Changes & Acceptance?!?!?!

Sep 17, 2011

So much has gone on these past few weeks.  I went for all of my pre op appointments and my weight shot up about 13lbs in one week.  I was floored.  I couldn't understand it.  I was accused of starving myself and then pigging out.  My surgeon pushed my surgery back by 3 weeks, bceasue he felt that I wasn't ready for surgery yet.  I cried...I cried...oh how I cried.  I felt like a complete loser and failure.  I had my pitty party, pulled up my big girl panties and moved forward.  I was determined to prove that I didn't gain 13lbs by eating.  So, I kept my food intake moderate.  I ate what I wanted to doing my best to keep it healthy and in smaller portions, so that the following week when I weighed in we could see what was going on.  You should have seen these bitches faces!  Yep the fucking scale was back down where it was supposed to be.  I told that damn hooker that I was bloated from my cycle and she just looked at me like I was crazy.  Apparently her medical knowledge is so much higher than mine that I was ignored.  Fact is, that when I get my cycle I don't fit into my own clothes.  I retain so much liquid it's crazy.  Yes, I took diuretics before my final weigh in for insurance approval and I cut my food way down, but only because Aunt freaking Flow wouldn't leave me alone.  Anyway, my surgery is now scheduled for October 17th.  I have decided to own this date and love this date.  I only told three people in my life why the date was really moved and told everyone else it was blood work issues.  I'm just scared that when I go back on the 5th of Cotober that we will be playing the same Aunt flow game again!  I keep calling and leaving messages for my surgeon to call me so that we can discuss my weight and water retention issues, but his satanic nurse hasn't passed along my messages yet. 

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May 20, 2011
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