VSG has to be FDA approved?? What are you talking about?

Oct 12, 2010

Ok, soooooo...I call my insurance company today to see if VSG is covered and the lady tells me "it has to be FDA approved".  I'm going along with it like "Oh shoot...really?"  I'm bummed because I prefer that procedure.  I quite frankly can't self-pay any WLS.  I don't have it like that...it's going to be paid by insurance or I'm in a world of trouble.  So, I'm bummed...I told my best friend, my brother, my mom..."I can't have VSG because it's not FDA approved". 

Then I come to this wonderful resource and posted "why did you choose your procedure?"  I put in the post that I wanted VSG but it wasn't "FDA approved" and several people were like..."ummmm, that doesn't apply dummy" lol Well, they didn't say that or imply that but they should have.  I was dumb for not knowing but even more for actually taking what my insurance company said as gospel.  Apparently, I'm going to have to grow a thicker skin and make some noise...not accept what they say at face value. 

I also got schooled about DS.  I had heard about this procedure but it's not in the forefront of anything that I read.  It seems to be similar to VSG in some ways.  I still have to research.  I don't know yet. 

New Developments

6/10 - Older brother gets LapBand surgery (put the thought in my head)

9/10 - Made a firm decision to seek WLS for myself - Highest weight - 311

9/22&28/10 - attended WLS info sessions at 2 different hospitals

9/30/10 - After some conflicting information I find out my insurance covers WLS (yay!!)

10/8/10 - Cardiac Evaluation - everything is normal...having an Echo Stress test to be certain. - Weight 305.8

**10/15/10 - SCHEDULED - Drs appointment with PCP (will get other insurance requirements scheduled)

**10/21/10 - SCHEDULED - Cardiac Stress Test & Gastric bypass/sleeve support group meeting.

**10/26/10 - SCHEDULED - Mandatory Nutrition Class.

**10/27/10 - SCHEDULED - Mandatory dietitian appointment.

**11/1/10 - SCHEDULED - First surgical consult with Dr. Schweitzer. Yay!!!

Allow me to introduce myself

Oct 10, 2010

Hello everyone.  I am an African-American female.  I have been obese since I was young.  My highest weight was 311 (323 when I was pregnant).  I have lower back pain, severe joint pain, and an extensive family history of diabetes.  I don't have diabetes yet but I had gestational diabetes when I had my son, which is an early sign of future diabetes with excessive weight.  My quality of life is suffering and will only get worse if I don't get this weight off. 

I have spent the last couple of weeks reading and researching all that I can about weight loss surgery.  I am finally ready to make my grand entrance onto the WLS scene.  I have admired so many people that have chronicled their journey and allowed themselves to be a mentor and source of support for others...I want to do the same thing. 

My older brother had the LapBand surgery done at the end of June.  I never thought of having WLS for myself.  It just seemed like something other people did...not me.  Well, when he had his surgery done, I figured I'd look into it.  He gave me his doctor's card and information but I didn't actually do anything with it.  I let it sit on my dresser for about 2 months before I even looked at it. 

Last month, I made a firm decision that I would pursue WLS for myself.  I checked with my insurance first and found out that they did cover WLS.  I was excited about that.  Then I had to find a program.  I was initially looking into 2 different hospitals but after attending info sessions and dealing with office staff I have decided on Dr. Schweitzer at Johns Hopkins.  I have yet to meet him but I've heard he's the best.  I have my surgical consult scheduled for Nov. 1. 

Since making my decision I have found that I'm not interested in eating bad foods right now.  Not really sure why.  I wouldn't call it a diet...I just don't want to eat the bad stuff right now.  So, I'm planning on using this motivation to see how much I can get off before surgery.  The lower I start, the better results I will have after surgery. 

Well, as I said, I've been working on things for awhile so, here's some information about where I am in my journey.


6/10 - Older brother gets LapBand surgery (put the thought in my head)

9/10 - Made a firm decision to seek WLS for myself - Highest weight - 311

9/22&28/10 - attended WLS info sessions at 2 different hospitals

9/30/10 - After some conflicting information I find out my insurance covers WLS (yay!!)

10/8/10 - Cardiac Evaluation - everything is normal...having an Echo Stress test to be certain. - Weight 305.8

**10/19/10 - SCHEDULED - Nutrition Class

**10/21/10 - SCHEDULED - Cardiac Stress Test & Gastric bypass/sleeve support group meeting.

**11/1/10 - SCHEDULED - First surgical consult with Dr. Schweitzer. Yay!!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 10, 2010
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