2nd Trial 2 week Liquid Diet....

Jun 19, 2011

Well since registering at the WLP last wednesday, and weighing in at 369.2 lbs, that is the weight recorded and from what they take the 30 lb loss from. The 68.5 lbs I have lost since seeing Dr Ellsmere Feb 24th is not counted nor the total of 188.5 lbs lost since sept 25,2009, The Sooooooooooooo  it's another 2 week trial liquid diet, so I am starting it today. I'm off to the races.....

Started diet - Sept 25th 2009  - 550 lbs possibly more
Dr Ellsmere - February 24th     - 430.1 lbs  Lost 120 lbs

WLP Start 
 - Wed June 15th -369.2 lbs  Lost 60.9 lbs since Dr Ellsmere. total fr start =180.9 lbs
*Liquid Diet- Mon June 20th -361.6 lbs Lost 7.6 lbs from WLP start Tfr DrE= 68.5lbs T fr start =188.4 lbs
                  - Mon June 27th -348.2 lbs Lost 13.4 lbs T21 lbs fr WLP start Tfr DrE= 81.9lbs T fr start =201.8 lbs

*1200 Lmt - Mon July 4th- 342.0 lbs Lost 6.2 lbs 2wkT 19.6 T27.2 lbs fr WLP start Tfr DrE= 88.1lbs T fr start =208.0lbs

*1200 Healthy Choice- Mon July 11th- 340.0 lbs Lost 2.0 lbs T29.2 lbs fr WLP start Tfr DrE= 90.1lbs T fr start =210.0lbs


Jump! How high?

Jun 19, 2011

Well I heard back from the Weight Loss Team. I am to start with 2 weeks liquid diet then followed by 3 months of the selective 1200 cal diet (of glucerna) Then transition to a 1200 healthy eating diet through a dietician or doctor. I certainly feel like I am going in circles here. Only a month ago, I was given instructions by the same person to go on 3-4 weeks of liquids (which I did) and to follow it with the 1200 cal diet (which I did...given to me by a dietican in Truro) I had emailed her to double check on that but never did get a response. From Feb 24th to now I have lost over 60 lbs  doing so.
Now I guess since starting the Weight Loss program officially, I guess that 1200 cal diet I am on is not the same as "their plan to lose weight" so I am to do 2 weeks of liquid diet followed by their selective choice 1200 cal for 3 months. Now I would like to know who I am to see about the transitioning to a healthy eating 1200 cal diet after I do this... since what I am on now ( and losing weight on) is not proper.... an you hear me snarl? lol
Well anyways, here goes my jumping through hoops and whatever I have to do to prove I am committed and know the plan. I have to laugh that I am being put on their plan to lose weight and here i have lost 6.6 pounds since I seen them last wednesday by eating... you guessed it a HEALTHY 1200 CALORIE DIET.... oh me nerves.


Jun 18, 2011

After going through a 4 week stall with a few gains.... doing completely everything I should be doing... bang the ole body kicks into gear. It really amazes me. It really does have a mind of it's own and does what it does when it's good and ready... we're just along for the ride LOL roller coaster one at that LOL. This week has been something else with the scales dropping but also my blood sugars and insulin need keeps dropping, surprising me even more. I'm now down to 19u in the AM and 6u in the PM it was 23u & 12u only a few weeks ago! I am doing everything the same as I was during the stall. THIS is the kind of thing to see that will cement me into not veering away from the plan during my next stall.... and oh I am sure there will be a next one...and I  will get through it as well. It's the successes along the way to remember, that bring us through those times. Keep to the plan...and the body will do it's thing!!!

