Although I have never been a tiny person, running and working out helped me stay at a healthy weight until my late 20's.  Sounds funny now but the reason I stopped was that my running buddy, my Golden Retriever, broke his toe going down the stairs outside my apartment on our way for a run.  He was injured so badly that he couldn't bear weight on his toe for a year.  It was unthinkable that I would stop running.  But I did.  The next year a bad relationship resulted in severe stress eating and I put on 60 pounds.  That was almost 50% of my previous weight.  Depressing.  I stuck around at that weight for awhile, fluctuating within 10 pounds.  During this time I met my soulmate who later became my husband.  He's the best.  Five years later we began trying to have a child.  It didn't happen for us and again I was depressed (seeing a pattern here?).  I ate to comfort myself, I ate to entertain myself, I ate to feed myself, I ate to deny my feelings, I just ate.  Then I decided to have fertility treatments to help me get pregnant and guess what happened?  I gained more weight.  But I also got pregnant and gave birth to the joy in our lives.  He's a toddler now and I do not want his life to be restricted or otherwise impacted because of my addiction to eating. I want to be healthy for me and I want to be a good example for him.  I want to ride rollercoasters with him, swim unashamed in public places with him, climb on the jungle gym with, playsoccer with him.  And even though my hubby says he loves me no matter what I look like, I'm sure he won't mind it if I look my best.

About Me
Northern CA,
Surgery Date
Jun 07, 2009
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