Getting fit!

Mar 30, 2010

I can't believe it's almost been 2 years since surgery, time has gone by so fast. I don't have any complaints and feel incredible. I'm doing things now that I've never done in my life and it feels good!  I recently joined a gym and have been going regularly. I never imagined that I of all people, would be in a gym!  I actually enjoy it and love the way it makes me feel. I have energy!!  I'm very proud of myself that I've taken on the gym. When I was over #400, being on a Treadmill or an Elliptical was the last thing that I would ever want to do....or be able to do for that matter. But now, I go bust out my routine like it's nothing....    I can't say I haven't fallen off the wagon here and there because I have, but I always get back on and straighten out. I will never go back to being fat ever again now that I've gotten a taste of what it's like to live normal :)   I can't thank my surgeon enough....he saved my life and I will be ever so grateful.   Dr. Z rocks!!  


I never imagined.....

Jul 08, 2009

I'm only a couple months or so from being a year out from surgery and I never imagined I'd feel this good!   You don't really realize how bad you felt before until you actually start feeling good...LOL   My life has changed for the better and each day brings something new, something that I never experienced before.  This has been a positive thing in my life for sure and absolutely have no regrets. It wasn't easy and I hit a few bumps along the way but all in all I've been very lucky!   I was once a shy and very quiet person, keeping my head down wherever I went because of all the looks I got. When you're 440#, people aren't very nice to you!  Now it's a whole new game, people look at I just get treated differently. It's a shame that society is like that but I doubt anything will change.  Right now, I'm at 238# and just feeling better than I ever felt in my life. Stalls stink, and I'm in one now but I know it will start moving again sooner or later. I bought an Elliptical and that helps but sometimes I lack getting on it...bad I know.....  I think if I used it more, I'd be losing alot faster....LOL   Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day, right?   So, just wanted to share how I feel and offer support to anyone out there that is WLS bound.  It's a decision of a lifetime and it will change everything about did me....and I'd do it again in a minute!  Well, I'm off to take a walk in the's a beautiful day outside.  More to come soon :-)  

Another 10 lbs gone...forever!!

May 28, 2009

It seems like just yesterday I was having surgery and here it is almost June already!   I couldn't have asked for any different of an outcome, and am very pleased with the way everything has gone so far. I haven't done it on my own though, I've had the help of my friends, family and of course my surgeon Dr. Zografakis and his wonderful staff!!  I never thought this was going to be easy and by no means has it been either. I've worked hard and stayed strong through it all and love seeing the success I've had. I never imagined that I'd feel THIS good and love life like I do. My whole attitude has changed towards everything....and I do mean everything. Experiencing the "wow moments" are the best though...LOL    Sitting in a booth for the first time, crossing my legs, going up and down stairs without the pain and lack of breath...and the list goes on and on.  I'm so thankful to god for directing me in the right path and watching over me through was truly a blessing from above.  It's hard to believe that at one point in my life, I was 440# with one foot in the grave and now...well I'm 240# and using an Elliptical 3 nights a week!!   I just feel great, that's the bottom line :)   I'm 40 pounds away from my goal and know I will get there, I'm SO exited to finally be living again!!  Thankyou lord :-) 


Almost 6 months...

Feb 08, 2009

I can't believe 6 months has almost gone by since my surgery!  It doesn't seem that long really but SO thankful that I did was the best decision ever.  My progress has slowed somewhat but the scale still moves so I'm ok with that. I need to get back to my treadmill but I have had some problems with my feet and they're sore for now.  Adjusting to this lifestyle has been a challenge but it was something I knew I had to do to save my life. Sure I miss some of the junk I use to eat but it's just not worth it anymore. My health has improved and I feel amazing!   it seems like everything is so much easier and I'm getting my confidence back...something that disappeard years ago when the weight came on.  The only thing left that would make me happier...would be to see the warmer weather get    I'm so tired of winter...blahhhh on the snow.  Or, if I hit the million dollar that would even be better than the warm weather....    Have a good day everyone!!  

