I got on line and started doing my home work, and suspected I had barrets esophogus.  My origional dr. said he could fix my reflux with a regular hernia repair, but, as and asthmatic, I could lose the ability to burp (80% chance).  Asmatics, need to burp, we get air in our stomachs.  That was not an acceptable possible outcome so I demanded a second opinion.  My insurance company helped me out and I found a Dr that was in the top 5% in the nations Dr.s for vascular and bariatric surgery.  Armed with my picture I went to my initial appointment.  Dr. Warnock confirmed I had Barrett's Esophagus.  We spoke about lapband.  2nd visit, Dr. Warnock told me the standard of care is gastric bypass.  I was in complete shock, scared, mortified and already prepared for the lapband.  I knew I had the best Dr. so the RNY it was.  A tougher commitment but I knew one thing, I was in this place in my life for a reason and just hang on.  I was going to put it all in Gods hands.  I want to live to see my kids grow old, I want to get old and I want to laugh at myself and let go of the fear.  I let go, and had the surgery.  It hurt more than i expected.  I cried, and feared I would not be able to make the lifestyle changes, everything happened so fast.  2 months out, I am making the changes and happy to do it.  I feel better, my asthma cough at night stopped overnight.  My reflux is gone. I struggle to get in my fluids, and protien but I am beating the odds of cancer killing me.  I win.  Every day I get up I win. My last physical was extrodinary, my cholesterol is good, my labs are good and as long as I take care of myself I will be healthy.  I get up a winner every day and that is so empowering.  In retrospect I am glad I did not have time to think about it, I might have scared myself out of it.  I dont regret it, not one second of the pain I went through.  I would walk through hell for my kids and family.  I want to give myself the opportunity to live as long as possible, I love life, all the ups and downs.  I encourage anyone who is scared, do your homework and know that your gut will make to choose the right path.  Fear is normal and if your not scared you should be, this aint just a nose job.  Your going to have to take care of yourself.  You take care of your family, and the ones you love, remember to take care of yourself too.  The best you can offer your family is the best you have to be.
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Survived Surgery. . . .

Aug 05, 2009

Oh boy, what a time it was in the hospital.  My mom came down to help and stayed with me the whole hospital stay.  I was so grateful for her being there.  I almost cried the day they sent me home, I did not feel ready.  I lived despite being a big cry baby.  Without crying, cause that would cause me "distress".  We get home and my mom and Husband do not like being around each other.  I could have beat the tarnation out of the both of them that evening.  Fussing like little children, arguing over my care.  I told them both enough!  Hubby your sleeping in the guest twin size day bed, Mom you are sleeping in the other bedroom and going home in the morning, I am going to the big bed.  Told them both if there was any blood shed, get out on the drive way.  I cleaned really good before I had surgery. I want dont want to have to do anything but call the coronor and spray down the drive. Oh really!  My recovery has been pretty easy, I stopped wanting to kill people the 10th day after surgery. I was irritable, and sick of being fussed over. 
So, that is pretty much how things have been in the house.  I have been monitoring drinks, protien and so forth.  So far all is well.  I have been going walking and let me tell ya, dont go shopping at Wal-mart, the mall, or a farm and ranch store.  You will spend money.  I thought, farm and ranch store,  we wont find anything in there, Oh, do not be fooled.  Pants for back to school for my son, and my husband bought some type of screening stuff. I think I am stuck with walking at the school track or up and down our block. Today we went to Acadmy sports and I got some flip flops, a pair of deck shoes, a couple of shirts for my son and a hamburger press that my husband wanted.  Unless you head into a tool shop, your pretty much going to find something you "need".  There should be a special spending account set up for everyone going through this surgery that can be billed to insurance.  We are after all, just following Dr.s advice.  I think a flat $1000 account would be adequate.  
Got the bill for the hospital, does not even include the seperate doctors charges. . . . . .$27834.00.  For 45 minutes? Cant say I did not get my monies worth from the insurance company this year.  Oh my goodness.  after it is all said and done, I shudder to think how much money will be paid out.  I bet my insurance company wants to get rid of me anyway possible.  I do feel very lucky to have the surgery.  
There are so many people who could benefit from this surgery and it could over time, save so much money for everyone.  Well, that is what I have been up to.     
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Tomorrow is the day. . . .

Jul 26, 2009

Oh boy, did the clean the insides out last night, loved that!  Tomorrow I wake up and will be at the hosp at 6:30 am.  Might be a day or two before I get back on line.  Got my momma coming, and all the boys, my son and Husband have left the house.  My husband when to church by himself.  I am not in the best of moods.  Lack of food for 25 days?!?  Really come on get happy about that.  I lost 30 fricking pounds already.  Oh my, my calves are beginning to cramp up too.  That is really fun.  Treated my self to a pedicure, got a deluxe yesterday.  My pedicurist treated my like a queen, I call her mama.  She did 5 colors of the florecent polish, one for each toe, and went crazy with flowers and polka dots on my toes.  I have a feeling I will be looking at my feet while I am walking so, might as well have happy feet.  I am about as prepared as I can be.  I am doing the last of the housework today.  Washing the last of the towels, and puting wax on the floors.  I wont be doing that for a couple of weeks.  I dusted last week, but to heck with it, too pooped out. Let the dust bunnies grow and prosper.   
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Surgery 27 July

Jul 23, 2009

Oh boy, last day at work.  I broke out on face with hives from nerves, but I am better now.  I looked a mess, but hey, I figure my body needs to do what ever it needs to do.  Just learn to roll with it.  I'm going in team! WOOOO HOOOO

4 days to go

Jul 22, 2009

Did all the blood work, preadmissions, nutrition class, and final Dr. visit prior to surgery.  I am as prepared as possible.  My husband is in pamper mode and my mom says she has not been able to sleep for the past 3 weeks.  My mother is staying with my for the entire surgery and recovery at the hospital.  Been on the protien diet 22 days now.  Oh my, I am pooped out.  I have gained such a deep respect for WLS patients.  How very brave one must be to take on such a monumental change in lifestyle.  It is not an easy way out.  I worked with someone that decided against the procedure.  I always wonded why.  Slowly my friend has taken off 50 pounds.  I understand completely why they opted out of sugery.  I am scared as hell anyway.  I have to cure my Barretts esophogus, my grandpa died of esphohgus cancer, I do not want to go through what he went through.  I will always wonder if he could have been cured if he would have looked further into his heartburn.  He lived to the age of 82, he probably would have declined the surgery.  He was a crusty character.  I suppose I will find out in heaven, not planning to go too soon. . .

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