My First Fill

Aug 24, 2010

Two months and 14 days have passed since my surgery and today I finally received my first fill.

They gave me 4cc's which is quite a bit, but given my circumstances, she really wanted to give me a "boost". 

For those of you who are wondering what it feels like, it's really nothing more than a little pin prick.  Really!  I am petrified of needles so I kept my eyes shut and she walked me through it.  She told me everything she was doing (which helped).  I felt a tiny bit of pressure,  but really, it felt like nothing was done.

She explained to me that you will not feel any different until you actually eat something.  She told me to go on a 2 day liquid diet...I will start tomorrow.  This will really jump start my new restriction.

I'm excited, and feel like I've been given another shot at losing a large amount in a short amount of time. 

I am going to start exercising...2 miles leisurely walking (consistant walk) each day.  Then I will add my kettleball exercise. 

My surgery was on June 10th, is August 24th and I have lost 20lbs.  Not as much as I wanted nor what they expected.  I am not giving up.  I will not let this deter me from getting to my goal weight. 

So, don't worry about the's a me! 


20 Tips For Success

Jul 26, 2010

I bought a great book to help me stay on track after my lap band surgery.

In it, the author Jennifer Whitlock Heisler, RN of "The Everything Post Weight Loss Surgery Cookbook" list "20 Tips For Success". I thought I would share it with you.

1. Avoid drinking calories
2. Exercise everyday, even for a few minutes
3. Keep a food diary
4. Find a support group
5. Drink at least sixty-four ounces of water per day
6. Keep your appointments with your doctors
7. Don't weigh yourself too frequently
8. Take your measurements regularly
9. Make your exercise as pleasant as possible by reading a book, listening to music, etc.
10. Don't drink fluids half an hour before or after a meal.
11. Follow your surgeon's instruction to the letter.
12. Look for ways to include exercise in your day, such as taking the stairs
13. Don't keep trigger foods in the house
14. Before taking a single bite ask yourself if you are "stomach hungry" or "head hungry"
15. Focus on eating the protein serving before eating the rest of your meal.
16. Don't expert perfection, but do plan for it.
17. Find exercises your enjoy, not just the ones that burn the most calories.
18. Measure your food; don't assume your portion sizes are correct
19. Accept the support offered by friends and family
20. Reward yourself frequently for your accomplishments and hard work.


One Month and Counting

Jul 12, 2010

On July 10th, it was one month since my lap band operation.  I am suprised that I haven't lost as much weight as I thought I would, but I'm not going to give up of course. 

What I do see is a change in how my clothes are fitting though.  I have to use a safety pin in my trousers and in my tops to give them more support in the chest area.  

I know that I have lost inches in my waist, and I have definitely noticed that I have lost a lot of the "muffin top" in my back.  I hated that roll of fat that hung over my bra.  My arms appear to have lost an inch because it's easier to slip into my shirts.  

When I walked in the past (with a dress on), my thighs used to rub together in a way that was very painful.  Now, I can walk with just a small amount of rubbing.  I can even cross my legs. 

So overall, I have lost only 15 lbs, but with results that keep me plugging away.  I bought a Schwinn stationary bike and I have bought several different types of videos for strenth training and flexibility. 

I will be taking some pictures to document my progress even if it's only a little bit.  I think it's important to see the evidence in a picture.  Good luck to everyone out there! 
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Tips For The First Week after WLS (lap band)

Jun 17, 2010

Someone emailed me today to ask if I had any tips for her.  Her surgery is schedule for tomorrow.  This is what I told her about my experience so far this week:

I know everyone has spoken about the amount of discomfort and or pain that will be present after the surgery. I will be completely honest with you and say that the moment I drank my first 1 oz in the recovery room, I felt a sharp discomfort in my chest.  I thought I was having a mild heart attack...but I quickly realized what it was.  Gas.  That's it.  That comforted me. 

My suggestion is that you breath (just like they say to do if you are in labor).   That eased the  discomfort/pain very quickly!!  So remember that tip  if and when it happens.  Try to burp..that helps too.  Ask for a pain reliever...they wont give it if you don't ask for it!  It will ease the discomfort in your belly button and at your stomach area. 

Within 9 hours after the surgery I was walking out the door to go home!  I didn't need assistance.  When I got home, I started with my 4 oz of water.  I didn't want anything else.  I needed to take a pain reliever before bed...I suggest this so you can have a good night sleep.

Next tip:  WALK WALK WALk.  You will feel 100% better!  I promise. 

If you have a fever that next day, take your temp. but not to worry until it gets to 101 degrees. (The hospital nurse told me this).  This is coming from the anesthesia wearing off.  I had a slight fever the next day.   Apparently when you are put under, your lungs actually collapse.  (This little tid - bit came from my Dr.)  So don't panic you will be fine.  I promise! 

