Holy Crap - I've already lost 27 pounds!!!!

Apr 30, 2011

It's only been 10 days post op and I've already dropped 27 pounds. 

I can't believe it.  I keep getting on and off the scale to make sure I'm seeing right.  For the first week I was drinking a protein powder mix that I thought was "as good as it gets".  But after convincing from my husband I went to GNC and tried a few different protein powders.  And what do you know, there is one out there that I personally find good. {I'm sure everyone's taste is different so I'm not going to mention any product by name}

So today I finally, finally, finally had a protein shake that I thought was good - and what do you know, I might be actually able to do this.......

No more "what have I done" questions, moving on toward the future and a thinner me.......

I wish everyone success with their weight loss and finding the protein shake that works for them....


It's been 4 days and all is well....

Apr 24, 2011

Well had the surgery on Wednesday at 2:30 - I have to be honest, I remember nothing from Wednesday.  My husband said I was in quite a lot of pain and walked Wednesday night but I remember nothing - thank God for good drugs

Thursday and Friday I was in the hospital walking about 6 times a day - pain wasn't too bad - IV drugs were keeping it in check.

Friday afternoon I was released.  SInce then I've really only had one time where I was in a fair amount of pain (because I slept through the night and took no pain meds). 

My surgeon was awesome and gave me a nerve block called the "On Q" - which like like a little plastic ball filled with meds - in a few days I will be able to remove it - by pulling the catheters out from my abdomen.

In the past few days I've been doing housework (light housework) and even getting out to walk around the mall.

I'm getting ready to head out to find a very good blender because my life has become mostly water and protein shakes.  I have heard the Kitchen Aid 560 5 speed is a very good blender for the price so I think I will pick that up.

I wish everyone best of luck in whatever stage of weight loss they are in......



Tomorrow is the BIG day

Apr 19, 2011

OMG I can't believe that tomorrow at 12:30 I will be wheeled into surgery for the sleeve.  The day is here......

What emotions am I feeling????    A little bit of everything..... scared, nervous, happy, excited, hopeful, dread.

I have no idea what to expect from my body after the surgery but I am hoping the best and praying I will bounce back fast.  I'm not setting any limits - my body will tell me if I am pushing it too hard.

SO here's a small prayer to God to watch over me.....


Back in the groove

Apr 11, 2011

Okay ....... sooooooo it's been a while since I have been on here.  Work/baby/husband/exercise/insurance fights/life.... yeah, those things took total control of my life the past month......

But happy news, happy news - I'm not FINALLY scheduled for surgery - April 20th. 

Tomorrow I met with my surgeon to discus my surgery and review all my lab results.  Then one week and I'll be "whisked' away to surgery.... 

Right now I'm a ball of every emotion - happiness (of course) scared/trepidation (of course) and even a little doubt (which I pray will subside soon).

But I'm going full force into this surgery - even watched a youtube video of the surgery being preformed - I kinda felt a bit of pride as the surgery removed the remainder of the patient's stomach - crazy?!?    Probably.....  But here I am world and I'm going for it.........


Really - I LOST weight!

Feb 10, 2011

Yippy - I lost 10 pounds since joining this site!!!!!  Happy Dance     

Slowly but surely - slowly but surely.......


Whoo-hoo - back in the exercise saddle again!

Feb 07, 2011

I'm over my "sickness" and that means that today I will be be going back to the gym - first time in over a week - But hey, at least I'm returning....

Today I'm also starting to include drinking a GALLON of water a DAY So far - that's 6 trips to the little girl's room for me.... Please dear Lord don't let me have an accident at the gym..... LOL!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  And yes - Mondays suck - but thank God we are even given this day to love each other and give back positive karma into the world.....

I pray each of you have a FABULOUS week!!!!!!! 

Sickness sucks the life out of a person

Feb 03, 2011

Yeah - that's me.....  I have been so miserable.  Yuck!  I wish we could have a "well pill" that would just make a person better as soon as they took it. 

Feeling so low that I had to miss work for a few days and cancel my appointments at the gym with my trainer.....

But you know what - as soon as I'm up and about - I'm gonna kick twice the butt at the gym.   

Seeing a therapist

Jan 28, 2011

Well, I saw my therapist today - been going to one for a while now.  Started going three years ago when my best friend committed suicide - somehow that tragic event spun into counseling on how I can make myself a better person.  Since starting the process of getting WLS, I have been seeing the good doc about past issues that lead to gaining weight/worries about what life will be like when I lose the weight. I’m so scared about surgery…. On one hand I know it will free my body from all this “weight” but on the other hand my mind needs freeing also. I live in my mind and I can still hear all the “voices” from the past saying how I was never good enough. That is tough – especially when I have taken those voices from the past and played them as a record as I ate and ate and ate myself to this weight. And now I’m going to shed this weight and in the process shed those voices?!?!  Those voices held me behind bars of insecurity and fear for so long – how can I live on the “outside” – I can only image this is what a reprieve and release on a life sentence in jail must feel like….



Jan 27, 2011

Well today is my first day on this site...... 

Backstory:  I have a really awesome friend that has had the lap band surgery and has had much success - congrats to her   That fueled my journey to getting a sleeve surgery.  I "think" I have jumped through all the hoops that are required and now I'm just waiting for insurance approval  

I have been going to the gym on an average of 2-3 times a week for the past two months, just started really tracking my food intake and decided to join this community for support and to find people in like situations. 

I must say all the before/after photos are pure INSPIRATION!  I hope the best for each and everyone who are attempting WLS - for me it's been a hard journey so far but I am the better for it.......

Much love 

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 26, 2011
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