Submitted for Surgery!

Apr 04, 2011

So I've completed the 6 month phase of my doctors program.  I have taken the classes, read the books, lost some weight and am now waiting on BCBS to approve.  I've been told it usually takes about 24 hours for them to respond but it can take much longer.  I am praying for a quick turn around!!

We have to do a 9 day surgical shake diet prior to surgery.  I had to attend a class on the shakes and final nutrition before/after the surgery yesterday and at the end they have you purchase the shakes you will consume for the 9 days.  I recieved those and a tub of Unjury unflavored as well as one of the fruit koolaid things that have protein in it.  107.00 bucks for that!!  Wow!

So here I sit, waiting and praying for surgery. 

OH and I had been praying for a sign that this was a good thing for me and when I sat down in the class yesterday I looked up and saw a friend of mine from our town!!!  We both were worried about the reactions of people about surgery and didn't tell each other but have been driving each month 1.5 hours each way when we could have car-pooled!  I guess that was my sign!!  Our daughters are good friends too so that is nice that the girls will know someone going through the process! 

Please pray I get a surgery date in May and that things go smoothly! 


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Oct 15, 2010
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