Down 11O feeling wonderful!!!

Aug 05, 2009

Well I know its been along time since i've been on here I had my Gastric Bypass in Sept. 08 and soon will be coming up on year anniversary. Seems to have gone by pretty fast .  My weight was 243 when I went into surgery. and topped out over 287 was looking at the 300 mark closing in on myself and knew I had to do something or I would not live long. Since surgery. I no longer have diabetes, high blood presure or high cholostrol.
What an awesome feeling I have gone from a size 26 to a aize 12, I hoping to get to a size 10 by my 18 month out mark.  If I do that will be great. If not I'm happy where I'm at, but I am pressing on towards my goal.
I will get a new picture posted soon as soon as I get one downloaded.
Blessings to all who are pre-op..This is the best decision, I have evermade in my life for myself!!!

Thanks for reading my post!!


30 days out from RNY

Nov 01, 2008

I'm Doing great, had no big problems post-op. I've been feeling good and lighter on my feet. I'm not sure exactly how much I've lost according to the  Dr.s scale. but according to my scale I'm down about 17 lbs. My next Dr. visit is Nov.7th. As fo now I can run faster and longer on the treadmill. I still have 96lbs. to go till I get to my goal. So I'm  looking forward to my new thinner, thinner life just arround the corner.


Day 5 Post-Op!!!

Oct 03, 2008

Happy to be on the other side of this long awaited process. I'm 5 days post op and feeling fantastic. I went under at 10:30 am and they were waking me up at 1:00 and told me I was going to my room. I was pretty much out of it due to the antisteology. But by late evening on the day of surgery I was up and walking around. I don't remember to much in between. I was on  my way home by the 3rd day released from the Hospital before Breakfast. and Home by 10:30am. Felt good to be home. I did quite a bit of walking in hospital, as they said it would help with the feeling of being nausated all the time. I only had one dose of Morphine after surgery and was totally pain free since then. I'm on a full liquid diet and I go to see the Dr. on the 8th to have my staples taken out. Everything went great. I am so happy that it is all behind me now and I look forward to getting down to a normal size. Already my blood sugars are great and I am off the Metformin 500mg 3xday medicine. Praise the good Lord!! My blood pressures have all been running normal to so I'm truly Blessed. I lost 6 lbs since coming home frrom the hospital. Hard to keep my self away from the scale, as it feels wonderful to be on the downslide side. I will have to have all my rings get ring guards as they are getting to big for my fingers.

I'll check in soon with another report. Blessings & TY for all your thoughts and prayers during this process.

My DH was such a wonderful blessing to me. He stayed right by my side the whole time. I really got a great guy! He bought me beautiful Yellow roses and also a pair of earings. My honey!!!!


Six more days till my New Birthday!!

Sep 23, 2008

Hi Everyone I went for my pre-op on the 18th, And on the 22nd I got a phone call from my primiary doctor who says there was a problem with the CAT scan, I have to go for further testing, Guess they forund a abnormality with my heart. Well I am not moved. I cryed off and on thinking that this was going to make me wait on the surgery and have to have it postphoned, But I am just going to trust in the Lord to know that things will work out in his timing. I was able to get an appointment for a cardioligist tomarrow, so prayerfully all will work out and soon things will be moving forward as planned. By the way I am so ready for this surgery and looking forward to my New Birthday On Sept.30th.

Keep me in your thoughts and prayers that all will work out.

TY friends, Nancy

My pre-op screening.....coming up soon!!

Aug 30, 2008

Yeah, so I've been scheduled for my pre-op screening Sept. 18th I'm not quite sure what will be all about, I presume, blood tests and the such. Wll I'm down to 238.2 Hoping to be a t 220 by surgery date. I dont think I can lose 18 lbs in 30 days but I will give it my best shot. I know I have some days before my surgery where I'm put on liquids only so maybe that will bring me to that 220.  hehe I'll keep everyone posted.


I'm counting down the days!!!

Aug 19, 2008

Well I have 40 days and counting I am really anxiously awaiting my surgery date. I've talked to allot of people and some I havent told, quite frankly because I don't want to deal with their negitive assumptions. I have had enough from those that don't know me well enough to even give an opinion, but as it goes they only speak from their ignorance of the surgery and their own personell fears. After much research and the wonderful helps here I'm am at peace in my own heart. This web sit has so many helps it is truley amazing.

 I am getting closer and closer each and everyday. I ran into a lady yesterday who works nearby and I didn't even recognize her, I had to ask if she was the same person I knew a few years earlier, WOW! She had had a gastric bypass last year and has lost over 139 lbs. I was so happy for her she looked beautiful, white hair and all, all I can say is you go Mary...You look beautiful. Now I did not know she was having this done but when I saw her I had to share the fact that I was having surgery next month and thats when she told me she had it done last year. OMG What an incentive. I am so happy I have gotten my approval from the insurance company, I'm set on the calendar all is in motion. I can't express the JOY that fills my heart the closer I get to this reality and every time I see before and after pictures of others posted here on this site.

I know that my Lord has given me this as a second chance at my life. I guess only those who have been trapped in a body like mine for as long as I have could really understand all the pain I have felt because of it!

