Just an update....

Mar 28, 2010

It's been months since I've blogged on here. How time flies when you're having fun! ;)

March 24th was my one year mark. I can't believe it's been a year already. I am 20lbs away from my surgeons goal. Speaking of surgeons, mine moved away. :( But the one I am working with now is great, so I'm not too saddened.

Things have definitely gotten easier. I still have cravings for things at times, but I'm an easily distracted person, so I tend to move on and forget about them. I'm keeping up with my exercising and have been having fun doing other things - we didn't make it skiing this year, either because we were busy doing something else or my husband wasn't impressed with the amount of snow we had. Oh well, that saves me from breaking an arm, or a leg, or everything....I am really looking forward to this summer though.

The only thing I am dealing with right now that I don't like is all of the extra skin I have. I was hoping that keeping up with my exercising and weight lifting and all that would help make that minimal, but it didn't. It is kind of gross seeing all that extra skin hanging off of my arms and around my stomach, so I am looking forward to getting rid of that. That is something I will have to look into, but it's not that big of a rush. Though it's a pain in the butt, I'll deal with it.

The last couple of months I've gotten to see family I hadn't seen in years (at a funeral unfortunately) and some friends that I hadn't seen in a few months. I was getting a lot of compliments about how great I looked. I'm still adjusting to the whole getting stared at when out in public. I mean, I've never thought that highly of myself, so it's kind of hard to get used to. I try to ignore it, but sometimes that's hard to do. I tend to become a biatch about it - making some smart arse comment about having a staring problem or taking a picture. It never used to be in admiration (unless it was my husband of course!). At least I have the hubby there for me. Things have stayed strong in our relationship, so I'm thankful for that and for him being here for me through all of this. He's a great man and I am so blessed to be the one to call him mine.


Now that summer is coming to a close....

Sep 22, 2009

I wonder how this winter will be. Will I still be the one to run around with no jacket and wearing sandals while everyone else is wearing layers upon layers of clothes, or will I now become one of them? Things have already started the change in that area. These last couple of days that it's been cooler and rainy, I've had to put on clothes to stay warm. I used to just open the windows and enjoy the cool air. Reflecting back on this summer brings to mind all the things I've done (hence the reason for not blogging much anymore!). All the trips, the walks, the hikes, the days at the lake....Getting to spend more time doing the things I enjoy doing instead of sitting at home complaining about how hot and muggy it is outside. Guess loosing a hundred pounds does that to a person. OK, 97, but still. I'm that close! Other wow moments: hiking 3 miles and not phasing me.... being able to wear an XL shirt....down to size 20 jeans instead of those 28s....cleaning out my entire closet and not even attempting to refill it (yet!). I still have days when I'm hanging out with family and friends and just want to eat whatever it is they're eating (usually something greasy or high in sugar) but it's getting better. I'm making better decisions, I haven't gotten sick in quite a while now and I know my limits. And, of course, there are things I need to work on (IE. water intake). This is definitely a long work in progress and something you really have to work at, but I definitely would not change it for anything. I'm happy I made the decision and I'm sticking to it the best I can.

If anyone is reading this....how are you doing? How are things going? 


I can't think of a title right now.......just me rambling...

Jun 25, 2009

Ok, so I know I just posted a couple of days ago, but I've got new things that I'd like to put in my journal. :)

So my fave pair of jeans that I've been wearing lately are a size 26. My capris that I can no longer wear unless I tie them really tight are a size 26. All my dress pants that I had are either 26 or 28. Last night I was outside doing work in my flower gardens and I was getting sick and tired of having to pull my pants up all the time. It's to the point where I don't have to unbutton them to get them off, I can just slide them right off. Not to mention the neighbors are probably getting tired of looking at my ass! So anyway, I decided to dig through my closet to see what I had in there for jeans because I can not stand wearing a belt. I found 2 pairs of 24s, one of which still had the tags on them and I never wore. I was a little surprised that I was able to fit into them now. So yay there. I dug a little deeper and found a couple pairs of 22s. Even bigger shocker that I could get them on! They were a little snug, but hey, I got them buttoned and I got them zipped up without having to do the usual jump up and down or lay on the bed. So now I am on a mission to find new jeans and get rid of all the ones that don't fit me so I'm not tempted to wear them. I refuse, however, to give up my flannel pants! Those I can alter.