Over 100 moment!!

Dec 21, 2008

I never thought I'd see the day that I'd lose that much weight but it feels really good!   Today, I put on a pair of pants that I bought a long time ago...and they're a size 22. For so long, I've worn 32's and sometimes 34's...depending.  It was a wow moment for sure. As of today, I'm down 106 lbs... This journey has been something else, but SO worth it. I have my health back and it feels overwhelming at times.  Anyhow, I'm fighting off a sore throat which is driving me nuts. I hope I'm not getting sick though with Christmas so close. Even though I have to work till 2, I still have family coming over that afternoon and have to be on my   Today I went out shopping with my boyfriend and it was too cold to even be out, I think it was 20 degrees and the windchill was below zero. The wind is whipping around like it's a blizzard!  I'm not going out anymore tonight...I'm   Well, have a good evening all and I hope the shopping is done because Christmas will be here before we know it  :)  

1 comment

86 pounds....gone forever!! Woot wooot :-)

Nov 16, 2008

Ahhh, gotta love this Fall weather...I know I do. It's my favorite time of year!  Well, I finally made it back to work and everything is going fine so far. It was hard getting back into the groove of things but I'm doing better than I thought I would. Having this surgery was the best thing I've ever done, I can't believe the difference in the way I feel and it's only been 2 months!!  Wow, I just can't wait for the's going to be awesome. I am SO blessed and grateful for my family and friends who have supported me. And of course, god for getting me through this and guiding me in the right direction.....    Oh...and Doctor Z....totally love him and his staff...they rock!!  lol


Oct 24, 2008

I saw my surgeon on Thursday and was pleased to get the report that not only my bloodwork was in good order but I'm also down 70 lbs!  I was SO happy, I left the office with a smile so wide...I didn't think I would get it in the elevator...  Although tough, this journey has been amazing and I hope and pray to god every nite that is just continues to improve my health. I never knew how good it feels to lose weight and feel healthy...I think I'm addicted   I've been cleared to start working out so now the next phase starts..wish me luck...  

One month out....

Oct 16, 2008

I can't believe it's been one month already, time has gone by so quickly. It's been an adventure to say the least!  I'm getting use to eating a totally different way which has been a task. I never imagined eating would be a chore and not something of enjoyment. I'm tolerating foods quite well but do have problems with some. I had a dumping episode which wasn't pretty at all...and was as horrible as my nut told me it would be!!  I am very careful now of what goes in, that's for sure. It's trial by error I suppose but I'm making it. I just pray that god guides me in the right direction and takes care of me :)  I'm looking forward to a new healthy life and new opportunities!  

Moving right along....

Sep 26, 2008

Well gang, I'm in my full liquid phase and I seem to be doing ok so far. I've been enjoying protein shakes, sf puddings and cream soups. So far, Potato is my favorite I think. Of course it has to be blended down but it's better than the loads of popsicles and jello I had to live on the last 10   It's been hard trying to get all my protein in plus the water, it's a struggle. I still can't seem to fit it all in but I'm trying. I feel pretty good and feel a little better each day that passes. I pray everyday that I heal up and am able to move on :-)   I get out and walk each day and that has gotten alot easier. I'm looking forward to my new life and being healthy! 

Ticking down....

Sep 13, 2008

The clock is ticking down and I only have 2 days till surgery!  Today, I went and got all the goodies I'll need after I get home from the hospital. I'm afraid of the pain I'm going to be in but I know it will be temporary and in the will be worth it!   Everyone here at OH has been so supportive and's just been a great place to come and learn everything I needed to. Well, I have some things to finish up before bedtime. Have a good evening!! 

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 21, 2007
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Latest Blog 16
86 pounds....gone forever!! Woot wooot :-)
One month out....
Moving right along....
Ticking down....
