Stop the Presses!

Jul 06, 2012

I finally became brave enough to take some post op pics. This first set shows my progress at 6 weeks. According to the scale (which never lies) I have lost 63lbs. Can you see the difference? I notice my clothes are fitting looser than before. It's funny how we view yourself, we are our worse critic. Once I fit into the Apple Bottom jeans I purchased in a smaller size I know I'm on my way!!  

1 Month

Jun 30, 2012

Hi OH Family. I know I havent been doing my weekly blogging . I have been struggling with staying hydrated and getting protein in. I am trying my best to keep up, but my pouch is still very sore and sensitive. As you know it's very uncomfortable to eat and drink......but I have been a trooper. Then to add to injury, I am ketosis, so everything taste bad. I am also concerned about offending people around me. Right now mints are my freinds . I am still getting adjusted to the new lifestyle. It's great to lose weight, but to feel weak and tired is not. I am ready to rip and run.....see how many people notice the changes. Strangely when I look in the mirror I don't see major changes. Maybe when my face gets thinner it will be more noticable to me. I planned to take pictures at one month, but since I'm not big on pictures I haven't gotten around to it. Should I wait until my 2nd month mark to take them?

Week #3

Jun 12, 2012

What a week!! All I can say is I thankful for people praying. My nerves have been tried. Let me start from last Thursday. I started sorting through something in my office which caused me to reach and stretch. The incision that has been the slowest healing didn't like that at all. Friday to Sunday I was laid up in bed on pain medicine, afraid I bust a stitch inside. Monday I had a Doctors appointment with someone who hasn't seen me since the procedure. I walked in the office and they started raving about different I looked . That made me feel really good. I thanks them for the compliments and floated home on a cloud. That evening my incision started hurting again. It felt like fire underneath my skin. I put ice on to cool the area and took some pain meds and continued to work on what I was doing. Several hours later I am sitting on my computer working on some things . I started smelling something which made me stop and try to look around. Then I thought the scent was from outside. I just happened to reach down and touch my was soaked! Talk about panic, because now I really dont know whats going on. I happened to look at my tummy and puss and blood was pouring out from the painful incision I grabbed a towel to try and stop it, but it didn't slow down until I laid down. I called my hubby at work and he came home immediately so he could take me to the ER. It was pouring so much I couldn't tell if a stitch on the cut burst or my skin had ripped next to it. It was early enough to call the clinic where I had my procedure because I know someone is in the office early mornings. She told me to come to the ER at their hospital. Unfortunately  it was rush hour time so it took us 3 hours to get there. I am so glad I went there though...because they took me back immediately, and by the time I was triaged my surgeon and nurse was in the room. Needless to say I had a bad wound infection but thankfully my body was able to push most of it out (it drained a lot!). They had to cut the incision open, finish draining out the bad stuff, clean it, and pack it with gauze. The plan is to leave it open and let it heal from the bottom up. It's a deep hole because the fat around it. They showed my hubby how to change and pack it, I thought he was going to pass out (in his defense it is gross). Since I was there, I got my IV's of fluid to fight dehydration. I came home with strong antibiotics and pain meds. So that is my setback for the week. As you can see on my counter I am still losing weight, which is the overall goal.

Just Venting....

Jun 07, 2012

I never thought I would say these words but ....I don't like food It hurts to eat, and food doesn't taste good anymore. I don't know whats going on other than I hear it's normal and will get better ;later on. So now I am forcing myself to eat and drink. I'm n not drinking enough and was threatened with coming in for some IV fluids  this weekend. Thankfully I found a solution...sugar free Popsicles and crushed ice are my best friends right now. They make my dry mouth feel better and I am drinking I avoided the ER visit . Now I am trying to figure out my food intake. One day I had 2 bites of lunch meat and was done for the day. Another day I baked a piece of Tilapia and it smelled great cooking. I took a bite of it and it didn't taste the way it smelled. I had to force myself to take another bite before I threw it away. I'm running out of options here. So I am positive I am losing weight because I don't even think I'm getting my 300 calories in. I tried a protein shake mixed with some fruit in a blender to make it more tolerable, that didn't work out well. The only thing I halfway enjoy right now is chicken salad. 3 bites and I'm done.

