Minus 60

Jul 08, 2011

Stepped on the scale this morning and have hit the -60 mark!  Yay!  Had my 12 week visit with the surgeon et al on Thursday. According to them I am doing very well. My labs reportedly look good - I forgot to ask for a copy. I am having an awful pain in my lower left abdomen when I bend over or try to do certain pilates or yoga moves. It feels like a stabbing, ripping, burning kind of pain but as soon as I get out of the offending position it stops hurting (there might be a slight residual pain but not bad). However, it hurts so bad when it happens it takes my breath away and brings tears to my eyes. My surgeon said he had a few people complain about this but has no idea what it is as he didn't do any work in that area. His best guess is that it is some type of nerve pain.  Ugh - I really want it to stop because it is inhibiting a lot of things I want to be able to do!  Aside from that I generally feel pretty darn good. I'm still not getting the full 80g of protein per day and not because I'm eating a bunch of carbs or other crap - I'm just not intaking enough. I am getting between 60-75 most days though.  I'm exercising for an hour 4-5 days per week. I am finding that I like taking exercise classes much more than just walking on a treadmill or riding an exercise bike. I do want to buy a bicycle soon but I'm waiting until my weight drops a little lower. Maybe at the 6 month mark.  I will try to get some pics taken this weekend for 3 month comparison pics. 


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Mar 29, 2011
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