My story.....where to start....

I grew up in Southwest Minnesota. I've struggled with weight issues just about all my life. I remember being younger (like 6 or 7) and being this skinny little girl on my bike. When I was in first grade, that was when I started to gain weight. I still continued being active with friends and such. I was one of the first girls to wear a bra, in 3rd grade. By 7th grade, I was wearing a size 14 jeans, which is what my mom wore at the time as well. Man, that was embarassing. I remember that summer taking a trip to see my grandparents in Arkansa that we hadn't seen in a long time, and my dad making the comment, "there's Jen. She's a big girl, but we still love her." Man, if he only knew how much that hurt. I always got compliments on my smile, and how much older I looked, or my beautiful hair. I was teased in school a lot about my weight, being the biggest girl in my graduating class. I remember my speech class (which I hated to begin with) when the teacher was videotaping our speeches. We watched them a couple of days later and this jerk in my class made the comment that he still wasn't sure if the camera added 10 lbs or not. Now I just look back and ask myself, why was I so nice to my classmates at school when they treated me like crap? By my senior year, I was a loner and my attitude towards others had completely changed. I was no longer the nice, fat girl who would help out my classmates. I was the fat biatch who had had enough of the crap. Since then, I have moved away from that hell and moved on with my life. I just got married September of 2006. I've been looking and researching on the surgery for the last couple of years. I had a friend who had the surgery and everything went well for her. I've tried lots of other things to lose weight - Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Atkins diet, stupid pills. Nothing worked for me. I never understood why. I've changed my eating habits, I walk at least a half hour everyday. Nothing I have done works and I am tired of carrying all this extra weight. I want to be able to run and play with my kids, nephews, and neices without getting tired after 10 minutes. Most of all I want to do it for myself, to be healtihier and look better. I want to be able to run, play volleyball, do all the things I used to do when I was a kid and miss doing.

About Me
Sauk Centre, MN
Surgery Date
Aug 22, 2007
Member Since

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