One more pound and I will have lost 50 lbs.since August of 2006 it really took along time. My goal is to loose another 15-20 lbs. before my surgery, I really don't know how I could pull that one off but it is my goal. So I'll give it all I got.

My darling Husband is so-so-sooooo supportive. He knows how much this means to me, and our future.

I pray that all our friend's, loved one's and aquaintances, will find it in their hearts to do their own research and see for themselves and keep all their negitive thoughts to themselves and just pray for God's blessings and favor to continue over our lives.

Okay I realize my latest pictures are from last year, maybe I can get some newer ones up on here soon.

To all my friends who I plan on sending to this web site today, TY in advance for your prayers and your understanding compassionate hearts


Got a date witht the Dr.

Jun 03, 2008

Well today is June 3rd. The Dr. I was to orignallly have for my surgeon has taken ill, so he's out for 6 months or so. I have been scheduled to see a different Dr., my choice of who I wanted. So I chose Dr. Johnson. After this meeting I will be scheduled for my surgery. I pray everything will keep rolling in the right direction, as it has been. I'll post again as I know more, so far I have lost over 45 lbs.on my own, but it is getting very difficult.
I go to the GYM almost 5 days a week and walk the 3X's a week weather permitting, Also I do allot of floor exercises at night, dumbbells, stability ball, crunches, bands, pulleys too. I have doubled my repititions, trying to eliminate my flabby parts. It dosen't seem to be working on that excess hanging skin, but perhaps its to early to tell. I found out that I will be having my surgery on Sept. 30, I'm excited and also a little nervous. I keep wondering if God approves of this surgery,but then I say He is the one who showed the Dr's what to do. So I have to believe He will be there with me through it all as He has promised never to leave me nor forsake me.  I am looking forward to my new life in my new body, with all the changes I have been so long waited for. I will keep you all posted. You can also find me on  Gastric Bypass team. 
Ill keep you all posted,

Up date on visits!!Waiting for calender date..

May 21, 2008

5/21/08 Well today is wednesday, and Monday was my last dietician appointment.  and all went well, Ive lost 11 lbs since going to the dietician, 40lbs. lost since my heaviest back in Aug. "06". So now I will be scheduled for surgery with-in the next 2 weeks -to- 2 months. According to the dietician, they will call me with a date soon. I have a stressful situations going on right now though, my DH is wanting to switch jobs and I don't want him to untill after the surgery is done, as I want to make sure that all is covered via our present insurance company. So I'm praying he will not switch jobs as of yet. He told me today he would wait, now I just hope and pray the job will wait, and I will get a calender date real soon.

Making progress!!

May 09, 2008

Well today is May 10, 2008. I have my last dietician appointment on the 19th then they say I will be scheduled to have the surgery right after that. It could be as early as 2 weeks. I have had the phyc evail. done, two other dietician appointments,gall bladder x-ray thyroid Byopsy, sleep study done and I'm looking like I'm good to go. I have learned to change allot of my eating habits, and the way I think about food. I have lost 23 lbs since 1st baritric visit, and 40 since Aug. of 2007, took a long time to come off. I have learned to control my emotions when eating and eat consiously. Drinking between 55-75 ounces of water a day, no sugar, and very few cards. Its a good thing I love fruit and veggies. I'm ready for all of this and the changes that will come along the way. But I certainly will admitt I'm very nervous. Can't wait till I'm past the point on the Knife, and the healing has been completed. I am believing that 1 year from today I will be at goal of 123 lbs.

April 26, 2008

Apr 26, 2008

Hi everyone been a while since I've been on to update whats been happening. Since my last post I have gone through several tests. I've been to the first meeting with the dietician, when I went to that I was down 14 pounds since I had last seen my Primary Doctor here in town so I was quite surprised at my weight loss. That meeting was June 26th, and it was a group meeting. Then I went back on the 21st of April for a 1 on 1 with her that went really well I was shocked to get on the scale and I had lost 7.4 lbs. During these past few months, I had a sleep study which came back mild, no problems, had a thyroid biposy that also came back normal they say I have several nodules and they will check on them in another year. I  believing God to desolve them by then. I also had a scan of my gall bladder they say it is fatty. 
Does not surprise anyone, I'm sure. LOL!
   So in total since August of 2006, I have lost 36 lbs. I feel good about that but I know my body and If I do not have this surgery I will gain it back plus more to boot!
Right now I have naysayers attacking me, they are saying 
Do you know how dangerous that surgery is?
You could die?
What would your husband do with out you?
Look how much you lost, you can do it on your own??
They just don't understand. I know I can do it I have done it hundreds of times it just always find's its way back on my body.
I want to be rid of the diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholostorl. And the overwhelming fear of what others think of me and my size!!
I know God has given me this oppertunity in this time in my life for his purpose and plan to be fulfilled in me.
I'm moving forward my next appointment is May 19th, then I will be scheduled for surgery.
Keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

About Me
Dundee, NY
Surgery Date
Jan 03, 2008
Member Since

Friends 22

Latest Blog 13
30 days out from RNY
Day 5 Post-Op!!!
Six more days till my New Birthday!!
My pre-op screening.....coming up soon!!
I'm counting down the days!!!
Got a date witht the Dr.
Up date on visits!!Waiting for calender date..
Making progress!!
April 26, 2008
