04/16/08-Oh my goodness it has been several years since I have posted on this website but I find myself returning hoping that I can continue back on this journey that I feel off of.  The last time I posted I was telling you all about this man that I love so much that had moved in with me well we on working on year number 4 of marriage CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!  Yes, I am married and I can honestly say that it is so different but also a wonderful and rewarding experience but on the flip side I have gained about 12 lbs a year.  I am so disappointed in myself right now.  As I was thinking back this website helped motivate me more than anything or any body else.  Who else can understand the mental battle.  So easy to say just stay out the kitchen but that doesn't fix the mind battle of just getting something eat to calm my nerves  My husband says that my weight doesn't bother him but I should just be healthy.  Well now that I have the sign in information I will be joining you all back very shortly.

About Me
Sacramento, Ca
Oct 11, 2002
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 3
