6 months post op

Sep 08, 2009

Its been six months since I did the best thing in the world and saved my own life.  I am down alittle over 150 lbs..I feel great..I can eat anything I want just much less.  I played volleyball yesterday with my kids..I never would have had the energy to do this still weighing 392.  I feel great. 
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4 MOnths

Jul 01, 2009

I am 4 months out and I am down 112 lbs so far.  I feel wonderful--I get around so much easier..I can wipe my own butt with ease..LOL, I can bend over a tie my shoes with out gaspiing for air.  there are soo many things I can do easier that  being so fat and grotesque I couldnt do.  I still have about 90 lbs to go --and even then who knows I may want to lose more..I would look like  a super model at 150..LOL but all in due time.  I really dont have time to post alot on this...But I will get back you in a month or so. 

3 months post op

Jun 05, 2009

Today was a really big great joyous day for me.  For one....I am finally under 300 lbs...I am sooooo happy.  I also had a pretty big week this week having lost 11 lbs.  I was in shock I guess I just cant tell that I am losing anymore.  I look in the mirror and I still see me as the same...I have heard this is normal.  Anyway..I know the scales dont lie..It said 292 so I am down 104 lbs...YAY..

     There are days when I want to eat..I know its head hunger..but I do feel like I lost my best friend and that is something that I may mourn the rest of my life..but I am dealing with it the best way I can.  I try to do somthing else when I feel like eating.  I do have days when I am cooking my faves for the family and I just want to gobble it up..for instance, I love chicken spagetti...i made it the other day and it tasted soooo goood and yummy and I just wanted to take a giant bowl with me to the couch and sit there and eat till I am miserable like i used to do..but i could only eat a tiny portion.  My tummy was satisfied but my brain was not...I was slightly pissed..but then the scale makes me happy...its a trade off.  taking such drastic measures to reduce my weight was a life saving decision other wise I could be well over 400 lbs by now.  I have 3 daughters that I have to be around to raise...I was starting to have weight related issues...heavy breathing..not being able to properly cleanse my self..its just terrible what being so obese does to you.  I felt like I was always talked about..I have a very outgoing personality...becuz I had to...thats all I had going for me being so obese.  I used to hear all the time...OH YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL IF YOU COULD JUST LOSE SOME WEIGHT...WELL SCREW ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO ONLY LOOKED AT MY APPEARANCE..I AM LOSING THE WEIGHT AND I AM BEAUTIFUL.  I am far from being at my goal or where I want to be.  I have plenty more work ahead of me...i still have 100 more lbs to lose and i need to start excercising which is like pulling teeth to get done...i'm not getting it done and its showing..i have bat wings and really jiggly legs...i know my body wont be perfect even when i am at my goal weight but i want to do all that i can to not need all that plastic surgery.  some plastics yes...but I havent even gave excercise a decent shot...so NOTE TO SELF--------------------------------START AN EXCERCISE PROGRAM THAT INCLUDES WEIGHT TRAINING......

2 months post op

Apr 28, 2009

Well its been 2 months now since I was sleeved.  Here are the stats-----I'm down 80 lbs...but still not under 300----GEEZE--I am so ready to be out of the 300's.  Just a few pounds to go.  In case you are wondering being under 300 is GOAL #1.  Goal # 2 is 275 cuz thats my weight before I began having children.  I am really pleased with my weight loss.  I am much much more energetic---I used to sleep alot--now when I wake up in the morning I'm up for the day..I rarely take a nap.  Now the not so good part..----well, its just not so good on my part--I need to begin to excercise.  I have excercised twice...thats right JUST TWICE.  NOT GOOD ENOUGH.  I am going to change this today!!  I have dropped 3 shirt sizes and 2 pant sizes...My thighs are gonna need excercise to get them suckers to budge. 



Mar 04, 2009

I just wanted to update everyone. As of Feb 29 I was sleeved.   I will say that the worst I have felt was definitely the first 24 hours after the surgery.  Other than that, I feel great!  I don't even feel like i just had major abdominal surgery.  And the best part is...I am not even hungry.  Dr. Alvarez was great....AWESOME.  He definitely outlived his expectations.  He is a warm, caring, sincere, man who I would recommend to ANYONE wishing to have bariatric surgery.  I havent been on a scale yet cause I am aftraid that with all the fluid they pumped into me in recovery it might say I have gained weight.  But I feel good and I have tons of energy.  I think maybe next week I will get on the scale.  Stay tuned for updates..And for those of you still sitting on the fence waiting and seeing if you want to have the sleeve.  I say go for it.  You will not regret it.  I have a long long way to go..but I KNOW I will get there for sure now.

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5 days till surgery

Feb 22, 2009

I will admit..I cheated over the weekend.  The thought of not eating for 6 wks total just got the best of me.  However I did not over do it or eat carbs..I had a chicken breast with honey mustarD sauce and a side salad. with a drizzle of italian dressing...and let me tell ya,,,I wish I hadnt...It was good while I was eating it..but afterwards its like I had to start all over again..I was fiening for food..that was 3 days ago and I am finally not feeling like I''m starving.  NOTE TO SELF::::::::IT WAS NOT WORTH IT.  I hope Dr A doesnt find out and not do my surgery.  I have been working so hard and I had one slip..I have lost 23 lbs with this preop diet...I will be dammed if all this hard work ends up in me not being able to have the surgery.  Pray for me everyone..I am getting scared since its just days away. 


Feb 20, 2009

Well, i didnt think I would want to blog anything but here goes..I am 32 years old and I have 3 beautiful daughters 10,7,14 months.  I have been overweight most of my adult life.  I was the most active person in highschool.  I played all sports and was quite good if I may say so.  After highschool is when the scale starting to rise and the kids didnt help my weight any.  In the last year I have gained 50 lbs bringing my highest weight as of 2/9/09 to 392lbs.  OH MY GOD did I actually type that HUGE number?  Anyway..I found DR A and am scheduled for VSG surgery on 2/28/09.  I have been on the preop liquid diet for 2 wks now and still have another week to go.  It is very challenging cooking for my man and children since I want to GOBBLE up everything I see...but instead I just drink some more chicken broth and keep on trucking.  So far in 12 days I have lost 22lbs.  I am happy about that..I can even tell in my face that I have lost weight.  My clothes are starting to feel alittle looser.  I am very excited for what the surgery holds in store for me.  I am on the other hand very nervous as I have never been under anesthesia and do not know what to expect.  Susan has been great and is very knowlegable.  I am certain that this woman is heaven sent!  Thank you Susan.  M
************My goal weight is 180 which mean I need to lose 190 more and I will accomplish this with the sleeve...There is no room for failure here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So everyone wish me luck and I will try my best to keep you posted.  I want to thank all of you bloggers and message posters out there you have been an inspiration to me and a wealth of knowledge.....THANKS PEEPS...........talk to you soon!


About Me
Georgetown,, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 19, 2008
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