Peters date is nearly here !

Jan 24, 2010

Peter is 12 days into his 2 weeks of Optifast and doing really very well . He has been extremely hungry ..well of course ..and its been a tough go but he is almost at the end now ..just 2 days till his RNY ..yay !! He is down 14 pounds ..and has reduced his isulin already by 75% !!! Thats before he even has surgery ..woot !!
I am very proud of him ...we are each others biggest fans and support ..and we are very blessed to have each other .When I had my WLS he was always there for me and now I get to return the favour ! Its an honour !
So we are packing our suitcase tonight and are raring to leave for TO on Tuesday on Weds ..hopefully home by Friday evening . I will post about his surgery details on the main forum asap . We have been innundated with wonderful messages of support and encouragement ..and are very blessed with all our wonderful OH friends ..thanks every one xx. We really apreciate everything you have done for us on this difficult road to his surgery . Support and friendship is everything are the BEST !!!! I am looking forwards to everyone who is coming to visit him ..and the 2 evenings out that are planned for me ..I am just glad the Optifast days are almost done ..and the waiting has been the hardest bit of all . My nerves are bad are his ..about the surgery and inherent risks ..but thats only normal ..I know he has a lot of people praying for his safe passage to the losing side .
I am down 5 pounds ..thats a good loss ..I am feeling back on track ..and am doing my best to stick to the rules ..onward and downward ..lets roll !

Thanks for reading ..more after his surgery ..

Linda x

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