On another note I am happy that I am taking less pain medication. During the daytime I am just sore so I can tolerate that. Nighttime is when the sharp pain and itching comes back. So that's progress. I also make sure I started walking laps around my house for some exercise. I still have the issue of not being able to stand long to lose weight but it shouldn't be long before I can find a gym to work out. The treadmill will be good because I can build my stamina. When I walk now I am very dizzy and light headed so I have to be careful. I'm thankful that I can move as well as I do right now. . The next project I have is to start working on my closet. I am sure all of my 5x clothes are very loose. I need to get mentally prepared for all of these new changes going on with my body and mind. It helps to know I have strong praying friends who are in my cheering session to keep me excited and focused on my goals. It's easy to freak out and think "What did I do?" but I believe it is in Gods will that I be in good health and prosper. He didn't allow me to make it to 40 and not enjoy life. I have been through a lot----but I'm yet holding on

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Week #2

Jun 05, 2012

Where should I start first?  It has been a week of healing and learning my new self. I haven't reached the stage of being comfortable about my decision. I am still in a lot of pain, especially the incision where they had to cut through the muscle. As long as I stay ahead o the pain it's bearable but OMG let me not take my meds on time I am in tears The Dr told me that it's normal and it will get better. My week 2 checkup went well......I lost another 10lbs in a week. My issue is I cant tell were the weight is coming off. I am super tired, when I move around I get dizzy quickly. The Dr explained that since my tummy is smaller I am only getting about 300 calories per day. I also need  to drink more and get more protein in. Of course I don't feel like eating or drinking but I force myself. On Sunday I got bold and tried eating grits with a little cheese in it. As much as I love grits I discovered more than 3 spoonful will make me very sick I wanted to vomit so bad, but it stayed down. I was 1 miserable camper, and hubby was upset because I was sick. I have to realize I cant eat like I want to...I keep thinking my tummy is bigger than it is. The next day I went back to liquids and unsweetened applesauce which made me feel better. Hubby is very supportive in making sure I don't get sick again, so he reminds me of portions and eating more than 4 times a day. This new lie is something to get used to....but I'm in for the long haul.
I am going to start taking after pictures monthly, so I'm waiting until the 4th week . Hopefully I can see the weight lost


Week #1

May 29, 2012

Yesterday I had my 1 week post op appointment. In one week I have lost 8lbs! I also told the doctor about my pain level, so he prescribed something stronger. Because I carry the majority of my weight in my tummy, it's going to take a little longer than I thought to heal. So far I am on schedule with everything....I had my drain removed (OMG warning- don't have this done without some pain medication in your system). I am also still on a liquid diet, although I tried some chicken soup tonight and it was delicious....and I'm not a big soup fan. I have learned I can't stand the smell of McD's burgers right now, but I didn't eat them before so there is no real biggie. Once I get over the hill in my recovery, I can start enjoying the changes more. I did have 1 question: did anyone else have issues with bad dreams after surgery? I am wondering should I be concerned or if this a passing phase.....

Annnnd I'm back home

May 27, 2012

just wanted to let everyone know that I was in ICU from Monday until last Thursday and  then the released me!!! I have been trying to stay hydrated, get rid of gas, keep pain at minimum, and not get aggrivated at my at home doctor(hubby) all at the same time.
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We are down to 4 more....

May 16, 2012

days to a new begining....a new me. I am trying to stay calm and keep my anxiety low. I have done my pre op blood work and my consult with anesthesia on this past Monday. I found out I have lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks on this protein diet. My Doctor keeps reminding me this will be worth it, no matter how I feel about it right now. My husband, friends and I are staying in prayer that my liver has shrunk enough for the proceedure and that there are no complications...I dont want to go through this process again! I'm ready to be on the losers bench

7 More Days......

May 13, 2012

 I'm singing Toni Braxtons song 7 Whole Days, but I just changed a few words to match my situation. 7 more days until I officially take my seat on the losing side. I'm excited about the new me. I haven't been able to walk the mall in over 5 years, but when I need some clothes that's where I will be. I even have friends willing to be my fashion  I dress well for a fluffy girl......but I have never shopped in regular sizes. I also forward to working in my field again. Having my own money again will feel wonderful!!
Now I am trying to decide what should I pack for the hospital. I know lip balm, slippers, a robe, and comfortable clothes to wear home. Is there anything I may be missing?? I thought about music and books.......but I think I will be sleeping most of the time, and I can do those things at home. I just have to make sure all the bills are paid because I won't be on-line for a few days.

I must take to time to honor my friends during this process. They have served as my support, especially during this liquid diet. They keep me focused and encouraged. They remind me about my goals. They want to see me health and active again. I am truly thankful for them being in my life!



May 10, 2012

Well today I start my ten day's funny because I feel like I have waited for this moment forever and now it's close. My new stage of life will begin in 10 days! I am trying to keep my anxiety level down, so I will find things to keep my mind busy.Right now I am happy thinking about my friends who are so happy or me and they are ready to support me. Look out world....

About Me
Waldorf, MD
Surgery Date
Jun 14, 2008
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