Proceed with caution...I have a guard dog

Apr 15, 2009

Cerberus, the guardian of my weight - loss. This ferocious beast will be the destroyer anything that gets in my way.

Be Afraid.

(I have no clue whose dog that is. I found that pic on the Internet. If it is your dog, don't sue me for stealing this. I just think he/she is adorable!

I'm making little changes in my daily life. I find for myself if im making little changes instead of changing everything, they seem to stick better.  But the changes will not only make a difference in my weight, but my overall health which is important too. I started bringing a bag of carrots to work everyday. That way when I'm bored, or getting hungry I can start eating those, instead of the Quaker granola bars or something from the vending machine. I also introduced protein into breakfast every morning. Two slices of chicken cold cuts and egg white and a slice of cheese on a whole grain English muffin. I am thinking about cutting out the English muffin all together and adding vegetables instead. May saute up mushrooms, peppers and onions or something. We'll see what the grocery budget looks like =)

I was at ballys, on the bike, doing my cardio and got ambushed by a very tiny personal trainer that works for the club. She was very nice and very interested, she somehow talked me into a free session. Which I did today. When I tell you how this 90 lb. 5-foot woman kicked the living crap out of me, I mean it. Wow. I feel like jelly. She had me doing jumping jacks and all sorts of strange legs lifts. Which was cool, except I didn't like doing that in front of other people. I don't think thin people really understand how if feels to have all your fluff-n-stuff bouncing around mid jumping jack. Especially in front of other people. Definitely not a self esteem booster. After the session she was saying how we should do this twice a week...and then showed me the prices. Eleven hundred dollars for 16 sessions or 400 dollars a month for 16 sessions. Holy crap. I cant afford that. Do I look like Oprah? No. She was very nice, and her workout was awesome, but there is no way. If that's how much it costs to be thin. I cant be. I will do this myself. Ill take what I learned from her tonight and try to keep it going.

I need to make a work out plan. I think I should get up in the morning and work out. Do all those leg lifts, sit ups and jumping jacks she had me do but in the comfort of my bedroom before work. (I say this now but after I hit the snooze button for the 60th time I probably wont be up for it.) I should get up earlier. I wish I was one of those people that could get up at 4 to go to the gym. I have a problem getting up at 730 when I have work at 9. I usually hit the snooze until 8, when I'm verging on being late.

I need to figure out something to do on weekends tho. I love my best friend. But shes 5 months pregnant. Not the ideal person when you don't want to eat too much. We had pizza and tacos and other wonders of goodness this weekend. I know I am allowed to cheat one day every once and a while, but I cant keep that up. I'm gonna have to carry healthy snacks everywhere. I don't care if my friends think I'm a tool. It has to be done.

I am very excited, however, about her baby shower. Which I'm helping with. She is having a baby girl... Lily Grace. Very sweet name right. I'm the Godmother and I'm really excited about that! I get to be a honorary Aunt! Which is very cool, because I don't have any brothers or sisters. Id be a good aunt. I don't know if I have the mind to be a great mother. I think I'm maternal. I do tend to take care of people better then I take care of myself. I just don't know if I am capable of that much responsibility. I still break all my cell phones and constantly lose my keys. But I could def be a kick ass aunt. I can harness responsibility for a few hours when baby sitting or even days if needed, plus I like to spoil people, so Its perfect. I guess we shall see what the future holds for me.


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North Massapequa, NY
Surgery Date
Apr 20, 2005
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