5 days to surgery

Jul 21, 2009

Surgery date is 27 July 09   On the liquid diet  for the past 21 days and never want to see another shred of lettuce for as long as I live.  The gravity of what is about to happen is bearing down on me.  I have seen the miracles this operation has done for so many.  I got my post op kit and I am scared as hell.  This is going to hurt but oh Lord, I am going to get through it.  I applaud everyone that has posted stories on-line. It has given me great courage to hang tough. If anyone wants to be a friend just sign up.  I have 2 on my site, I got so very excited over it.  I hope I can be of assistance to someone who goes after I do.  I think the best thing anyone can do is find the right doctor, and research and educate yourself.  Dr. Warnock took me on, with major hital hernia, Barret's esophagus and asthma.  The first Doctor I went to see was Louis Wilson in Wichita Falls.  He was wiling to do a standard hernia repair, but 80% of patients cannot burp after the procedure.  This could be a fatal mistake for me.  An asthmatic must be able to burp because they get alot of air in their stomach.  This was the 2nd time Dr. Wilson misdiagnosed me.  I said, I want a second opinion.  My insurance helped me find Dr. Warnock.   I had three visits and finally decided to set a date.  I was making dinner for my family this past Sunday, smoked sausage in BBQ sauce.  Out of habit I licked my finger after I poured in the BBQ sauce to stop the drip and clean the bottle before putting the lid back on.  Then it hit me, long time no BBQ sauce.   The taste was absolutely divine.  I hope it is the taste of things to come in the future, divine little moments that add up to a healthy productive future for me and my family. 

surgery date set

Jul 16, 2009

July 27, 2009.  The day.  I am relieved and scared senseless.  Yesterday I was exhausted, my mind was playing tricks on me due to lack of food and I was pretty much frustrated. 

Then a co-worker said my body was going through some very intense changes and not to let my mind take over.  He had been in similar situations and it calmed me down. 

I look forward to fixing the hernia, curing Barrets esohphogus, and bettering my chances of improving my lung function due to asthma.  The acid reflux has really irritated my asthma. 

I was able to purchase the products that I was able to tolerate, and avoid the wonderful protien drinks that gagged me.  What a relief! 

My husband was kidding me and told me to stop beiing a pussy about the surgery.  There was some disscussion about whether my mother would come and help me for a few days.  I pretty much settled it on the "dont be a pussy" statement. Mom is comin down.  I made the call on the way home.  If I get anymore grief from him, I will just have mom stay for about a week.  I had a c-section, please, I do not need to put up with any additional stress after surgery. 

well, I suppose I will start looking for some pals to converse with.  That seems to be the next logic step to take.   
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The pork chop incident

Jul 15, 2009

All the office is talking about is food. Mexican food. Torilla's, bacon flavored ice cream, cat food, Really? Seriously. 

Much as I looove the delicious protien drinks, and crisps with a healthy salad for dinner. . .  I cant help think I am sprouting bunny ears and a fluffy white tail.  The grass in the back yard is starting to look good.

Why have I not strayed from the diet?  I call it the pork chop incident.  A few days into the protien diet, my husband baked pork chops.  I walked in the house, it was just heavenly.  so, I ate my salad and then it started.  Honey, I asked, do you think a couple of bites woud hurt me?  My husband spoils me to the ends of the earth, I took a couple of bites. 

My advice? Do not stray off the protien diet, ever, no-no,  NEVER.  I got a stomach ache and my bowels were a bit put off with me as well.  I lived, but it was not a Martha Stewart "Good thing" moment. 

Alas, there will be other that come after me, don't worry if you trip up.  It happened to me to.

Insurance Approved, going in for 3rd consult 16 July 09

Jul 14, 2009

I have stuck to the instructions of Dr. Warnock. I have Barret's esophagus, over weight, have a hiatial hernia, as well as asthma.  I have decided to get well.  I wanted lap band, but the Barret's esophagus will most likely turn cancerous, its only when.  Seems the stomache reduction thingy is the only route to fix everything. 

I had one Dr. who said he would fix my hernia with no mention of the Barret's esphogus.  I did a study of what a Bravo study was and requested pictures of my study when the other doctor took me in.  Had I had my hernia fixed by that Dr. I most likely would have lost my ability to burp, something an asthmatic must do. 

I called my insurance company and they told me I could see anyone I wanted. I researched Dr's and found Dr. Warnock on the web. Dr. Warnock is in the 5th percentile nation wide and voted 25th in the nation by his peers in 2003?  The best of the best was in my own backyard.

I feel lucky to have found Dr. Warnock.  I thought it would be a struggle with the food.  It is not so far.  I am scared of the pain, but I want to live a healthy life, see my children and grandchildren. 

I am not looking back just forward.  Here I go!

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