
Where should I began,

I am a 31 year old women. I have been battling with my weight for many years. Growing up I was actually a normal size child and teenager. The weight gain began when I had my daughter in 1998. When I was pregnant I reach my highest weight of 208 at that time.  Before I got pregnant my weight was around 165-170, which was good for me and I was very happy at that weight. After I had my daughter is when the struggle began. I got married in 2000 and on my wedding my dress was a size 18. During the marriage I began to gain weight and binge eat due to stress. In 2004 my husband and I decided to call it quits because he was not happy with my weight gain.I tried to save my marriage by going to the gym, getting b12 shots and every fad diet known. I weighed about 240 pounds. Due to the stress in my life over the past 4 years, I have reached my highest weight of 292 pounds as of October 17, 2008. OMG... I can't believe I have finally admitted it !

The life changing decision came on October 17, 2008 at my Doctors appt. My PCP suggested that I look into Bariatric surgery . I started reading about the surgery and thought it could help. I suffer from hypertension and Sleep Apnea. I have an appointment set for November 12th at GBMC in Baltimore. It is the information session.  I am ready to enjoy life with my 10 year old daughter. I want to be able to walk up stairs in my house with out having to stop to catch my breath. PLEASE HELP ! LET MY JOURNEY BEGAN....

About Me
Baltimore , MD
Surgery Date
Oct 20, 2008
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