What do you MEAN I have to try??

Mar 01, 2017

Well that was a surprise... After weighing the pros and cons of undergoing weight loss surgery, I have decided to go ahead with the sleeve.  Today I got the phone call I thought was supposed to be my date for surgery... nope.  Instead, it was the phone call to tell me I am 13 pounds too heavy for surgery.  13 POUNDS. 

I admit, I burst into tears.  Big ugly sobbing tears.  I have to WAIT even LONGER to get surgery?  If I could LOSE 13 pounds, WHY would I NEED surgery??

I did calm down eventually, and have decided this is a good wake-up call.  I am embarrassed to say that I have been treating every day like a goodbye-food-funeral ever since I decided to have surgery.  No healthy diet, no exercise, no NOTHING.  I figured "well, my sleeve will take care of all that.  Besides, I can start good habits after surgery."  What a stupid thing to think.  And do.  So now I have successfully eaten my way out of surgery for at least a few more weeks.  And you know what?

It's for the best.

No lifestyle change should ever start with a frantic all-you-can-eat food fiesta.  Why did I even think that was a good idea?  It's not like I am saying goodbye to food forever.  Just for now.  Once I get to goal, I can choose to reassess my food choices.  For now, though, I need to be accountable, responsible, and mature about my diet.  That means it's KETO TIME! 

So what if I have to wait a few extra weeks to have my surgery?  I think I was approaching it with the wrong mind set.  In fact, I KNOW I was.  I will fail at losing weight after surgery if I do not change the way I eat now.  This gives me a chance to get into the habit of choosing proteins and greens, while leaving carbs in the dust. 

Tomorrow morning I can put my dedication into action.  Eggs with a little cheese for breakfast, to start.  Then, I can consider some tuna salad for lunch, and chicken breast with veggies for supper.  Start adding in my vitamins right now - a good multivitamin, calcium citrate, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and iron.  Give it a week or two... I bet those few pounds will slide right off.  I can pretty much guarantee that most of it is water weight, anyhow.  Keep the ketogenic vibe going up until surgery, then carry on post-op as well.  It would give me a good start to my weight loss and will help me get into the right frame of mind.

One day at a time.

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Feb 14, 2017
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