My story is surely like many others... I began gaining weight at 6 years 12 I was about 180 pounds... My mother also had a weight problem, and I started trying diets with her by then. At 14, I started to eat only vegetables for 6 monts, lost 80 pounds, at 5'7", I was too skinny. My body fat was 3 % !! I maintain this weight, give or take 20 pounds, until university. Then, being less active, I began to gain weight,  but it was not too much I weighted160 pounds. Then I met my husband, started my career, and here goes the weight. I was 230 by my first child, had thyroid problems, and up to 260... Second child, 290...maintained that for 10 years, then I had an accident, stopped working and walking for 3 years, up to 320...During all those years, gained, lost  many times, 30 to 60 pounds everytime, but never maintaining. 

Althought I was heavy, I accepted my weight and was really active, I worked 60 hours a week, and was able to ski, play tennis and skate... So I never tought of having the surgery, because I was able to live a full life...Then I turned 40, gained weight past 300 and had an accident. Since then, I cannot walk or stand more than 10 minutes and I walk with a cane ,I had to stop working, I cannot go shopping by myself, I cannot do any sports etc... Now I realize my weight IS a real problem, and I should have made something about it before... The doctors found that I have severe arthrosis of my 2 knees and that I need surgery to get prothesis...But the surgeon don't want to do surgery at my weight. So he suggested WLS... If I have done it before, maybe my knees wouldn't be so bad... But never too late, I will have the VSG february 2nd 2010, and hope to be able to walk, work, dance and ski  next year!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 10, 2010
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