Bad News

Oct 06, 2009

I went to my surgeon consultation today and my insurance will not cover me.  I do not meet the qualification to have the G-bypass.  I have  to be 256 lbs with no cormobities or at my current weight with cormobities.  I think this is so stupid.  Why not let me have the surgery to prevent future health problems.  Right now I have high cholesterol and severe arthritis.  It's almost like they were saying to me "gain more weight or develop a cormobity.  I am so dissappointed.

I could have my PA refer me to have a sleep study done.  At this point I don't know what to do. 
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Great NEWS!!!

Oct 05, 2009

I got a call today and my Surgeon consulation is tomorrow instead of October 27th, someone canceled.  My heart started pounding and I felt so nervous, because this is real. 

Hopefully, if all go well, which I believe it will, soon I will be having my WLS.

Take Care OH family and I am praying for all of you pre and post WLS friends.

It's October 1, 2009

Oct 01, 2009

Hey OH Family,

It's October already!!!  I have my surgeon consultation October 27th, and  I am soooo.... excited.  I am happy for those of you who have had the WLS and those of us to come.

Well, it's late here in Northeastern N.C. and time for me to go to bed.  Yall have a great night.  I hope to chat with you soon!!!


A little down

Sep 18, 2009

Hello OH family,

I hope all is well with everyone.  I am in a little pain today.  I have pain in my back and knees from cleaning my house this morning, and it's aggravating.  I will be so glad when I can get on my knees to clean my shower without experiencing pain afterwards.   My back is throbbing, and even my tailbone is aching,

My consultation isn't until 10/27/09.  It was originally scheduled for 10/16/09 you know that was depressing to have the date moved back.  However, I have a wonderful support person name Karen (WLS) who is helping me get through all of this.

Well, you all have a GREAT weekend and talk to you soon.
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Lots of Support

Sep 14, 2009

Hello OH fam.,

I want to give a "SHOUT OUT" to all my OH fam.  This site is supporting me.  I really appreciate reading the good, bad, and ugly reagarding Pre and Post WLS.

Those of you who had the surgery stay on task, and remember the reason you had WLS.  For those of us who haven't had the WLS our time is coming.

First Support Meeting 9/10/09

Sep 11, 2009

  It was awesome.  I felt right at home.  Everyone were so nice and supportive.  Even the Drs. were there.  I get more and more exited each day.  I am continuing to pray for patience.  I met a young lady last night that have been waiting for 7 years.  She is 1 week post-op.  The stories were so amazing.  I cannot wait to tell my story.  Take care OH family

About Me
Aug 22, 2009
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