Happy Holidays!

Dec 30, 2011

Just a quick update and a new picture...  I am surviving the holidays and managing to lose weight despite all the temptations and some very blatant indulgences.  I am weighing in at 225lbs which is down 128 from surger on 4/12/11. I am so happy with my progress. There are days, of course, when I want it all to go faster but I know it will come with time.  Only 25 more pounds until I break into the 100s!!!!  I honestly can't remember the last time I was under 200. I weight about 255 when I graduated high school - so I am under my high school graduation weight. I am at my lowest weight in well over a decade! These most recent pics were taken about 2 weeks ago at my office holiday party (I loved my red dress!)

And as a reminder.... this is from whence I came:


About Me
Mar 29, 2011
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