Stats/reflections at 10 months

Nov 26, 2013


High weight:  265

Surgery weight: 253 (-12 lbs) (No picture, sorry!)

Month 1:  232 (-21 lbs)

Month 2: 216.4 (-15.6)

Month 3: 204.6 (-11.8)

Month 4: 191.2 (-13.4)

Month 5: 178.2 (-13)

Month 6: 168.4 (9.8)

Month 7:  157 (11.4)

Month 8:  146.4 (10.6)

Month 9:  140.2 (6.2)

Month 10:  135 (5.2)

Total Loss: 130 total, 118 since VSG

My dr. would like me to get down to 130 just to help with regain/maintenance.  I'm listening to him because he seems to know what he's doing, although I have no idea where the weight will come from (if not skin) at this point.

I did another body comp last night and am down to 20.9% body fat.

I can NOT believe this is me.  I have size 4 pants in my closet.  I own boots.  I go to exercise classes and kick booty.  My arms are amazing (other than the batwings).

If you are thinking about having WLS, I really encourage you to do it.  This has been a really powerful and empowering experience.  I'm a bit intimidated at the idea of venturing into maintenance because I feel like I know how to eat for weight loss (even though I've been hanging out around 135 for a while now--lowest was 133.8, but I think I was dehydrated).  But maintenance is kind of scary. 

Fortunately, I have a great support group and plenty of vets to help me, plus a kick-ass RD. :)


Also, in my pics there's a collage of all 10 months of progress. :)

