Answers to questions i was asked by a preop

Mar 14, 2011

I was sent an email asking me some questions about my journey w/the sleeve.  Since there are quite a few questions, I figured I'd just post my answers to them here on my blog, hoping they can help someone else as well.  Just remember that these are my own personal feelings and experiences here, and yours may differ.

#1. What did you have for the 2-week liquids?
My surgeon requires his patients to purchase high protein foods from his office and eat only those for the two weeks prior to surgery.  You can find pictures of the foods I had chosen here in the photo section of my blog.  I'm happy I didn't have to do all liquids, but these foods I was allowed were horrible (only a few of the evening meals were simply ok).   I did lose 14 lbs in the two weeks prior to surgery.

#2.  Did they have you go off all your diabetes medications?
I did have to stop my medications, and I think I stopped them about a week before surgery..but I cannot remember exactly. Sorry..

#3. What were the best foods for the soft food stage?
Many people like Greek Yogurt (i don't).  Sugar free/fat free pudding, Cream Soups made with milk, Quaker weight control oatmeal, Coco Wheats, Protein drinks, Cottage Cheese, Refried Beans, Tofu (these are all items on the list from my surgeons office).  After getting in my 60 gr of protein for the day I was allowed to eat any of the following: mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squash, reduced fat wheat thins, green beans and applesauce.

#4.  When can you have solid foods? What are some of the foods you can eat? What can't you eat? What is completely forbidden?
Each surgeon is a bit different on this.  I had to wait until 6 weeks postop to have solid foods such as eggs, cheeses, chicken, fish, etc..  At 6 weeks postop I still was told to not eat any Beef or Pork (too dense) or peanut butter or nuts (too much fat).  I was told that Canned, Ground or Deli meats are better tolerated since they're a softer consistency and more moist.   

For me..I couldn't eat beef for quite awhile.  I think I was 5 months postop or so before I was able to tolerate it.  But tolerance for certain foods is highly individual.

#5.  WHat has been the best source of protein to get in your 70-80 grams a day?
My surgeon's daily goal is a minimum of 60 grams of protein a day for sleeve patients, and less than 40 grams of fat.  I eat alot of cottage cheese and reduced fat cheddar cheese during the day.  I also eat eggs most mornings, or leftover meat (roast, chicken, etc..).  I can get in my protein with just food now, but if I'm low on a day, i just make up a protein drink (Unjury unflavored protein powder and skim milk).

#6.  How do you deal with the emotional aspects of eating?
Each person is different I'm sure.  I am feeling quite 'normal' for the most part (now) with my eating.  I've gotten used to eating such small portions.  There are days when I get angry over how little it takes to fill me though.  That is usually when I'm eating something that tastes very good..and I want more.  When I start feeling myself getting angry or aggravated, I simply remind myself that having such a small stomach is a blessing at this moment..because I am only wanting more because it tastes good..NOT because I'm hungry.  Having a good support system is going to help alot.  It helps that my husband is here to talk to about any of this, and he listens very well. :)

#7.  Do you still have cravings?
Yes, there are times I feel like I'm craving something.  But I really don't think its a physical craving like I've had before surgery..I believe its just in my head that I'm really wanting a specific food.  I do give in to those cravings occasionally..but it only takes a little bit to satisfy me now.

#8. Do you feel full?
Yes, but it's not a full feeling like before surgery.  This is so hard to explain.  It's one of those things that you just know you're full.  One more bite and I feel I could get ill.  I don't really ever feel hungry, so I mostly am eating just because I know I have to eat and get in my protein for the day.  So I just eat until I get a feeling that if I eat more..I won't feel well.  Right now, at almost 11 mths postop I can only eat about 2.5 oz of chicken (or dense meat) and I get that full feeling.

#9. Is it possible to develop another addiction?
Most definitely!  Transfer addictions are very common after weight loss surgery.  With some people it becomes an addiction to shopping, with some maybe alcohol..etc..  I'm sure not everyone develops a transfer addiction though.

Ok..that was it!  I hope this info helps you.  If you ever have questions, feel free to message me!


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