Frvsnt O. 19 years, 8 months ago

Good AFTERNOON!!!! - and a Happy THREE YEAR Re-birthday to you!!! I found this quote and just love it! When running up a hill, it’s alright to give up as many times as you wish – as long as your feet keep moving. By - Shoma Morita M.D. I can only imagine that your experience has been wonderful. Full of changes and new experiences. I can hardly wait to see what I look like and feel like one year out!!! Congratulations to YOU!!! If you have an opportunity and/or haven’t already, please stop by and update your profile! We’d all love to know how well you’ve progressed!!! If you have a few moments, please take the time to send well wishes to your fellow “re-birthday” buddies!!! It’s a great boost to them as well as yourself. Have a FANTASTIC DAY! RNY 10/31/03 down 121 pounds and at GOAL!!!

Mary R. 21 years, 8 months ago

Donna congratulations on your weight loss. I too have been looking for Teann please tell her I miss her terribly if you do get intouch with her. I am so very concerned as to why she deleated all her web page. I hope everything goes well for her. The last email I had she was so very up beat and had just posted her new pictures. You two really look great. I sincerely hope that she is ok.

nccarolinagirl 21 years, 10 months ago

Donna, Please you have to talk to your sister. I work at a Military hospital and we lost a patient to a tear last week only to find out the pts family had been giving her water and it tore her pouchcausing her to leak and before they caught it she was already septic. They have to allow it time to heal that is why they are on certain foods during ceratin times. I just received my approval and waiting on date now, but I am going to be very cautious. I have a family to think about and children to raise. Take care Sherry

purpleunicorn 21 years, 11 months ago

Good Morning! I found a thing I can do now that I couldn't before the surgery!! I can RUN!!! I did a mile this morning and ran almost half of it!! Whoo HOo! Now, I didn't run the half mile continuously, I did it about a block at a time, then walked fast inbetween, but no way could I have done that nine months ago! Down to 150 now, can't wait for that needle to dip below into the 140's. Anyway, have a great day everyone, keep on keeping on, as we used to say in the OLD DAYS! ((((HUGS))))

LORRAINE K. 21 years, 11 months ago

Dear Donna~~~~CONGRATULATIONS!!! on your wonderful progress since your surgery AND on becoming credentialed as a Psych RN----it was hard work and look at the rewards. Keep strong. Be well, be happy, be blessed. Lorraine Kruk, RN

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 21 years, 11 months ago

Congratulations!!! You look simply smashing in the purple number! WTG and keep up the great work!

purpleunicorn 21 years, 11 months ago

Good Morning all my Amos brothers and sisters! It is a wonderful Wednesday morning, I am about to get ready for work, and then enjoy tommorrow! Just wanted to update, I am a little over 9 months out, I have lost a total of 138#, down to 151#, yes the weight loss has slowed down considerably, but WOW!!, that much in 9 months? Blows me away! I am wearing size 10's easily, and I am only 5'2", so this is strange for me, because at this weight before, I wore 14's. Hmmm? Well, whatever, **giggle**. My goal weight is 130, but ya know, I will take 140 no probs. BUT I WANT A TUMMY TUCK AND A BOOB JOB!!lol. Seriously, this surgery has been such a gift, and I appreciate every day so much. My life is going great, I have a fantastic job, ditto on hubby, kids doing well, just couldnt ask God for anything else. Going to hubby's 15 year high school reunion on Aug 3 and have to say, I feel proud going with him, gonna get a hot new outfit. Now, bear in mind, he is 11 years younger than me, so this new me feels so much more confident, and can't wait to have fun meeting all his friends. It is in South Georgia. Then the next weekend, going to Gatlinburg with my girlfriend and her fiancee, they are getting married, and we have a log cabin reserved for 2 nights, hot tub, and jaccuzzi, what a fun weekend. And I will be able to fit in the hot tub, lol. Wanted to say Fantastic to my angelette, Teann Smallwood, I see you have already lost 60#??? WOW. You go girl! AWESOME! Also to Teann, my email has changed, it is now [email protected]. I just got my new email set up, that's why I havent been able to email you! Still havent changed msn though. But I miss talking to you! Anyways, need to go, but HUGS to all, and keep on being losers! Love and God Bless!

kylakae 22 years, 1 month ago

Donna, congratulations on all your success! You look fabulous!

Mary H. 22 years, 1 month ago

donna CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT LOSS

Dana L. 22 years, 1 month ago

Way to go Donna Way to go Way to Donna Way to go!Congrats on your weight loss. Keep it up! Dana
About Me
Cartersville, Ga
Surgery Date
Sep 15, 2000
Member Since
