Giving up!!!!

Sep 21, 2011

That is how I feel... Time to vent and let this all off my chest. So much has been going on, I just dont know where to start.
 I have been having issues with my tummy, my intestines, and then my brain... Starting in July I was having problems with fainting and then having seizures. Or what was thought to be seizures. I had several trips in a ambulance, a few ER stints, and many tests including a 4 day hospital stay hooked to machines and wearing a helmet... Ive had an EEG with a small amount of abnormal activity, A catscan, a MRI and a 4 day video monitored EEG. Blood work ans urine testing. I know exciting right? And nothing, NOTHING was found except that small amount of abnormal activity. I was good for several days, the doctors came to a conclusion, I have RLS (Restless leg syndrome) And I take too much Ambien, 20 mg, when most people take 5. So, they cut the ambien in half, put me on a med for parkinsons disease that will help with all my RLS twitching. I came home from the 4 day hospital stay last week, I have been doing good, following all the rules they gave me. Last night, after pooping (Happens everytime) I fainted. When I came too the paramedics were here (yet again) and were trying to load me to the stretcher, rolling me on my side, I landed face down, on a glass, luckily I didnt cut myself. So when I get to the ER, they gave me something for my migrain, and benedryl. Im not sure why, and wasnt told why or that I was even getting it. They drew a ton of blood, and even too my urine. Now they literally let me sit in the ER for about 2 hours. The doc comes in and says to me, all my tests come back ok, and bla bla bla, then he sits at the end of my bed, and asks me if I wanna tell him something. Im like, no, should I? Is something wrong? Then he informs me that my urine test came back positive for methamphetamines! I didnt really know what to say! Im at a loss for words! I dont do drugs, Im sure all addicts say that but for real, I dont. My boyfriend then comes back into the room and says to the doc whats going on, doc continues to say the meth is why Im having problems so if I stop meth use Ill be okay! Now, my bf knows I dont use meth, and so do all my friends, but now, this stupid doc has put in my chart Im a meth user! He leaves and the nurse comes in to release me, so I ask her about false positives? SHe says some parkinsons meds, and other things can give a false positive, I remind the doc of the meds Im taking, he basically tells me to shut up and stop taking drugs! Im dumbfounded, no blood test was done, and being a criminal justice student I know the high possibilities of a false negative with a urine test. Why didnt he test my blood? Why was he so mean to me? Why do doctors just assume, and not really look into what is going on? Also, to top all this off, I am on day two of my 11 day colon marker test. I took my second pill today, 3rd tomorrow and am starting xrays on friday.
Im frustrated, angry, hurt, confused, everything, I can't explain all my feelings. Im tired, tired of fighting to get someone to listen to me. Tired of trying to fix me, tired of feeling all alone, tired of it all. It is too much, I can NOT take anymore.
I was fat before, but never this unhealthy. Now, three years out of my WLS, nothing but issues, sick all the damn time, and not minor things. These things are huge. Theres nothing like this feeling that if I hadnt had the gastric bypass I wouldnt be sick, no problems, sure Id still be fat but damnit Id take that over all this bullshit.....


About Me
Milaca, MN
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2008
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