Before/After Pictures

Sep 09, 2009

So, I sent my photos to OH to have them posted on the before/after section and it took a couple of weeks but they did indeed get posted.  Since they have posted I have been contacted daily with support from people that stumbled across my pics and have been inspired.  It is very flattering, ecspecially since I am only 4 months post op myself and not really at the "After" stage yet.  I am getting alot of the same questions from people though so I thought I would put them in a blog to answer.

#1.  I am indeed only 4 months post op from RNY.

#2. My starting weight was 256 lbs, I started weight watchers 9-23-08 and lost 20 pounds, had my consultation with the surgeon 12-15-08 and was placed on the liver reduction diet where I lost another 37 pounds.  The day of my consultation I weighed 235 lbs.  The day of surgery I was 198 lbs, as of today, I weigh 147 lbs.  I am 5'3" and my current BMI is 26.  My goal is 135 lbs. 

#3 Because I am only 4 months post op, I have not had any plastic surgery thus far.  I do have some excess skin, mostly on my tummy, a small bit on my back and just they very, very tops of my arms and legs.  At this point I have no plans to have plastic surgery, too expensive.  If I do, it will be a breast lift/augementation, I can hide the tummy. 

#4 I have just started exercising.  As of right now I do the treadmill 2x a day for 10 min each time, push ups, crunches, squats and lunges.  These are per the exercise physiologist at my bariatric center so they will change periodically. 

#5 I do go to support groups, I find them invaluable, as well as support from twitter and facebook.

I hope this helps anyone that wanted to ask.  These seem to be the main answers to questions that people have been asking me. 

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About Me
Indianapolis, IN
Surgery Date
Dec 15, 2008
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