LOl now to stay off the darn scale and only get on once a week...LOL this am i jumped on...man...very strong possibility that i will be below 360 this thursday... shhhhhhh i was 362.6 this am... lol

First Meeting with the WLP

Jun 15, 2011

Well yesterday was my first appointment with the Weight Loss Team in Halifax; their info session "What is Weight Loss Surgery?"  After being registered, we were weighed then given papers to fill out. Then The WLP nurse, psychologist, nutitionist, surgeon, occupational therapist spoke. Then there was a former patient who came and told his story. All was very informative. The team set out the plan for those wishing to have WLS and said the time when surgery would be, depends greatly on YOU...HOW COMMITTED ARE YOU... do what they suggest and this would be the deciding factor when the surgery would be.
When passing in the papers i filled out, we got a chance to speak with the team and introduce myself. Several times before this a few had mentioned they remembered me from february as well as my "emails".  I was asked if I felt I have done the "list" and am really to which I said yes, so hopefully I will get my paperwork for bloodwork and appointment lined up soon.

when I got weighed in hfx (in the afternoon) I weighed in at 369.2. Finally below 370 ! This stall has felt like forever to get below 370, but finally did it! 
Well this am when I got up, had my pee, and jumped on the scales...asI normally do on thursday mornings... it read 356.4. I jumped off, got on several times to see the same. I thought, man how so much in one day ...but...then again thinking how I was weighed in the afternoon, this could attribute to some. I can see a pound more n a tad more loss...but i feel the weight fluctuation  and time of day and scale could be a contributing factor. BUT I will take it and keep on trucking.

Is it over?

Jun 08, 2011

Well I jumped on the scales today... 373.6lbs... hee haaaaww a loss!! Is this stall over?? I am cautious to yell it from the rooftops really. One more pound and I will be at what I was after my liquid diet. I must say though, something is going on with this ole body of mine. The last two days the insulin has dropped 2 units, so something is happening. All's good though... I will keep doing what I am doing and take what comes.

A Test I Guess...

May 27, 2011

Well the last two weeks have been certainly a test. The week after my liquid diet, my weight in was a plus 0.8 pounds...man that was discouraging, but I kept telling myself...my body's adjusting, my body's adjusting..I have lost over 170 pounds...i can not give up...just keep at it!!  well then another week past n bang..another gain of 2 pounds..wtf..grrrrrrrrrr  then i thought...well i did increase my walking/steps those last few weeks...and over again I went those things in my head to keep me sane...my bodys adjusting ..i will not waver...n i didnt...but i must say, it surely is a test.
While I was walking yesterday i thought alot over how many times before when dieting and losing i have given up and gained back and then some, n i pondered...what makes me believe i won't do it again. Somehow i know..it's hard to explain. After getting on this road to healthiness with Curtis, seeing us both work on getting healthy and how it could be done, it is so important...then seeing how his cancer took over...even when he tried sooo hard...with every breath he took to fight...but lost...and now i carry on alone. How could I possibly give up. Life is too precious to give up and I must go on.

Stage 3 Trial

May 04, 2011

Well my trial Stage 3 Liquid diet has been completed, and I must say I could have stayed on it longer with no prob. I felt full and was never hungry and felt full of energy. If wanting to see my meals/snacks in what they consisted of you can find them here .  I learned sooo much during these three weeks, I know it will help me immensley after surgery.
Week 1  10.6 lbs lost
Week 2    8.4 lbs lost
Week 3    4.8 lbs lost

Total of 23.8 lbs in 3 weeks AND my measurements I took as well on April 21st and I lost 14.5 inches all over !!!!
                          Apr 21        May 12               
waist                   50"              47"
Hips                    63"              62"
Rt Calf                24"               23"
Lft Calf                24.5"           23"
Rt Bicept            20"               18"
Lft Bicept            21"               18"
Lft Thigh             28"                27"
Rt Thigh             29"                27"


My journey continues.....

Apr 30, 2011

My, I haven’t written here in a while. So much is going on.

