Bought a Bike!!

Mar 02, 2012

Ok, well my son and I purchased bikes today and we will be off and cycling , I feel like a child again , I'm so excited , I can see the happiness in my sons face as well to ride again. Went to the Dr today doing really well!! The BP is perfect and I am down to a size 12 and the pants are a bit loose!! My son's friend came over the other night and she hadn't seen me since before the surgery and she didn't know anything. When she walked in a took a look at me I almost needed a depends! Her mouth stayed wide open and for the first time in I don't know how many years the work skinny and you were used in a sentence together!! LMAO!! I was thrilled ! I feel great I'm looking great and the best part is I am able to do my workouts and feel wonderful and the whole family is now involved..collectively between the 4 of us we have lost a good amount of weight!! No stopping us now!! LOL!! Well off to dinner

Sunday Jan 29,2012

Jan 28, 2012

Feeling great , each day even better I am now in the 180 numbers , that has thrilled me to no end!! My cooking has changed considerably...Just a short note for others who would like the taste of a good nutritious meal I changed my ingredients in this dish and it was delicious and NO-ONE in the family knew it had better ingredients! They loved it!
 This fed with leftovers a family of 4 ,3 of which are big boys LOL..
8 OZ of whole wheat penne pasta..
3 cups of fresh broccoli florets
6  5 oz pieces of boneless chicken breast i also cut the breast even smaller and froze the rest
1/2 cup of fat free cream cheese
1 hunts 14.5 oz can of diced tomatoes
1 hunts 4 oz can of tomato sauce
1/3 cup of basil an pesto 
1  tbsp of EVOO

Cook your pasta according to package and then 2 minutes before cooking time is up add the broccoli to the pasta water , once 2 minutes is up drain the pasta and broccoli and set aside. in your fry pan brown the chicken pieces , just brown , don't want to cook through yet ,don't crowd the pan or you will be steaming and not getting the brown you want. once the chicken is browned add the diced an tomato sauce into the pan and cover an simmer 8 minutes . after 8 minutes take the chicken out and set aside now add your cream cheese and whisk gently till its all gone and Incorporated, then add your pesto and whisk again.Once its all Incorporated add your pasta and broccoli to pan and stir then add the chicken back in and heat up till all is warmed. Serve with a wonderful salad! 

Back at the Gym

Jan 22, 2012

I cant tell you how wonderful it feels to be back at the gym, I went back to light workout right now. doing 3 miles on the bike and then from there I join the arthritis pool workout. it feels good to begin my journey to a healthy living.My dinner menus have changed for the whole family and have begun to make up some wonderful recipes for all to eat. I am craving more protein and I have not craved picky foods or sweets. Sweets, just the smell of them make me turn away! How wonderful. This morning i wanted chick peas!!??? Are you serious?? So I went ahead and made my very own hummus and toasted in the oven spinach and garlic wraps cut into triangles and had that for breakfast. was very satisfied. I also this past week made my own version of a vegetarian chili..It was awesome! I now have to write that recipe down now. Its a wonderful an fast go to lunch or in-between , packed loads with mushrooms diced and 5 different kinds of beans along with other ingredients. I find when I need a good warm protein this does the trick. I am down to 190.5 I will be so happy to be in the eighty's soon!!
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Check up Jan 13 2012

Jan 13, 2012

I was so thrilled to see that I went down now to 193. and today I thought I would just step on the scale and I weighed in at 192. I have changed the way I am cooking and using less fat in my cooking for the whole family. Instead of using oil I have begun to use no salt broth just a bit to sear or steam etc. I find my body is now craving all good things like more protein and less fat and starches. I was given the green light to now fully workout , so I am very excited to begin my weekly regimen at the gym . I am really feeling great and cant wait to see what the next month brings.I look forward to the monthly support groups and the new me.


1 month checkup ;)

Dec 16, 2011

I had my 1 month checkup and was thrilled with my results! Pre surgery of the gastric bypass I weighed in at 231. Yesterday I got on the scale and was pleasantly surprised to see it read 203!! Since coming home from the hospital and once I felt a bit better I began to start walking around town. What a wonderful feeling to walk and not be winded! The profile picture right now is pre surgery, soon I will replace it with an updated one;) I am feeling GREAT! follow the foods I need to eat and listen to my body. Eat protein and lots of water! not at the same time though ;) I am quite happy with my self! and enjoy the new me!

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Dec 14, 2011
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