Today is the day I fly to Mexico to meet with Dr. Valenzuela and her team.  It is a very surreal and emotional experience to this point.  I am traveling alone so I am afforded a lot of time for self dialog which in all honesty, everybody should make more time to do.

I have learned that I can be a strong and committed person when I choose to be.  I read on another members blog " there is no life balance during weight loss".  This is my first mantra I have adopted over the last 10 days.  My second, also from the OH community, is "you need to learn to be comfortable with the feelings of hunger".

I am learning a lot about my self even through the rollercoaster of emotions I am holding; excited, scared, sad, is amazing what we can deal with when we are committed!

Looking forward to joining the loser's bench :)


Oct. 19, 2013

I am one month out and have no regrets!  My first day of recovery was rough but only because it turned out I was allergic to the pain medication.  Now my itchy belly is my biggest complaint :)

I am down 28lbs of 100% fat....I have actually gained 1.0lb of muscle thanks to my doctors fancy scale.  All the pre-reading I read about getting in your max. protein (90g) and water daily is working for me.  Don't get me wrong, some days it seems like a full-time job just to achieve it AND stay under 800 cal. a day (I am almost 5'10") but protein supplements are the answer.....I add them to everything I can.  I am starting to miss being able to have alcohol but I opt. for apple juice as a treat instead and when I miss eating chips I lick a couple ;)  Sounds crazy but it works!

January 12, 2014

I am almost 4 months post op and feel like I have always been living with my new habits.  I honestly have had no feelings of missing out on food, but I do continue to lick chips if I want some :)  I drink protein, I eat protein, and I drink water in between.  I am constantly throwing food away now because I can't eat it all before it goes bad (one of my mental challenges)

My husband has been begging me to throw away all of the clothes that are too big for me and taking up space and today I started sorting!  I want to keep them because they were expensive, but I never want to wear them again....I guess this is one of my mental challenges to face and by all means it is not a bad one.

I have done nothing much in regards to exercise up to this point and lost soly on my commitment to what I eat.

 Suddenly though I am inspired to start running again....and I used to think that running was a stupid activity so I hit the treadmill today too.  I ran for 2 minutes without needing to stop and that is even more motivating for me.


August 27, 2014

I have not done a very good job at journalling my experiences I must admit.

I have exceeded my weight loss goals by 25lbs.  Every 2 weeks I follow up with my physician, and we keep scratching out my goal and creating a new one :)

At 95lbs lost, I have agreed to shift into maintenance.  Admittedly, the idea of eating veggies again cause me some anxiety, but it is amazing how quickly I have slid back into eating a variety of foods.....DANGER!  

I am realizing that since I was successful in losing my weight inside my first year with little effort (meaning no exercise), and in my head I am still the fat girl, it is easy for me to shift back to "slider foods" high calorie-fast to digest.

I have still not committed to running, or any exercise, but I am once again looking for my motivation to start, knowing that 30 minutes a day will gaurantee my success long term.....and I mean "real" exercise....I don't count chores on my farm or walking 2km a day at work as exercise. I mean break a sweat, max out my heart rate :)

I have tried to post a new picture of myself, but I am not very good with technologies and have not figured out how to save my initial picture to have a comparison.


About Me
Jul 14, 2013
Member Since

Friends 13