Let me see, since seeing Dr Ellsmere there has been so many changes. My diet I have switched up. After my appointment with the Diabetic clinic the first of March, they showed me what a 1200 cal diet entailed, n then I looked at the diet on stage 5 in the handouts and twas the same so I started countin calories etc and doing a food log. I was originally on approx 1300 to 1500 cal so I cut it back to 1200, had a little headache at first but soon disappeared. Then in seeing my blood sugars having some 6’s I shifted my meals to incorporate 3 snacks, still keeping to 1200 cal a day. I had never had snacks only when I carried my daughter, but I never liked bothering with them and was able to control my sugars without…but seeing 6’s bothered me, so I am now snacking lol. My insulin has come down much more 19u in Am and 10u in the PM and my last weigh in last Thursday was 386 pounds. That is 2 months since seeing Dr Ellsmere!! I also am briskly walking daily 39 minutes and yesterday have started to help walk with a friend, getting her started in her walking daily…she is a bit slower than me so I don’t include this as a part of my walk…this all helps me to obtain my 10000 steps a day…n hey…all is for the good.

On the 11th of April I phoned Dr Ellsmere’s office and left a message telling them my progress that I had lost the 30 lbs he had wanted and by noon time I had received an email concerning my go ahead to start the stage 3 diet for 3-4 weeks then continue afterwards on stage 5 1200 cal diet until I meet them the end of may the first of June.  I went to my family doc on Monday the 19th to see about my blood pressure. I had been having some low readings and felt I best get it seen to before starting the liquid diet. I am now OFF ALL Blood pressure meds !!!!

Oh yes, I went to my first OWLS meeting in Truro and it was so great to meet everyone…learned so much and look forward to the next.

On April 21st I started my 3 week liquid diet, My first week I lost 10.6 pounds. I am on my 11th day and I feel great, I am filled, am not hungry and so much energy that I am not even counting days til I get back on the 1200 cal diet. I feel this has a lot to do with cutting back on the sugar and carbs before this….because my hunger and cravings was nil then and the transition to liquids was no big deal. It definitely takes time learn to sip and concentrate on getting the liquid in on a meal specific time…for drinking is not associated with meals because I never drank during meals. But all in all everything’s going great and learning so much, and feel my life/health is changing for the good finally. I CAN DO THIS!!!!

New beginnings

Mar 11, 2011

Well I better start my blogging. Seems like so much has transpired since meeting Dr Ellsmere. Although I have been losing weight since sept 25th '09 it's like Feb 24th is another new starting date. I remember coming out of my family doc appointment that afternoon and with feeling on top of the world, walked 25 minutes!!!  The week after, not much walking got done...i did read and watched everything going past my lips, increased my water intake..started eating slower...and was so surprised with the results of feeling fuller inso doing.

Last sunday, after all week making excuses of it was too cold to walk ..or it's too icy etc etc.....i finally went out and walked down the road to my sister-in-laws. man when i sat down i felt sick to my stomach...my hernia i guess had a shaking and it took me a few minutes to hold myself back from throwing up. It didnt hold me back from walking home and got a total of a half hour of walking in total...felt great..except the nausia...i just knew i had to wear something more supportive when i walked. I sometimes wonder how things will progress with this hernia as i lose weight...this in itself can be scarey.

So sunday night i went to stay at my girlfriends..we chatted alot on weight issues n exercising...even did some weights...and the next day we went walking in the mall...a total of 1 mile...and got some new dumb bells ( 5 and 8 lbs) and a thigh master...i wanted to get into making new habits.

On tuesday i went to the diabetic clinic and my blood sugars were great as well as my cholesterol. Chatted a bit with the dietitian and nurse about my plans with halifax n the WLS. I go back to them in september. I then went to the mall and walked a mile there..n tromped round the stores lol, n went away a few days with another friend. got 3 1/2 miles in that day lol..those little distant counters come in handy.

the next few days i worked on weights a bit..and friday my girlfriend came for supper and then we went walking in brookfield at the duckpond...1 mile around that lil pond...and only took me 13 minutes!!!...was a lil workout fer me...and i know eventually i will get use to it all and be making laps round that pond...but for now...will take one at a time. 

4 days of walking outta my first week is not that bad...lol a first for me lol ...here's to new habits and new beginnings. :)
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About Me
Brookfield. NS,
Surgery Date
Feb 25, 2011
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I actually got bigger than this pic, I stayed away from pictures.
2021 maintaining a healty body weight since dec 2020

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