Stalling ...grr.

Jun 07, 2009

I lost 7 pounds in May but since my Birthday at the end of May I seem to losing and gaining the same pound endlessly .Am getting very frustrated with seeing 216 on the scale for basically the last 2 weeks . Now I know I have been slipping into eating too many carbs lately ..and boy does my hunger fire up when I make that mistake . My portion sizes have increased and its obvious the Honeymoon period is over with my revision .I can eat almost normally ..NOT GOOD !!
I need to totally refocus and stop all the  re emerging bad habits ...I have lots of excuses but in the end am just falling into bad patterns of eating again . Its basically since my husband retired last month eating habits seem to have had to fall in with his ..grrrrrrrr ! The cooked breakfasts .. the little naughty treats ..he eats too many carbs and tempts me when he gets them out . We have been living in "holiday eating mode " ..we were away in our new trailor last week and ate out /or ate the wrong things ...I have even had the ocasional beer or rum and coke ...bad me !
We have had a LOT going on in our lives ..some good ..but a load of stress too . We have now flipped on our decision to sell our bungalow in the country and have decided to sell our TO condo instead ..not an easy choice believe me ..sigh . it means for me I lose all my local WLS friends and support meetings soon . I hate that !

Financially we need to get it sold fairly quickly as running 2 homes on a retirement income is just not possible and our savings are suffering . Once we get the condo sold and can settle permanantly in the Kawarthas life should become much less stressed and busy .
My eating always suffers when I am stressing ....sigh .

So I am here to confess my sins and get my (now size 16/18 body ..yay ) back on the right losing track . I hope to cut out all the crap and refocus on eating more protein /veggies and less carbs .
I hope I can report better news my next blog entry .

On a positive note Dr Klein and the Dietician was happy with my progress when I went for my 3 month follow up 3 weeks ago .I did point out again that my pouch is larger and way less restricted than I'd hoped .
I am now down 45 pounds ....and looking sooo much better for it . I am sure this RNY can get my weight to where I want it to be ..I just have to work my tool .

Thanks for reading guys are the BEST.

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