Im Back....

Jul 05, 2010

I has been a rough month for me.... I had to have my gallbladder removed. It was not that bad though. I feel much better. I am at a little stall right now , but that comes from me falling off with exercising and eating right. So I am working on that.


Apr 28, 2010

Those pounds I didnt loose in 2 week decided to leave .... Yes I lost 7lbs. i got on the scale this morning and saw the 7 lbs gone. I was so excited..... just had to share a WOW moment .... !!!!! 


Apr 21, 2010

I have not lost any weight in the last week or so.... but I am truly Blessed for my Journey. My life has improved greatly. I am enjoying life more. I am loving a camera !!!! See My NEW PHOTOS !!! I have lost over 90 pounds. I am greatful. I still have a ways to go but I have accomplished my number 1 goal of being happy again!!!!!!
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6 months

Feb 22, 2010

Well it has been 6 months and I have no regrets !!!!! I am loving the new me .... I am truly blessed and owe it all to GOD . I am love buying size 14's . I am living my life in a smaller world !!!!!

Well I am still on my way....

Dec 29, 2009

I have posted new pictures.... On Sunday I will be 5 months out .... I am so happy GOD has bought me this far. I am now 228 pounds from 303. I am so Blessed. I am loosing weight slowly now, but it is time for me to get back on track with my vitamins and water intake. I had a NSV.... I can cross my legs when I sit down, Man that was so amazing. This has been a wonderful journey. Thanks for all your support OH family !
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OMG !!!!

Nov 22, 2009

Well OH family .... It has been about 2 weeks since I posted an update. ... I just came out of the hospital on Friday!!!!!! I had a blockage in my kidney and a large kidney stone !!! I was in the hospital for three days. I am still in a little pain, but I am doing great. This did not have anything to do with my surgery. Man I was so tired of people asking me that. The good thing about being sick is that I have lost even more weight . But thank you GOD I am better and ready to continue my journey!

Can You Say 3 months !!!!!

Nov 09, 2009

I am 3 months and some days out. This third month has been crazy. Well I am down to 242... My goal is to be under 200 by the new year. My weight lose has slowed down a lot. I have lost a total of 60 lbs. I am starting to feel hungry a little more often than before, but its all good though. I am loving the new size 16-18. from squeezing into 24's. I am just loving life so much now. I was 303 pre OP and I truly owe it all to GOD. GOD is good.... People tell me the surgery was an alteration to my body. It was not the answer.  I tell them that being FAT and OVERWEIGHT was and alteration to my body. GOD did not make me that way !

Guess what I am getting married October 23, 2010!!!!!!!!!

My goal is for my wedding dress to be a size 12 !!!!!!!!!!

Well I am 2 months out !

Oct 11, 2009

On October 3rd I was two months out. When I went to my surgeons office on September 30, I was 258lbs. Now I weigh in at 251. I am almost at that 250 point. I am beginning to get on tract with the protein. I found a creative way to get it down. I found I like the chocolate protien powder mixed in coffee. I am excesising a little more. I walk everyday. So things are getting much better. I am proud of my success thus far. I started thowing up the last week or so. It was like once a day. But now that is gone I feel much better. So contiue to pray for my continued success.

7 Weeks out !

Sep 21, 2009

I am 7 weeks out today. I am getting a little down because I see to have stopped losing weight. I am now at 261. I seem to be eating more. I am noticing myself grazing. I am walking everyday. I don't feel I am eating right at all. I am eating pretty much  anything but only a very little.  I think because I am not really sure what to eat. My Nut is not really helpful. I did buy a pair of jeans this weekend that was a size 20, and had room in them. I was excited about that. I started out wearing a size 24.  I am down a total of 43lbs. I know this post is all over the place, but this is an example of the emotional issues I am expirencing after surgery !
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Sep 08, 2009

OK , today was my first day back to work. I got so many compliments.  But than the DEVIL showed up. Of course on my first day back the department would have a pizza party.... I think it was a set up! (LOL) Well me being a "die hard" pizza fan that I am said ok try to eat just the cheese off the pizza you will be fine. SO I did it and all Hell broke loose. I was sick as a dog.  I am so ashamed of myself !!!!! I ask GOD to forgive me !
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About Me
Baltimore , MD
Surgery Date
Oct 20, 2008
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