I have been drinking the following liquids - 4 oz , (1 x an hour.)

* Diet Snapple
*Chicken and Beef Broth (low sodium)
*Crystal lite
*Unjury Protein shakes - 3 x's a day - spread out over the day
*Sugar free ice pops - Sugar free is different than "no sugar added" so be careful
*Sugar free jello

Next Tip: 
DO NOT forget to have your protein shakes and to be very certain that you get in your 48 - 64 oz a day of liquid.  If you do not follow this, you will be certain to slow down your weight loss and you may even gain.  NO KIDDING!!  I saw the nutritionist yesterday.  I had a very hard time the first few days doing this...and she lectured me about this for what seemed like an hour.  Apparently your body goes in survivor mode and it will literally hold onto your fat cells to keep from dying and it will hold all liquids to keep from hydrating.


Next Tip: 
Make sure to call your Dr.'s office to set up your first week and second week follow up appoints as soon as you can!  They will not call you and you may be forced to wait because they don't have any room for you.  When you are at your second appoint (or second week appoint), then schedule for your next.  Stay on top of this for your health and to get information that you would benefit from. Trust me on this!! 

Next tip: 
Take before pictures.  You will thank yourself later.  It's a great pick me up when your tummy is grumbling and you are wondering why you did this! 

If you would like to see my new blog outside this site go to:

So take a look.  Let me know what you think!  Sign in. 


Lap Band Surgery and home that Day!

Jun 10, 2010

The day began by signing in at the admissions desk.  The financial officer I spoke to on the phone for the past few months didn't write in my "notes" that he was allowing me to pay half now and half later for the surgery. 

So when I went to give the clerk my card, he said that he would not take anything but the whole amount and came SO CLOSE to canceling the surgery  that I have been waiting for the past 9 months for! 

I did some fast talking... and he finally allowed me to pay half. WHEW!!

Then, there they were...the doors that will lead me to a life that I have been dreaming about!  When I walked through those doors...the tremendous knots in my neck and shoulders immediately relaxed.  I was there sporting a new white bracelet and I was in heaven!! 

I signed some more papers and met with the guy that will put my lights out for the next hours.  What a cutie BTW!   Made me think about how fun it will feel to get back into the dating scene again! 

I woke to the sound of his voice..what a nice way to wake!  I had a very brief moment of nauseousness but was given some medicine to make that go away.

For the next 9 hours I slept on and off.  Then before I knew it, my friend came to take me home.  I am now in bed with my dog Dutchess sleeping soundly besides me.

Over all...a damn good day!!


Questions for Follow Up Care

Dec 29, 2009

The following list of questions was put together by Penni and a few others who contributed to the list.
It has been very helpful to people on other LapBand support sites, and I'm fairly sure that Penni won't mind me sharing it here.

Below you will find questions to ask BEFORE your lap band operation: 

1) Follow up care.

What is the schedule for fills?
When can I get my first fill?
How is the fill procedure performed? (ie: with or without fluroscopy)
What is the cost for fills? (under fluro and not)
How often will I need to be seen?
Will I have access to a Nutritionist?
How do does the doctor determine whether or not my band will need to be adjusted?
Is there a direct line in case of Emergencies?
Will I need to crush my pills? If so then for how long?
Are there any pills that cannot be crushed? If so then how will I be able to take them?

2) In the end you are the ONE person that knows your OWN body. The doctor doesn't, the nurse doesn't, your best friend's neighbor's daughter's friend's dog doesn't. Get the picture? You know when your body is telling you that something isn't right. For instant, you are nauseous, light headed, and feeling tired. Could be flu, could be low blood sugar, could be dehydration. The fact is you are being made aware that your body is not happy. So maybe drink some water, eat some protein and rest. If that doesn't work then call your doctor. Not next week not tomorrow but right then. It might be nothing but better safe than sorry.

3) If you are working the band (i.e. drinking before /after small bites forks/spoons down after bite/ protein first - all those things) as hard as you can, and you are still not losing weight, then you might need to be evaluated for metabolic issues. Do not accept the band as just another failed weight loss gimic. Push for answers.

4) Do not leave the hospital before you know exactly what your post op diet should consist of.
Including when and how to advance the diet. (ie: clear liquid, liquid, mushies, regular diet).
Also, have a clear picture of what each phase looks like. (ie: clear liquid = broths; liquids = protein drinks; mushies = mashed potatoes; regular diet = protein then veggies then carbs).
And unless YOUR doctor told you it's ok to change his or her instructions, then NO.. its NOT ok!