As of this morning, I am down to 256. This is just so hard to believe after thinking about what I was at. I never thought I would ever be under 300 again. I have an awesome support system with my husband, family and friends. Jon has really been helping to make sure I'm doing what I need to and really looks out for me. My family has been more than accomodating when it comes to visiting them and meals and doing more active things. Their consideration to meet my needs is so overwhelming to me at times and isn't something that I'm quite used to yet. I was surprised last weekend when my brother in law called me while I was at my mom's and went over everything that he was going to be grilling for the birthday party and asked if there was anything special I wanted or any certain way I would like something done for me. Then of course there's my mom who was pestering me about my pants and that I had to keep pulling them up. My comment was, what? don't like seeing what color panties I got on today? LOL And the biggest shocker to me -- my Dad has been calling more often checking up on me. He called me Tuesday and asked how I was doing and how things are going and how much I've lost. I told him and he was like, wow, I can't wait to see you! I never really ever talk to my Dad, and the only time I did was when I called him, so that is another good thing that has come out of all of this.

I know there are things that I need to do better to make the most of my weight loss. Everything I don't do is just hindering where I could be by now. I am happy with how things have come thus far, but have decided to go back to basics to make the most of this. It is a challenge, but I knew it wouldn't be easy when I made the decision to go with surgery.

Wow, been a month already!

Jun 23, 2009

Time flies when you're having fun. Well, even when you're not having fun. But it's got to go, right? 

Just an update on what is going on with me.

I had my 3 month visit on June 16. I was hoping to be down to the goal Dr Bettendorf set when I went in for my 2 month visit, but didn't make that. I missed it by 10 lbs. I just need to work harder on getting in everything that I need to. I quit keeping track of everything and since then, I know I haven't been doing everything I should be. So I think it's time to start keeping track again.

This summer has been pretty good so far. My husband and I are spending a lot of time outside. As much as we can. I will hopefully be starting my new job July 1st. I'm praying and hoping anyway. Otherwise there's not much else going on.

I will update later with pounds lost, inches lost and an up-to-date photo. We all know how much we like having our pictures taken.....But for now, I added one from June 14th. We went fishing that evening and just as we were getting ready to pack it up, I asked my husband if I could cast just one last time and of course he said sure. Well, I casted my line out, started slowly bringing it back in and something got it. I was extremely shocked to see a bass jump out of the water! So I got my first bass ever. 3.5 lbs and 17 inches. Can't complain there. Can you tell I'm excited?!? LOL I showed it to my in laws and I guess my father in law told my husband he's never seen me so happy. It's not just because I got the fish though. SInce surgery a lot has changed. I'm not as moody as I used to be (though I still have my temper) and I actually look forward to doing things and participating. I feel like I can do the things I want to and won't get held back because of my weight or inability to do them. Like I said before, this is the first summer with the new me, and I plan on making the best of it and doing all those fun things that I've just sat and watched others do.

Memorial Weekend

May 21, 2009

I can not believe that 2 days ago was my 2 month mark. Wow! It seems like just last week I had surgery. Things are definitely improving and getting a lot easier. I'm excited and look forward to each day and each challenge that comes my way.

