Okay, here goes.  My name is Cheryl Damron.  I am 56 years old and I currently weigh 350 lbs.
I have been overweight all of my life.  I weighed over 200 lbs. in the 9th grade.  I have been on every diet known to man.  I even had my stomach stapled in 1985.  I lost 60 lbs. in the next 6 months, and have gradually gained that back, plus more.  I have been researching Roux-N-Y surgery vs. Duodenal Switch for the last 2 years.  In September 2010, I attended a Free Weight Loss Surgery Seminar with Dr. Lalor.  My first appt. was scheduled on my birthday in November.  I work night shift, came home the morning of my birthday, rushed to bed (so I could get up at 12 noon to make the 1 1/2 hour drive to the dr's office for my 3pm appt.).  When I got up at 12, plugged in the curling iron as I was using the bathroom, my husband walked in and unplugged the curling iron and just shook his head "No".  After I walked in the living room, he said to call the office.  It seems they had called an hour before and cancelled my appointment.  If this wasn't disappointing enough, when I was able to quit crying and make the call, the first appt. they could give me was in January 2011.  I cried the entire day and night.  The reason for the cancellation was an emergent surgery.  As a nurse, I understand that.  What I couldn't understand was why it was going to take more that two months for the appt.  I called back a few days later and asked for the first cancelled appt.  To my luck, I was able to get an Appt. in Dec.  Unfortunately, all of this has kept me from getting the surgery while my insurance paid 80/20.  As of April 1, 2011, my insurance pays third tier providers 70/30.  That means, an additional 10% is coming out of my pocket.  Thanks to FSA's, this won't be a hardship.  I have had my required psychological evaluation; 5 years of documented weights; pulmonary clearance; medical clearance and the required 3 consecutive months of dietary counseling.  (all of this with being set back by a blizzard and flooding) Just yesterday, the scheduler from Dr. Lalor's office called and said everything had been received and the Dr. wants to see me before they turn the information in to the insurance company.  (which the scheduler said was the best insurance to have for quick approvals).  So, on Monday, March 28th I will meet with Dr. Lalor to discuss my upcoming surgery.  God has to be in this. 
In the last 15 months: I quit smoking; been placed on CPAP for sleep apnea; worked up for an MI, cardiac cath was clean (PRAISE GOD!) and have had my blood pressure medicine increased; diuretic added to help my blood pressure meds; had arthroscopic surgery on my left knee, only to be told I truly need an knee replacement, in both knees; and am dealing with arthritis in my right foot.  In the last 6 months, I noticed increase pain, and less flexibility in both of my hips.  I know 50% of the arthritis problems with go away, with weight loss; and 100% of my blood pressure and sleep apnea problems will go away. 
On March 10, 2011, my baby girl gave me the most precious grandson.  I want to be able to not only play with him, but, to be around for a long time for him and the rest of our grandchildren.  I have missed being able to walk to the park with them.  Go swimming with them.  I want to be there at our family get togethers and be a part of games, not just someone sitting on the sidelines.  The next time I get on here, I hopefully will have a date for surgery, and I pray to
God, to guide Dr. Lalor through this.

About Me
Wapakoneta, OH
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2010
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