5) ON the issue of Pregnancy and being banded, here are some questions you might want to address.
How soon after being banded can I get pregnant?
Once pregnant, will I have to get a partial unfill or be completely unfilled?
Should I expect any issues/complications with a pregnancy after being banded? If there are any what could they be and how will they be addressed?
After being banded, are most babies delivered via c-section or can they be delivered naturally? If my baby needs to be delivered via c-section could that damage the port and tubing?
Are there additional vitamins I should take while

If you can't keep water down and you have been suffering for days then CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!
If you are having days of reflux and a burning sensation in your belly then CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!
If you have a redness, swelling, tender, and hot area around your port then CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!
If there is just something that doesn't 'FEEL' right then CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!

If someone has more to offer then please add to this list as needed and then I will post it.

Please know that I am not suggesting that any of us aren't smart enough to know when something is wrong but sometimes we know more what to do for others than we do for ourselves.

We have to LOVE ourselves and take care of ourselves.
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What To Expect

Dec 29, 2009

Today my whole morning and first part of the afternoon was spent watching slide presentations of what to expect the day of the surgery, the day after the surgery and what to do when you get home etc. 

They also took our blood,  blood pressure,urine and even took an X-Ray of our chest.

So much to take in but...
I am impressed with this program.  They totally prepare you for what could happen if you do this...if you don't do that...if you eat this..........but not that...if you are sick the day of the are out of luck

All I kept thinking was WOW..I can't believe I'm finally here!  It was like being initiated into a new group or family.

I even met a few people with the same surgery date or close to my own.  It was really nice to exchange in person our experience up to this date.  

I look forward to keep in touch with them as we go along with this journey together so to speak.


My Personal Goals

Dec 28, 2009

During my browsing of this terrific site, I came across a profile of a beautiful woman who worked very hard (like you all) to reach her goals.  I apologize to this person for not giving her the credit for this format, (I didn't write down her username), but it inspired me to write mine down...tell me if anyone can relate.  I know my goals will change during my journey...but I'm keeping it simple right now.

I want to: (but not limited to) walk without my thighs rubbing together, go into a boutique store in NYC and just pick what I like, go on the subway and always find a seat, walk my sweet dog more than 2 blocks, walk up a set of steps without getting out of breath,  look at my reflection in the store window and like what I see, join charities and offer my assistance on my community board, jog in a marathon, enjoy and look forward to exercising,
enjoy healthy food..

I want to stop:
...worrying about what I must look like walking down the street, thinking about what I will wear for a party, feeling the aches and pain in my knees and feet, canceling my plans because I feel extra bloated, worrying if the seat is wide enough for my hips, turning down men who actually ask me out on a date, all of the excuses!

I will gain:
.....more confidence, self respect, pride in my work, and a life free of the burdens that come with being overweight.


Helpful Items for Food Preping

Dec 28, 2009

I'm following our friend Melanie's example and buying everything I need prior to my liquid diet and the portion control I will need for my meals at home.

I came across a great site called: Fit and Fresh -
I ordered the following:

Smooth Blend Mixer
Smart Portion™ Prep & Pack Tray
Seven Day Vitamin Pack
Smart Portion™ Prep Center
$ 24.99
$ 14.99
$ 2.99
$ 24.99

The Smart Portion Prep Center has a cool scale in which to weigh your food and a great section you can push the items into to make sure you are getting the right portion. The smooth blend mixer seems to be the perfect size for blending without clumps (a big pet peave of mine).  And the Pre-and Pack Tray is perfect for that Perfect Portion size - then store it in the fridge for future meals.

I love doing research, so I will be posting any useful websites I find in my blogging.  I hope this helps!  

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Preping for Surgery

Dec 27, 2009

Tonight I came across a wonderful person who documented her journey incredibly well.  Right down to the products she used for her liquid diet 2 weeks prior to surgery.   I soaked up everything she said and wrote down any tips she offered. 

She spoke of her concern right before her  date of choosing the lap band over the gastric bypass.  I too am feeling the same way, but after listening to her and watching how quickly she lost and witnessed her determination, i feel very confident I will suceed!

You can find her in here..skymoon1982.  I do not think she would mind me giving her member name in here because she has posted so many videos in Utube as well.  That's where I found her.  I am grateful to have found her videos.  I find them a lot better than just reading in here.  

I am taking her lead and at exactly 2 weeks prior to my surgery, I will be starting my liquid diet.  I will be that much closer to my goal weight of 145lbs. 

So, Melanie if you are reading this...thank you for your dedication to your subscribers to utube and thank you for telling it like it really is!! 


About Me
Manhattan ,
Aug 27, 2009
Member Since

Friends 29

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