So I have to talk about last weekend because I was so proud of myself. I planned a trip up North to Grand Rapids to see Jon's parents. Except Jon didn't know about it. All he knew was that we were taking a trip and that was all. So we left Thursday evening and I had to tell him where we were going because I was getting tired and couldn't drive anymore! LOL So we got there late Thursday night and crashed right away. Friday his step dad had to work, so we spent the day with his Mom. We went to some garage sales and did a little shopping. I took Jon into Glen's Surplus Store because I knew he'd like it. It's like an Army/Sporting/Clothing surplus store. He found a shirt he liked and got that. Of course I found one too, but they didn't have my size. I should have just gotten the XL one. Oh well. Anyway, my big find of the day was a tea pot like what my great grandma used to have. I've looked all over for one and could never find one for less than $25, and that was for one that was all crazed, grazed and just beat up looking. Check this: The first garage sale we went to had the exact same one. FOR A DOLLAR! So that made my day.

Saturday we went to Savanna Portage State Park. We did 3 miles of hiking on the trails. Up and down hills. It was a bit chilly and windy that day, but it was good. I wasn't sweating to death. This was the day that I was proud of. All that walking and I never was out of breath or felt like I was going to pass out. Just my thighs started to hurt after a while. Jon kept telling me how happy he was. So I set a new goal for this summer - go to as many state parks and walk the trails that I can. The ones I definitely want to hit are the ones we went on up north while we were on our honeymoon. Those might have to wait until next year though, when we can take a week off to hit them all!

I thought food and meals were going to be an issue, but it wasn't that bad. Jon's Mom was very accommodating and made some really good meals.

We have another long weekend full of activities. I am putting in a new flower garden along the back of the house where there isn't any grass growing. I get to dig that all up, get some rocks from my bro in law to use as a border, and Monday I got get a bunch of day lilies from a friend to put back there. This is so hard to get used to. Doing stuff in the yard used to be work, but now I enjoy it more than I used to. Hmmm......40 lbs makes that different??? On top of that, we plan on spending as much time as we can at the lake fishing. If it's nice enough, we'll do some swimming and water tubing as well.

Enough blabbing from me. Hope everyone has a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend!
1 comment


May 05, 2009

I had my meeting with the dietitian today. Wow, am I feeling a bit overwhelmed. Just when I was getting used to my 2 week soft food diet, then everything changes again. But it's ok, I'll get used to it. I just have to make sure I get all my protein in, watch things with sugar (10g or less), no more boost, and I have to start getting protein powder into my water and such. So, if anyone knows of some good stuff, let me know. I was suggested to try Adkins Advantage that is suppose to be really good, so I might get some of that. I'm switching my calcium supplement before I choke on one of those Viactiv. I think I'll try the Caltrate or whatever it's called.

This last weekend visiting family and such for my sisters wedding went pretty well. Other than they were passing the flu around and I am yet to catch it. Praying I don't. I'm feeling so good and things are going so well. Anyway, I was all worried about food and what not, but didn't seem to have a problem. I had a couple of pickles, some potato salad that I made specially for me (lite miracle whip, splenda, skim milk) and mashed the living daylights out of it. It was actually pretty good. I ended up doing 5 big batches of potato salad, so that was a pain in the butt. 25 pounds of potatoes. Then I did 5 batches of punch. I'm surprised it was that much considering not many people were there. I didn't have any punch and made sure I brought water with. I tried a couple of bites of white cake, then decided against eating any more of it. I didn't want to risk dumping. After the reception we all went to the bar. I debated about having anything to drink there, but then decided I would try it. I got a bottle of Bud LIte and milked it. Took me 2 hours to drink it and I only drank 3/4 of it. I felt fine, I didn't get sick or anything. That was all I had and I think it will be quite a while before I do that again. Now that I know I can handle it I don't want to make it a habit. It was really hard to make sure I was eating as I should be when we were so busy getting stuff done. But on a good not -- my plateau broke! Finally, after 2 weeks. I weighed myself this morning to find that I had lost 2 more pounds. I think all the extra exercising I did this weekend helped. It was non stop go, go, go.

Other than that, not much else is happening. Working in the yard, literally watching the flower garden grow. Looking forward to fishing opener this weekend. Been riding my motorcycle and bike and just making sure I spend as much time outside as possible. This summer is going to be different than any other, and I am totally looking forward to it.
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Meeting today

Apr 23, 2009

Everything went well. Didn't last long at all. I am now in the 2 weeks of soft/pureed foods and I am SOOOOOOO happy. Deli meat, flaky fish, eggs, mashed potatoes.....finally some variety rather then water and boost! I also have to add B12 vitamins to my morning regimen. Not bad though. Other than that, not much is happening.

