April 27, 2012

Apr 27, 2012

Well, I have been doing alot of research, after getting lots of emails bout the surgeon I chose, bitching at me first over the surgeon I chose to put my life in his hands for surgery (exactly...it's MY life), I researched him and maybe 2 cases on him but nothing big. So if ya'll gonna contact me on here cause of my choice of surgeon, don't bother you will be deleted and blocked. Then I get these emails on the surgery type I chose. Yeah I had asked him for the DS surgery but my surgeon says he reserves those for people with BMI over 50 which I don't have.

So I got to talking to other people and doing research myself on-line on the DS, and have come to a conclusion, to tell him that the DS is what I would rather have since I read more up on it what it actually is and does. It wasn't explained into detail too much during the seminar what it is. Well I have decided to contact him and tell him I want the DS regardless. If I have to go in for another appointment that's fine too. If I have to take a vet referee with me to get this new appointment so be that too.

My 6 months supervised diet is just about finished as of May 9, 2012. So I have time from now till then to get this changed on my records. So wish me luck and will keep you informed and will try not to stay away so long at a time anymore. Have my 3 yr old grandson living with me now, and its like being a new mom all over again.


About Me
Mineral Point, MO
Apr 30, 2005
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