Tough 2 weeks, but I toughed it out

Oct 11, 2010

Last two weeks were pretty bad.  First my son got a stomach flu and threw up in the middle of the night, all over his bed and on the carpet.  Poor little guy felt wretched.  The next day he was the calmest I've ever known him to be, thanks to a 101F fever. Next day though, he was up and running all over the place again.

Last week started with me having a full-on collision with the car in front of me that suddenly braked as we were getting on an expressway.  Thank God my kids were not with me, and I'm even more grateful that the other driver's 2 young kids who were in her car were OK.  That was a really scary and nerve-racking experience.  I'm still not sure how much the damage is, but I do have a rental that is pretty nice (it is much bigger and newer than mine, so my kids love fiddling with the power doors and hiding in the the 3rd row area :)

In the meantime, my new kindergartener is having behavioral issues at school.  They are not completely new to us, but were never a big issue in preschool and were never so extremely displayed.  The teacher, whom I respect and like a lot, thinks he may need some extra help learning to manage.  I'm talking with an Occupational Therapist who specializes in this area and we are figuring out a plan.  He may need further testing to see if there is a more medical/psychological component to his behavior as well.  I'm a bit overwhelmed by it all!

Finally, I was PMS-ing big time and craving carbohydrates like crazy.  I haven't been walking regularly and have been staying up way too late at night which really affects my ability to handle stress.  My weight loss has definitely slowed down, and I doubt I will reach goal by six months as my surgeon wants.

BUT, I did not completely stall and am now half-way to goal.  55lbs lost since I started this journey!  I do feel a lot better (despite my lack of sleep and exercise) than 3 months ago, and I am very happy about that.  I also look better according to my husband and daughter.  It is hard for me to believe that I could not gain it all back, let alone continue to lose weight.  But I have to have faith and keep plugging away at this.  Being positive is really hard for me in general, and in regards to my weight in particular.  Lots of reasons for this in my past, but I must look to the future.  I really want to succeed for good this time!