Talk about frusteration!

Apr 22, 2009

I am STILL stuck at 278. Been there since Sunday. I've upped my exercise and water intake, still no change. I can't believe I'm at a stall already. It's only been a month! LOL

I took measurements the other night. Thought I'd share them here. A few areas have changed, others no change yet. Lost an inch on both arms, 5 inches on my bust, 2 inches on my waist, 3.5 inches on each thigh, and 0.5 inches around each ankle. Total loss of 24 inches. Not too shabby. 

Meeting with Bettendorf today. Will post later about that.

Back to work I go. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!

4 Weeks and I'm already......

Apr 21, 2009

at a stall. I've been 278 since Sunday. Can't complain too much though. 26 lbs lost in 4 weeks is pretty good in my book. I've already noticed a few things that are different. I can sit with my legs crossed and not feel like I have to work to keep my leg there. My wedding ring is loose and I almost lost it the other day raking leaves. It was a bit cooler out so of course my fingers were smaller yet. Scared me to death so now I don't wear it working outside or anything like that. It's kind of a family heirloom so that would definitely not be a good thing to loose it. Most of my t-shirts fit around my tummy area better, almost a bit baggy. We'll see when I take pics this evening. My 4 weeks of LD is almost up as well. Thursday I go see Bettendorf again and my diet will change to soft and pureed foods. Finally. I am getting really tired of Boost. Water has been getting better, getting more and more in every day. Still working on getting the exercise in. It's hard when I work the hours I do and have very little time before the husband gets home. At least it's nice enough out to take the dogs for walks and get the exercise in. I also bought a nice arm band for my zune so I don't have to worry about it falling out of my pocket. Gotta love ebay. It was cheap. And now I've got the flower garden to keep me busy as well. Stuff is shooting up in there like crazy. It's amazing to me. I've always loved plants. I took pictures last Thursday when stuff was just starting to poke up out of the dirt, and those same plants are 2-3 inches tall already. I should have taken pictures every day but oh well. Always next year. Otherwise, nothing much to report. I haven't done measurements or anything yet, will do them tonight along with some pictures.

This weekend is my birthday and I am so looking forward to it. I was just planning on going out with Jon and spending some time together, but now I found out that a bunch of friends are coming with. So I'm excited about that. We're also taking the boat out and going fishing on Saturday. I love being on the lake and fishing. Been looking forward to it for weeks. And my sister's wedding is coming up. I haven't seen most of my relatives in months, so it will be nice to see them. Got all kinds of things to look forward to.
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3 Weeks and 2 days post-op

Apr 16, 2009

No changes really. I am down to 279 now. I'm working hard on getting all my liquids, vitamins and exercising in, but it really is a difficult task. I have a 32oz water bottle I'm working on getting used to. Two of them a day and I'm good. I'm thinking I might have to switch the viactiv to something else though. They wereren't bad at first, but now.....

Now that it's nicer out, I've been doing yard work. I went for a 30 minute walk yesterday and that was nice. I ordered an armband for my zune so that I don't have to worry about dropping it or it falling out of my pocket when I'm walking. I love that when I'm listening to my music I'm able to just zone everything else out. Good way to clear the mind for a bit and relax a little.

Other than that not much else is happening. Work is keeping me busy and I get antsy and tired of sitting at a desk all day. I got up the other day and walked around for a bit while I was on a conference call so that helps. MIght have to do some rearranging around here so that my monitor is up a little bit higher so that I can stand up and still do work on my computer. We'll see.

I meet with the surgeon again next Thursday and then after that, soft foods. So I shall see....


About Me
Sauk Centre, MN
Surgery Date
Aug 22, 2007
Member Since

Friends 42

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